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Identifier (to identify) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of identifier

Present tense
I identify
tu identifies
you identify
il/elle/on identifie
he/she/it identifies
nous identifions
we identify
vous identifiez
you all identify
ils/elles identifient
they identify
Present perfect tense
j’ai identifié
I identified
tu as identifié
you identified
il/elle/on a identifié
he/she/it identified
nous avons identifié
we identified
vous avez identifié
you all identified
ils/elles ont identifié
they identified
Past impf. tense
I was identifying
tu identifiais
you were identifying
il/elle/on identifiait
he/she/it was identifying
nous identifiions
we were identifying
vous identifiiez
you all were identifying
ils/elles identifiaient
they were identifying
Future tense
I will identify
tu identifieras
you will identify
il/elle/on identifiera
he/she/it will identify
nous identifierons
we will identify
vous identifierez
you all will identify
ils/elles identifieront
they will identify
Past perfect tense
j’avais identifié
I had identified
tu avais identifié
you had identified
il/elle/on avait identifié
he/she/it had identified
nous avions identifié
we had identified
vous aviez identifié
you all had identified
ils/elles avaient identifié
they had identified
Past preterite tense
I identified
tu identifias
you identified
il/elle/on identifia
he/she/it identified
nous identifiâmes
we identified
vous identifiâtes
you all identified
ils/elles identifièrent
they identified
Past anterior tense
j’eus identifié
I had identified
tu eus identifié
you had identified
il/elle/on eut identifié
he/she/it had identified
nous eûmes identifié
we had identified
vous eûtes identifié
you all had identified
ils/elles eurent identifié
they had identified
Future perfect tense
j’aurai identifié
I will have identified
tu auras identifié
you will have identified
il/elle/on aura identifié
he/she/it will have identified
nous aurons identifié
we will have identified
vous aurez identifié
you all will have identified
ils/elles auront identifié
they will have identified
Present subjunctive tense
que j’identifie
that I identify
que tu identifies
that you identify
qu’il/elle/on identifie
that he/she/it identify
que nous identifiions
that we identify
que vous identifiiez
that you all identify
qu’ils/elles identifient
that they identify
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie identifié
that I have identified
que tu aies identifié
that you have identified
qu’il/elle/on ait identifié
that he/she/it have identified
que nous ayons identifié
that we have identified
que vous ayez identifié
that you all have identified
qu’ils/elles aient identifié
that they have identified
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’identifiasse
that I would identify
que tu identifiasses
that you would identify
qu’il/elle/on identifiât
that he/she/it would identify
que nous identifiassions
that we would identify
que vous identifiassiez
that you all would identify
qu’ils/elles identifiassent
that they would identify
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse identifié
that I had identified
que tu eusses identifié
that you had identified
qu’il/elle/on eût identifié
that he/she/it had identified
que nous eussions identifié
that we had identified
que vous eussiez identifié
that you all had identified
qu’ils/elles eussent identifié
that they had identified
Conditional mood
I would identify
tu identifierais
you would identify
il/elle/on identifierait
he/she/it would identify
nous identifierions
we would identify
vous identifieriez
you all would identify
ils/elles identifieraient
they would identify
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais identifié
I would have identified
tu aurais identifié
you would have identified
il/elle/on aurait identifié
he/she/it would have identified
nous aurions identifié
we would have identified
vous auriez identifié
you all would have identified
ils/elles auraient identifié
they would have identified
Imperative mood
let's identify!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie identifié
have identified
ayons identifié
let's have identified
ayez identifié
have identified

Examples of identifier

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Afin de vous qualifier pour ce voyage, vous devez identifier votre destination"To qualify for your six-month vacation you must identify your destination
"Ils essaient d'identifier les corps.""They're working to identify the bodies."
"Impossible à identifier. Refusé"."Cannot identify, requisition cancelled".
"Inutile d'identifier l'éventuel problème." Dites juste "conséquences pour la santé de l'homme".You don't have to identify what the potential problem is just say human health implications.
"J'ai lu aussi que vous avez dû identifier le corps de votre fille"I also saw that you had to identify your daughter's body
"... le Chien Enragé a été identifié !" "Il a assommé un propriétaire de Palmsville !""Mad Dog"Roy Earle has been identified as the man... who slugged a tourist camp proprietor this morning at Palmville on route 395.
"...fermer les écoles dans tout le pays, mesure préventive destinée à réduire "la propagation du virus toujours non identifié actuellement, "vers des zones fortement peuplées.[Woman] Closure of schools up and down the country as a preventative measure, intended to minimize the spread of the yet unidentified virus, should it reach heavily populated areas.
"Bien que le chef Percy Hammond, qui le premier a identifié Buck, "le frêre de Clyde Barrow, comme faisant partie du gang...""Though Chief Percy Hammond, who first identified Clyde Barrow's brother, Buck...
"Coulez à vue tout sous-marin non identifié, rose ou autre."Any unidentified submarine, pink or otherwise, is to be sunk on sight.
"Homme non identifié portant un micro retrouvé mort."unidentified man found dead"?
"Je m'identifie a Banky parce que c'est Jason Lee.I'm sitting there, chuckling and listening, and he's like: "I identify with the Banky character because it's Jason Lee again.
"Le coroner n'a trouvé aucune trace d'acte criminel et a envoyé les os, les effets et des échantillons de terre à l'Institut, dans l'espoir qu'on l'identifie."The local coroner found no obvious evidence of foul play and sent the remains, a few artifacts, and soil samples to the jeffersonian, hoping we could identify her.
"Salut, j'ai pas confiance en moi et je m'identifie aux insectes"."Hi, I have low self-esteem and identify with bugs."
- Comment on l'identifie, alors ?So how can we identify her?
- Et on les identifie comment ?And identify them? How?
"Si vous identifiez correctement la destination,"If you correctly identify your vacation destination,
- Coucou identifiez-vous.- Beechcraft, identify.
- Coucou, identifiez-vous.- Beechcraft, please identify.
- Et identifiez-vous immédiatement.- and identify yourself immediately.
- Jumper 3, identifiez-vous.- Jumper 3, please identify.
Betty Wright portait un bracelet d'alerte médicale l'identifiant comme donneuse d'organes.That's right. Betty Wright was wearing a medic alert bracelet identifying her as an organ donor.
Celle d'Helen Kimble identifiant son assassin... son mari, Richard Kimble.The voice of Helen Kimble identifying her killer her husband, Richard Kimble.
Dans ce cas, le Jeffersonian donnera un communiqué de presse identifiant la fille dans l'étang.In that case, the Jeffersonian will be issuing a press release identifying the girl in the pond.
Dans cette affaire le VPD n'a pas suivi la procédure en s'identifiant auprès de l'accuséIn this case the VPD failed to follow proper procedure in identifying themselves to the accused.
En identifiant et en éliminant ceux que vous pensez être de mauvais garçons.By identifying and winnowing out the ones you see as, as bad guys.

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