Aga kui hullem stsenaarium tõeks saab, siis ma luban, et mu õde ja mina anname su emale, mõned head nipid kuidas vähemaga rohkem teha. | But if the worst-case scenario comes true, I promise my sister and I will give your mom some good pointers on how to do more with less. |
Jah, näiteks kümme parimat lamamisjalgratast, nipid tubaseks kompostimiseks. | Yeah, like, uh, you know, top ten recumbent bicycles, indoor composting tips. |
Soovitan jätta need telerist nähtud juristide nipid ja viige oma küsitlus läbi nii lihtsalt kui võimalik. | Might I suggest that you try less to do an impression of a lawyer you once saw on the television and make your case as simply as you possibly can. |
Crawe õpetas mulle ühe nipi. | I've been doing a trick Crawe taught me. |
Jah, Kevin. Tal läheb hästi kui ta ostaks mõne uue ülikonna õpiks mõne uue nipi, nii ta olekski oma. | He's going to do all right if he buys a few new suits learns a few new tricks, he's there. |
Ma pean välja mõtlema nipi, et talle näidata, et ma ei taha teda, nagu ka tema ei taha mind. | So I need to figure out a way to show her that I don't need her just as much as she doesn't need me. |