Consumir (to consume) conjugation

97 examples

Conjugation of consumir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I consume
you consume
he/she/it consumes
we consume
you all consume
they consume
Present perfect tense
he consumido
I have consumed
has consumido
you have consumed
ha consumido
he/she/it has consumed
hemos consumido
we have consumed
habéis consumido
you all have consumed
han consumido
they have consumed
Past preterite tense
I consumed
you consumed
he/she/it consumed
we consumed
you all consumed
they consumed
Future tense
I will consume
you will consume
he/she/it will consume
we will consume
you all will consume
they will consume
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would consume
you would consume
he/she/it would consume
we would consume
you all would consume
they would consume
Past imperfect tense
I used to consume
you used to consume
he/she/it used to consume
we used to consume
you all used to consume
they used to consume
Past perfect tense
había consumido
I had consumed
habías consumido
you had consumed
había consumido
he/she/it had consumed
habíamos consumido
we had consumed
habíais consumido
you all had consumed
habían consumido
they had consumed
Future perfect tense
habré consumido
I will have consumed
habrás consumido
you will have consumed
habrá consumido
he/she/it will have consumed
habremos consumido
we will have consumed
habréis consumido
you all will have consumed
habrán consumido
they will have consumed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I consume
(if/so that) you consume
(if/so that) he/she/it consume
(if/so that) we consume
(if/so that) you all consume
(if/so that) they consume
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya consumido
I have consumed
hayas consumido
you have consumed
haya consumido
he/she/it has consumed
hayamos consumido
we have consumed
hayáis consumido
you all have consumed
hayan consumido
they have consumed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have consumed
(if/so that) you have consumed
(if/so that) he/she/it have consumed
(if/so that) we have consumed
(if/so that) you all have consumed
(if/so that) they have consumed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have consumed
(if/so that) you have consumed
(if/so that) he/she/it have consumed
(if/so that) we have consumed
(if/so that) you all have consumed
(if/so that) they have consumed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera consumido
I had consumed
hubieras consumido
you had consumed
hubiera consumido
he/she/it had consumed
hubiéramos consumido
we had consumed
hubierais consumido
you all had consumed
hubieran consumido
they had consumed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese consumido
I had consumed
hubieses consumido
you had consumed
hubiese consumido
he/she/it had consumed
hubiésemos consumido
we had consumed
hubieseis consumido
you all had consumed
hubiesen consumido
they had consumed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have consumed
(if/so that) you will have consumed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have consumed
(if/so that) we will have consumed
(if/so that) you all will have consumed
(if/so that) they will have consumed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere consumido
I will have consumed
hubieres consumido
you will have consumed
hubiere consumido
he/she/it will have consumed
hubiéremos consumido
we will have consumed
hubiereis consumido
you all will have consumed
hubieren consumido
they will have consumed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's consume!
Imperative negative mood
no consumas
do not consume!
no consuma
let him/her/it consume!
no consumamos
let us not consume!
no consumáis
do not consume!
no consuman
do not consume!

Examples of consumir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Sólo es que quieren consumir películas y música de esa forma""They just want to consume movies and records that way."
- Un panda necesita consumir...- A panda needs to consume...
- listo a consumir su víctima".- Eager to consume his next victim. "
- ¿Yo la crié para consumir veneno?- Did I rear you to consume poison?
..."y proceder a consumir toda una botella de licor de melocotón hasta desmayarte"."...and proceed to consume an entire bottle of peach schnapps until you pass out."
"Compuesto de post-consumo materiales reciclados."Composed of post-consumer recycled materials.
"Estamos hartos del dinero, de los beneficios, del poder de los países ricos, del consumo, de agotar la tierra, basta ya.""We're sick of wealth, profits, bossy rich nations, consumerism, exploiting the earth. It's gotta stop!"
- Los estudios han demostrado que el movimiento de un tren puede provocar impulsos de consumo.Studies have shown that the motion of a train can spark consumer impulses.
- Mm-hmm. Descongestionantes, sprays nasales, todo eso. La porquería de consumo.Decongestants, nasal sprays, all that consumer crap.
- ¿Eso es todo? - Bien, como vamos a perforar Southfork desde el rancho Henderson eso pagará la deuda, que hemos estado buscando en Barnes Global activos para vender, y el sector que parece madurar es la división de consumo.- Well, since the Southfork oil we're slant-drilling from the Henderson ranch is going to pay off debt, we've been looking into Barnes Global assets to sell, and the one sector that seems ripe is the consumer division.
"Médicoy experto en nutrición" Cuando consumes azúcar' lactosa, que el intestino no puede digerir porque notiene la enzima lactasa,When you consume a sugar, which is lactose, that the bowel cannot digest because it doesn't have the lactase enyme, what happens is that sugar... goes through your small intestine where it's supposed to be digested,
Amigo o enemigo, tú produces tu imagen... produces y consumes tu imagen con la mía... distribuyendo la mía a tu imagen.Friend or enemy, you produce your image... You produce and consume your image with mine... distributing mine to your image.
As que si usas un sistema P2P como el antiguo Napster, o Gnutella, o bittorrent, en este caso, est s participando en la comunicaci n por Internet tal y como fu dise ada originalmente, est s sirviendo contenidos, a la vez que los consumes.So whether you're using a long-lost peer-to-peer system, like the original Napster, or you're using Gnutella, or you're using bittorrent the principle here is that you are actually engaging in internet communication as it was originally designed, you are able to serve content as well as consume.
Correcto, consumes su cuerpo y bebes su sangre; es parte de...Correct, you consumed his corpse and you drank his blood; that's a part of...
Cuando consumes el azúcar de forma natural, es decir en la fruta, estás recibiendo la fibra que necesitas para mitigar los efectos negativos.When you consume sugar naturally, that is, in fruit, you're getting the fiber that you need to mitigate the negative effects.
"Celia, mi soledad me consume... pero veros infeliz es lo peor"."Celia, my loneliness consumes me, but I see your unhappiness is as great as mine".
"El americano común consume más de 68 kilos de azúcar y edulcorantes al año"."It consumes common American ... Over 68 kilos ... sugar and sweeteners per year. "
"El deseo me consume como una llama"Desire consumes me like a flame
"Ella me consume con su tamaño "no puedo creer lo que veoShe consumes me with her size,... cannot believe my eyes.
"Guarda las almas de todas las criaturas muertas que consume."It keeps the souls of all the fallen creatures it consumes.
# Sólo importamos por lo que consumimos.#We matter only insofar as we consume.
# Sólo interesa lo que consumimos #We matter only insofar as we consume.
- Las consumimos.- We consume them.
80% de la energía que consumimos proviene de fuentes de energía fósiles.I know, that 80% of the energy we consume comes from fossil energy sources.
Así es la gente. Llegamos, consumimos lo que podemos y nos vamos.We arrive, consume what we can and then leave.
"Los hábitos injustos nos consumen como el cáncer.""Unjust customs consume us like cancer."
"Que, al besarse, se consumen. ""which, as they kiss, consume."
"¿Cuáies deseos que me consumen?""what desires now consume my heart?"
"¿Cuáles deseos que me consumen?""what desires now consume my heart?"
378000000000 litros de agua se consumen cada año en los EE.UU..378 billion litres of water is consumed each year in the US.
A través del curso de mi McDieta, consumí 13,6 kilos de azúcar de su comida.Over the course of my McDiet, I consumed 30 pounds of sugar from their food.
Dejaron un sabor desagradable cuando consumí su esencia.They left an unpleasant taste when I consumed his essence.
Me consumí al salvarte.I became consumed with saving you.
Me consumí intentando salvarte, venciendo la enfermedad.I'd became consumed with saving you,
Nunca consumí roedores.I never consumed any rodents.
-Y en un viaje de 29 kms, consumiste dos bicicletas.~ In an 18-mile journey, you consumed two bicycles.
...por las cuales consumiste tu vida.for which you've consumed your life...
No me estás diciendo... ¿qué consumiste a un Progenitor para convertirte en uno, no?You're not telling me... you consumed a Progenitor to become one yourself, are you?
No te quiero para cundir el pánico o algo así, pero sólo consumiste una cantidad y persona más enfadada.I don't want you to panic or anything, but, uh, you just consumed a quantity of alcohol meant for a much, much larger and angrier person.
Nos consumiste.You consumed us.
- Sí, pero en este caso... consumió altos niveles de alcohol y narcóticos- In a lot of cases, yes. Yeah, but in this case, he consumed high levels of alcohol and narcotics.
A Buttercup la consumió el vacío que sentía.Buttercup's emptiness consumed her.
Al Rajá siempre lo consumió la idea de que si yo nunca hubiera nacido su padre no hubiera muerto.The Rajah has always bee consumed with the idea his father would never have died if I never existed.
Al hombre lo consumió la codicia.The man became consumed by greed.
Aquí hay unos escones que Tibby aun no consumió.Here are some scones that Tibby hasn't yet consumed.
"Las mujeres que consumieron poco alcohol tuvieron un riesgo menor de sobrepeso durante los 12 años posteriores"."Women who consumed a moderate amount of alcohol had a lower risk of becoming overweight during 12 years of follow-up."
Bueno según lo que investigó su gobierno el año pasado se consumieron 660 toneladas de cocaína en su país.Well... your government's research says... 660 tons of cocaine were consumed in the United States last year.
Bueno, la más conocida fue probablemente Margaux Hemingway. y se pronuncia de esa forma porque en la noche que ella fue concebida sus padres consumieron una botella entera de chateau MargauxWell, the most famous was probably Margaux Hemingway, and it was spelled that way because on the night she was conceived, her parents consumed an entire bottle of chateau Margaux.
Corrió de aquí para allá y al final, lo consumieron las llamas.Now, he runs this way and that... but finally he is consumed by the flames.
Desde que las llamas consumieron mi infancia, sólo he estudiado.Since the flames consumed my childhood, all l've done is study.
A una mente tan primitiva como la tuya, le consumiré cada uno de tus pensamientos.A mind as primitive as yours, I will consume your every thought.
Puedo aplastarte ante los ojos de tu hijo, y después los consumiré a los dos.I can crush you before the eyes of your son, then I will consume you both.
- Pero ese conocimiento te consumirá.-But the knowledge will consume you.
-El fuego te consumirá y serás una de nosotros para siempre.Tonight fire will consume you and you will be one of us forever.
A la velocidad actual consumirá al Enterprise en nueve horas, 17 minutos.At its current rate of expansion, it will consume the Enterprise in approximately nine hours, 17 minutes.
Allison, el terremoto te consumirá la semana próxima, sabemos como funciona esto.Allison, the earthquake will consume next week know how this works.
Así la sed... por tu venganza frustada... te consumiráSo that your thirst for unfulfilled revenge will consume you.
- Las turbinas consumirán más combustible- The turbine will consume more fuel
Debes aprender a reprimirlas, de otra forma te consumirán.You must learn to suppress them all. Otherwise, they will consume you.
En 10 minutos las llamas debajo de tus pies consumirán esta habitación.In 10 minutes, flames beneath your feet will consume this room.
Es difícil decir desde esta posición si ellas... consumirán a los terrícolas cautivos o si simplemente los esclavizarán.It's difficult to tell from this vantage point... whether they will consume the captive Earthmen... or merely enslave them.
Son parecidos sólo en cuanto a que la demencia del poder los ha invalidado y, entre ambos, consumirán el continente.They are the same, but only in that the insanity of power has overruled them. And between them, they will consume the continent.
Ardían con un fuego que consumiría el mundo--They burned with a fire that would consume the world.
Desde ese momento, sufriría de un síntoma tan aterrador, que consumiría cada minuto de cada hora de cada día.From that point onward, I would suffer from a symptom so frightening, it would consume every minute of every hour of every day.
El octavo día, Artemisia susurró la semilla de locura que lo consumiría.On the eighth day, Artemisia whispered the seed of madness... that would consume him.
La antimateria no consumiría solo a los escombros al depósito de abajo también.Anti-matter would consume not only the debris, but the storage facility underneath as well.
Leyendas del día del ajuste de cuentas cuando la muerte consumiría la tierra, y el bien se enfrentaría al mal del día en que el maleficio se quebraría para siempre o se haría más fuerte y viviría para plagar las futuras generaciones.Legends of the day of reckoning, when death would consume the land, and good would face evil... of the day the curse would be broken forever... or grow stronger and live on to plague generations to come.
Los tanques consumirían grandes cantidades de combustible y munición.The tanks would consume huge quantities of fuel and ammunition.
Nos consumirían.They would consume us.
"Deja que el deseo consuma nuestros cuerpos y almas un poco.""Let desire consume us body and soul"
- Justo aquí. Llegar al cebo y sumergirse rápido en el agua es la clave antes que se consuma el banquete.Getting to the bait balls and into the water quickly is key, before the feast is consumed.
A Adonai y a Azrael... al cuidado de los amos de la llama y de los infiiernos... entrego este cuerpo para que se consuma eternamente en este fuego purgatorio.Unto Adonai and Azrael... into the keeping of the lords of the flame and lower pits I consign this body... to be forevermore consumed in this purging fire.
Antes de que la consuma por completo.Before it completely consumes you.
Cuando todos los atomos de tu cuerpo se separen y te consuma, entonces sabrás lo que dueleWhen all the atoms in your body are ripped apart and I consume what's left then you'll know what pain is.
Antes de que te consumasBefore we are consumed
Espero que repongas lo que consumas.I hope you're planing on replacing however much of it you consume.
No la consumas.Do not consume it.
No las recibas, no las consumas,Don't receive them, don't consume them,
Pero no permitiré que te consumas por el odio.But I will not have you consumed by hate.
El sistema nos quiere enfermos e insatisfechos, para que consumamos compulsivamente sus productos y llamemos a eso vida.- The system wants us sick and unsatisfied so we'll mindlessly consume their products and call that living.
En las abrasadoras llamas, no quiero que nos consumamos."ln fires of attrition, l don't want us..." "to be consumed. - l'm doomed, in any case"
Pero por una vez, hay mayores preocupaciones que la erradicación de todos los Goa'uld lo que consumamos aquí, conseguir la libertad, sus consecuencias no estaban suficientemente planeadasBut for once, there may be greater concerns, than the eradication of all the Goa'uld. So consumed were we, in attaining freedom, that we did not plan nearly enough for its aftermath.
Ardes sin que las llamas te consuman.You burn, but the flames don't consume you.
Bueno, la definición científica más amplia podría ser que la vida es lo que permite que plantas y animales consuman alimento, lo conviertan en energía, crezcan, se adapten a su entorno y se reproduzcan.Well, the broadest scientific definition might be that life is what enables plants and animals to consume food, derive energy from it, grow, adapt to surroundings and reproduce.
Crecerá hasta que se consumanWill grow until it consumes
Esto causará una explosión de crecimiento nuevo cuando consuman las contaminadas aguas del océano.This will cause an explosion of new growth as they consume the polluted ocean waters.
Hasta entonces, aconsejaré a todos que no consuman nada que no esté sellado.Until then, I'd advise everyone to not consume anything that isn't sealed.
"El azufre del infierno es su alimento consumido en soledad desde el nacimiento".Hell's brimstone his food, consumed from birth, in solitude.
"La relación acabó en 1994, pero el paciente sigue siendo consumido por sentimientos abrumadores de pérdida y arrepentimiento.""The relationship ended in 1994, but the patient remains consumed "by overwhelming feelings of loss and regret."
"Querida Josefina: Despierto consumido por pensamientos de ti"."My dearest Josephine, I wake consumed with thoughts of you."
"le presentamos su cuerpo para ser consumido por el fuego..."... we therefore commit his body to be consumed by fire...
"pueda ser consumido como un recurso para una vida saludable y prolongada.""may be consumed as a means for a prolonged, healthy life."
- Están consumiendo todo esto.- They're all consuming this.
- y ahora lo está consumiendo.Changed the metal into gold, now consuming it.
Acabo de tener un gran avance en cuanto a cómo podríamos estar consumiendo tanto fructosa.I've just had a breakthrough as to how we might be consuming so much fructose.
Algo la está consumiendo.Something that is consuming her.
Así es como Francis terminó consumiendo más veneno que nadie.That's how Francis ended up consuming more poison than anyone else.

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