Ma parem pumpan natuke, või hakkame varsti ujuma. | Well, I... better do some pumping, we'll be swimming pretty soon. |
Ma pumpan moodsa ajastu verd teie alaarenenud veenidesse. Te igavesed tänamatud, saamatutest... tõprakari. | I am pumping the blood of the modern world into your backward veins you stinking ingrate Oompa Loompa morons! |
Ma pumpan moodsa ajastu verd teie alaarenenud veenidesse. Te igavesed... tänamatud, saamatutest... tõprakari. | I am pumping the blood of the modern world... ...into your backward veins... stinking... ...ingrate... ...Oompa Loompa... ...morons! |
Ma pumpan moodsa ajastu verd teie alaarenenud veenidesse. Te igavesed... tänamatud,saamatutest... tõprakari. | I am pumping the blood of the modern world... ...into your backward veins... stinking... ...ingrate... ...Oompa Loompa... ...morons! |
Ma pumpan sind oma viie tähega. aiiii! | I is gonna to pump you with my five star unleaded, aiiight! |
- Sa pumpad päris hästi. | - You pump really well. |
Billy Keikeya, kas sa pumpad minust infot vanamehe kohta? | Billy Keikeya, are you pumping me for information about the old man? |
Hüva, me ei tea, mida venelased talle üldse andsid ja sa pumpad ta teist narkootikumi täis? | Okay, so we don't know what the Russians even gave her, and you're pumping her full of another drug? |
- Vaata kui kiirelt ta pumpab lööke su silma? | - See how he pumps that jab in your eye? |
Et toime tulla, pumpab aju ta kehasse adrenaliini ja kortisooli. | To cope, his brain pumps adrenaline and cortisol into his system. |
Igal õhtul peatub mu tänaval pagariäri juures veoauto ja pumpab tonni jahu maa-alusesse hoidlatesse. | Listen to this: Every night a truck pulls up to my neighborhood bagel place and pumps a ton of flour into underground tanks. |
Hähh, meil on vett palju, pumpame seda siia otse flamingojärvest. | Nah, we got plenty water, pumped directly from flamingo lake. |
Iga aasta, me pumpame, sellesse regiooni, poole miljardi dollari jagu sõjalist abi, ja guerrilla'd sellest hoomimata ikka veel liikvel. | Every year we pump half a billion bucks of military aid into the region, and the guerrillas are still coming. |
- Jah - Te pumpate kasvuhoonegaasi välja. | - Yes. - You're pumping out greenhouse gas. |
- Te pumpate kasvuhoonegaase välja. | - You're pumping out greenhouse gas. |
- Te pumpate kasvuhoonegaasi välja. | - You're pumping out greenhouse gas. |
Aga minul on tarvis täpselt teada, mida te siin mu vereringesse pumpate. | Well, I need to know just exactly what you're pumping into my bloodstream here, Doc. |
- Mitte midagi, aga nad pumpavad endiselt siia õhku. | Nothing, But they're still pumping air in here. |
Geller ja tema tiim pumpavad su üles. | Geller and them up there pumping your head up. |
Ideaalne. Need tornid pumpavad välja kindlat signaali nagu kosed. | Those towers pump out a strong, steady signal like a waterfall. |
Nad pumpavad RP-7'et maalausesse depoosse. | They're pumping rp-7 into an underground depot. |
Üks põhjus, miks ta end nõrgana tunneb on see, et ta süda lööb... ebakorrapäraselt. See ei pumpa piisavalt verd tema kohasse. | You see, one of the reasons she's feeling so weak is that her heart is beating in a... untimely fashion, not pumping nearly enough blood through her body. |
Sa jälgid, kuidas külm vesi siit läbi pumbatakse, see laseb essentsil siia kondenseeruda. Kuni viimaks see jõuab siia. | You will observe how cold water is pumped through here allowing the essence to condense here until it finally appears here. |
Ma ei kirjuta seda, sest me ei tea, kas see on tõeline sümptom, kui need kaks hulluks läksid ja ta steroide täis pumpasid. | I'm not writing it Because we can't know if it's a real symptom. When these two went rogue and pumped her full of steroids- |
Ma jooksin, kuni mu lihased põlesid ja mu veenid pumpasid akuhapet. | I ran until my muscles burned and my veins pumped battery acid. |
Oleksid pidanud sellele mõtlema enne, kui mind spermat täis pumpasid! | You should have thought of that before you pumped me full of semen! |
See jobu läks hulluks, pumpas mind mürki täis. | And that sucker went nutso, pumped me full of venom. |
Ta tegi kõigest süsti ja pumpas magu. | He just gave her a shot, pumped out her stomach. - What for? |
Tahate öelda, et linnapea pole maalt pärit ja pumpas rahva Marsi mineraalvett täis, et nad haigeks jääks? | What you say me that the Mayor not of this earth ... and that he extraterrestrial mineral in the water pumped ... everyone to become sick? - Yes. |
Me pumpasime temasse nii palju unerohtusid, kui seda ohutult teha saab. | Well...we've pumped him about as full of sedatives as we safely can. |
Me võtsime oma burgerid ja pumpasime neid nii tais MSG-d... et inimesed isegi ei maitse enam normaalset toitu. | We pumped our burgers so full of MSD people can't even taste real food anymore. |
Hapnikku pumbati temasse 24 tundi ööpäevas. | Oxygen was pumped into her 24 hours a day. |
- Kolm 12-kaliibrilist pumpa. Ja raha. | Three 12-gauge pumps, an empty box of double-aught buck, and some cash. |
- Kolm 12-kaliibrilist pumpa. | - Three 12-gauge pumps. |
- Ma ei näe pumpa. | - I don't see a pump. |
Jah, pumbake sealt kaevust. | Yes, use that pump. |
Kui see positiivne on, pumbake ta testosterooni täis ja saatke koju. | When it comes back positive, pump him full of testosterone and send him home. |
Kõik, pumbake! | Everyone pump! |
- Nad peavad ta kõhtu pumpama. | - They're gonna need to pump her stomach. |
Emily, peame su kõhtu vedelikku pumpama! | Emily, we're gonna have to pump your stomach, okay? |
Hakka pumpama. | Start pumping'. |
- Nad ütlesid, et sa tulid pumbata vähe rauda. | - They said that you came to pump a little iron. |
- See tuli tühjaks pumbata. | - They had to pump it out! |
- Su süda üritab järjest hoogsamalt pumbata, et verekaotust kompenseerida. | Your heart is pumping harder and harder, trying to compensate for blood loss. |
-Aita vett pumbata! | - Help them out with the pumping! |
Aga auku lappida ja vett pimedas pumbata on võimatu. | But there's no way we're doing a major patch-and-pump in the dark. |
- Kes ei oleks pumbanud? | - Who wouldn't be pumped? |
Kes ei oleks pumbanud? | - Who wouldn't be pumped? |
Ma arvan, et ta elus ei ole palju mehi olnud, kes oleks ta laua külge sidunud ning täis pumbanud tohutus koguses uimastitega. | I'm gonna guess there's not too many men in her life who have strapped her to a table and pumped her full of a massive amount of psychedelics. |
Kas tead mis? Ma arvan, et see on kõik see neegripauk... mis on sulle perse pumbatud, nüüd on see ajudesse jõudnud... ja tuleb sul suust välja! | I think it's all that black semen been pumped up your ass so far, now it's backed into your brain and coming out your mouth. |
Ja arvatavasti korjasid su üles, San Quentinist lihaseid pumpamast? | And they probably picked you up, what, pumping iron in San Quentin? |
Ja kust sind üles korjati? San Quentinist lihaseid pumpamast? | And they probably picked you up, what, pumping iron in San Quentin? |
San Quentinist lihaseid pumpamast? | And they probably picked you up, what, pumping iron in San Quentin? |