Pomper (to pump) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of pomper

Present tense
je pompe
I pump
tu pompes
you pump
il/elle/on pompe
he/she/it pumps
nous pompons
we pump
vous pompez
you all pump
ils/elles pompent
they pump
Present perfect tense
j’ai pompé
I pumped
tu as pompé
you pumped
il/elle/on a pompé
he/she/it pumped
nous avons pompé
we pumped
vous avez pompé
you all pumped
ils/elles ont pompé
they pumped
Past impf. tense
je pompais
I was pumping
tu pompais
you were pumping
il/elle/on pompait
he/she/it was pumping
nous pompions
we were pumping
vous pompiez
you all were pumping
ils/elles pompaient
they were pumping
Future tense
je pomperai
I will pump
tu pomperas
you will pump
il/elle/on pompera
he/she/it will pump
nous pomperons
we will pump
vous pomperez
you all will pump
ils/elles pomperont
they will pump
Past perfect tense
j’avais pompé
I had pumped
tu avais pompé
you had pumped
il/elle/on avait pompé
he/she/it had pumped
nous avions pompé
we had pumped
vous aviez pompé
you all had pumped
ils/elles avaient pompé
they had pumped
Past preterite tense
je pompai
I pumped
tu pompas
you pumped
il/elle/on pompa
he/she/it pumped
nous pompâmes
we pumped
vous pompâtes
you all pumped
ils/elles pompèrent
they pumped
Past anterior tense
j’eus pompé
I had pumped
tu eus pompé
you had pumped
il/elle/on eut pompé
he/she/it had pumped
nous eûmes pompé
we had pumped
vous eûtes pompé
you all had pumped
ils/elles eurent pompé
they had pumped
Future perfect tense
j’aurai pompé
I will have pumped
tu auras pompé
you will have pumped
il/elle/on aura pompé
he/she/it will have pumped
nous aurons pompé
we will have pumped
vous aurez pompé
you all will have pumped
ils/elles auront pompé
they will have pumped
Present subjunctive tense
que je pompe
that I pump
que tu pompes
that you pump
qu’il/elle/on pompe
that he/she/it pump
que nous pompions
that we pump
que vous pompiez
that you all pump
qu’ils/elles pompent
that they pump
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie pompé
that I have pumped
que tu aies pompé
that you have pumped
qu’il/elle/on ait pompé
that he/she/it have pumped
que nous ayons pompé
that we have pumped
que vous ayez pompé
that you all have pumped
qu’ils/elles aient pompé
that they have pumped
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je pompasse
that I would pump
que tu pompasses
that you would pump
qu’il/elle/on pompât
that he/she/it would pump
que nous pompassions
that we would pump
que vous pompassiez
that you all would pump
qu’ils/elles pompassent
that they would pump
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse pompé
that I had pumped
que tu eusses pompé
that you had pumped
qu’il/elle/on eût pompé
that he/she/it had pumped
que nous eussions pompé
that we had pumped
que vous eussiez pompé
that you all had pumped
qu’ils/elles eussent pompé
that they had pumped
Conditional mood
je pomperais
I would pump
tu pomperais
you would pump
il/elle/on pomperait
he/she/it would pump
nous pomperions
we would pump
vous pomperiez
you all would pump
ils/elles pomperaient
they would pump
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais pompé
I would have pumped
tu aurais pompé
you would have pumped
il/elle/on aurait pompé
he/she/it would have pumped
nous aurions pompé
we would have pumped
vous auriez pompé
you all would have pumped
ils/elles auraient pompé
they would have pumped
Imperative mood
let's pump!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie pompé
have pumped
ayons pompé
let's have pumped
ayez pompé
have pumped

Examples of pomper

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Commence à pomper.- Commence pumping.
- Commencez à pomper!- Okay, start pumping.
- Et pomper toute l'eau à travers un filtre a charbon actif, contre le mercure ?- And pumping all the water out through an activated charcoal filter that binds the mercury?
- Il doit la pomper ou un truc pareil. - Ca marche?- Supposed to pump it up or something.
- Je continue de pomper ?- You want me to keep pumping?
- Ce qui a été pompé en atmo... avant que l'explosion ne coupe tout.Whatever got pumped into the atmo before the explosion shut it all down.
Bobby devra s'habituer à avoir du pétrole pompé sur Southfork et les dégâts qui seront fait.Bobby will have gotten used to oil being pumped on Southfork and the damage will be done.
Ca m'a pompé.It's got me pumped!
Dans la chambre, aprés la répétition... devine ce que cet enfant a pompé ?After rehearsal in our hotel room... and guess what this child pumped?
Et bien, alors, peut-être que le tueur a pompé l'eau de la même manière qu'on gonflerais un ballon.Well, then, maybe the killer pumped the water the same way that you'd blow up a balloon.
"Chère Kate, au réveil, j'appris que la pompe avait gelé.""Dear Kate... "My first morning here began with the news that the pump had frozen...
"Je lui ai montré la pompe à morphine,I showed him how to use the morphine pump.
"Quand ça touche la pompe, c'est la fin.""When it hits your pump right after, thas it."
"d'amorcer la pompe", c'était ses mots."prime the pump," I believe were his words.
- 5 mm Puis j'ai changé la pompe à carburant.- I lowered it 5mm, then I changed the gas pump.
"combien hormones ne vous pompez dans eux?""how many hormones do you pump into them?"
- Prenez cette pompe et pompez.- Grab that pump and start pumping.
- Vous dites que vous respirez, que vous pompez du sang et que vous conservez votre température.- You say you're breathing, pumping blood, maintaining temperature.
J'ai un mariage dans 20 heures, alors pompez ma fosse!In 20 hours, I'm having a wedding here, so I need my cesspool pumped now!
Obtenez-moi fâché, pompez-moi en haut.Get me angry, pump me up.
Elle s'est liée à la communauté, faisant revivre l'ancienne industrie textile de la région, pompant l'argent pour remettre en marche l'économie.She reached out into the community, single-handedly reviving the ancient textile industry in the area, pumping revenue back into the economy.
J'écoute les mots qui sortent de ta bouche, et tout ce que j'entends c'est les battements de ton coeur pompant du sang dans tout ton corps.I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body.
Le fait est que les industries pétrolières ont systématiquement fait campagne pour instaurer le doute sur l'existence réelle du réchauffement planétaire, pompant des millions de dollars dans des groupes de réflexion, associations de consommateurs, supports média, organisations religieuses et civiques,The facts are that the oil industry has systematically campaigned to create doubt as to the very existence of global warming, pumping millions of dollars into think tanks, consumer groups, media outlets, uh, religious and civic organizations,
Même les cœurs solides commencent à flancher, pompant plus fort pour alimenter nos cerveaux en oxygène.Even healthy hearts are already in panic mode, pumping harder to supply oxygen to our brains.
Son électricité pompant tes veines, crépitant, voyageant dans chaque nerf de ton corps, comme une décharge.Its electricity pumping through your veins, Crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body, Like a shock.

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