- Ma topin enda omad madratsi alla. | - I just stuff mine under the mattress. |
...ja siis topin ta kurguni küpsiseid täis! | -And then I stuff the crackers down his throat! |
Ja kui ma 100 suitsu saan, topin nad sulle suhu sunnin sul neid suitsetama, nagu see kutt Guinnessi rekordite raamatus. | And then when I get 100 cigarettes, I'm gonna stuff 'em all up in your mouth and make you smoke 'em, like that dude from the Guinness Book. |
- Jah, parandasin... ja ma ei taha, et sa neid kuradi paberrätikuid sinna topid. | - Yes, I did, and I don't want you stuffing any goddamn paper towels down there. |
Ja nagu arstidki ütlevad, kui topid head kraami sisse, siis tuleb hea kraam kindlasti ka välja. | Any doctor will tell you... if you put good stuff in... good stuff is definitely gonna come out. |
Jah, ma parandasin, ja ma ei taha, et sa iga neetud paberkäteräti sinna topid. | - Yes, l did, and l don't want you stuffing any goddamn paper towels down there. |
- Sa ei teadnud, et ta oma rinnahoidjat täis topib? | ##[Continues Indistinct] You didn't know she stuffs her bra? Terry stuffs her bra? |
- Terry topib oma rinnahoidjat? | - Terry stuffs her bra? - You didn't know those were socks? |
Ta topib nad täis ja paneb oma seinale rippuma! | He stuffs them and he pins them on his walls! |
Anname neile rahustit, topime kasti. | I say we tranq 'em, stuff 'em in a crate. |
Joe Topisetehas. Teie notite, meie topime. | You snuff'em, we stuff'em. |
Me täidame enda kohust ja topime valimiskastid täis, ning hiljem saab Pablo aplausi, kui meie riske võtame. | Well... we fulfill our duties, stuffing the ballot box, and later we let Pablo receive the applause, and take the risk. |
topime Õnneseene õunu täis ja ahju! | let's stuff lucky. |
Te kas lähete siit välja ja topite selle endale näkku, või istute vaikselt siin ja ootate oma venna ärkamist. | You either get out of here and stuff your face... or sit here quietly and wait. |
Ja siis nad veeretavad seda kaeras ja topivad sinna kreeka pähkleid ja kuumi kive | And then they roll it in oats and stuff it full of walnuts and hot rocks |
Kus on teised võmmid ja mehed, kes asju kilekottidesse topivad? | So where are the other cops and the guys who put the stuff in the baggies? |
Kõik muudkui räägivad, mida me peaks tegema, topivad igasuguseid asju meile selga. | I've had everybody telling us what we have to do, sticking stuff on us. |
Mida nad siia sisse küll topivad? | - What do they put in this stuff? |
Ta ei topi suud toitu täis. | - Does not stuff her gob! |
Ei, see kuulub tüübile, kelle ma tapsin ja pakiruumi toppisin. | Is this your car? No. It belongs to the guy I killed and stuffed in the trunk. |
Ma alles eile toppisin soki ette. | I just stuffed a sock in it yesterday. |
Ma toppisin. | I stuffed it. |
Arvasin, et sa toppisid ta täis. | I thought you had her stuffed and mounted. |
Eile sa toppisid virsikuid selle naise kehasse. | So yesterday you stuffed this in that woman's body! |
Nad murdsid surnukuuri, lõikasid Leo lahti ja toppisid ta T.N.T-d täis. | They broke in, cut Leo open and stuffed him with T.N.T. |
- Cameron toppis surnud tüüpi pakiruumi. | Cameron stuffed a dead guy in the trunk. |
Jones pidi ta tapma ja siis toppis ta keha pesumasinasse. | Jones had him killed, And then he stuffed his body in a washing machine. |
Keegi tappis ta ja toppis paaki. | Someone murdered and stuffed him in the pod. |
Kes toppis ta täis? | Who stuffed him? |
Kuidas nii, sa ei olnud kohal, kui mind õmmeldi ja täis topiti ega ju? | You weren't around when I was stuffed and sewn together were you? |
- Lihtsalt topi püksi. | - Just stuff 'em down your pants. |
Anna siis tuld, topi mind täis ja karga selga! | Shoot me, stuff me, mount me. |
Celine, vaata, et sa neid liiga täis ei topi, sest ahjus hakkab see muidu üle ajama. | Celine, make sure you don't stuff them too much because of the way it overflows in the oven. |
Hei, pontsu, topi oma näkku! | Hey, fatso, stuffa you face! |
Kui minu poole jõuad, siis topi kõik tema riided prügikotti, kui ta vanni läheb. | When you get to my place, stuff all of his clothes in a trash bag while he gets in the tub. Here we go. |
Ega ka see klaverimäng, mis sealt läbi kostub, seega võtke need juhtmed ja toppige need sinna sisse, et ma saaks lae korda teha. | Neither's the piano playing coming out of it, if you know what I'm saying, so I just need you to take those wires and sort of stuff 'em back up in there so I can patch up the ceiling. |
Ja et olla kindel, toppige mind täis ning pange diivanile... | And to make sure, I want to be stuffed and put on the couch... |
- Ma tulin sulle midagi toppima. | i have come to stuff your mattress. |
Fanny, ma tulin sulle midagi toppima. | dear fanny, i have come to stuff your mattress. |
Hakka ükshaaval sisse toppima | All right, start stuffing' 'em in at the angle and work your way over. |
Kui Julie hakkab torusid su ninna tagasi toppima, siis sa haarad temast kinni. | When Julie starts stuffing the tubes back up your nose... -...you grab her hard. |
Mis siis juhtus, punapäine emme sundis sind linde täis toppima, riietas kleitidesse? | So, what happened -- redheaded mommy make you stuff birds, put on dresses? |
-Lase ennast täis toppida! | - Get stuffed! |
Alvy, mida on nii hämmastavat selles... et üks grupp hüpofüüsi haigusjuhtumeid proovivad palli läbi korvi toppida. | Alvy, what is so fascinating... about a group of pituitary cases trying to stuff a ball through a hoop? |
Harry, ära kasutad teda ära. Kas ta kavatses teda seapuruga täis toppida? | What's he gonna do, have him stuffed? |
Igatahes, istun kogu õhtu seal, jälgin inimesi seismas sabas, et masin täis toppida raha. | Anyway, all night long I'm sitting there, I'm watching people lining up to stuff this thing full of money, and then it hits me. |
Gestaapo oli kuulanud teda üle kaotsiläinud 975 000 frangi kohta, mille mina oli leitnant Gruberile püksi toppinud. | i was endeavoring to rescue monsieur alphonse, who was recovering from a heart attack, which he suffered whilst being interrogated by the gestapo, about some 975,000 missing francs, which i had just stuffed down lieutenant gruber's trousers. |
Kas sa oled kunagi nahkhiirt täis toppinud? | Have you ever stuffed a bat? No. |
Keegi on toppinud hulga jäätisepulki siia. | Looks like somebody stuffed a bunch of popsicle sticks down here. |
Ma olen seda ka väiksematesse aukudesse toppinud! | I've stuffed it in to tighter holes than this! |
Inimestele, kellel on just äsja olnud infarkt, tegelikult ei soovitata süüa loomset rasva, mis on topitud sünteetilise kesta sisse. Hei, Beth. | People who have just had a heart attack are generality not advised... ...to have animal fat that's been stuffed into a synthetic casing. {VAN MORRlSON'S "I GOT A WOMAN" BLARlNG ON RECORD PLAYER} |
Inimestele, kellel on just äsja olnud infarkt, tegelikult ei soovitata süüa loomset rasva, mis on topitud sünteetilise kesta sisse. | People who have just had a heart attack are generaIly not advised... ...to have animaI fat that's been stuffed into a synthetic casing. |
Vaata, kelle ta kappi on toppinud. | Look what the swine has stuffed in the closet. |
Vaata seda siga, söörikuid suhu toppimast minu tööajast! | Look at that pig stuffing his face with doughnuts on my time! |