Kui ma peaksin kunagi veel ratsutamis- oskust vajama palkan ma juhendaja. | Should I ever again require horsemanship, I will engage a tutor. |
Ma palkan ühe ja te konsulteerite temaga. | I'll engage one. |
Sellisel juhul sa räägid õige mehega, sest mina palkasin hr Bailey, eks? | In that case, you're talking to the right man. - Because I engaged Mr. Bailey, didn't I? |
RIPLEY palkas oskuslikke mängureid, eksponeerides kokkupuudet relvasüsteemide ja terroritaktikaga. | RIPLEY engaged skilled gamers, exhibiting familiarity with weapon systems and terror tactics. |
Härra, ma tahan teie laeva Arktikasse reisiks palgata, et püüda kinni mõõkvaal ja tuua ta koju. | Sir, I'd like to engage your ship for a trans-Arctic voyage to capture a narwhal and bring it back to my room. |
Sind tahab palgata riigi ladvik, Jumala pärast! | You are to be engaged by the highest in the land, now, for God's sake! |
Hr Simpson, pr Todd on palganud mind Eliza Dunni leidma. Kokka. | Mr. Simpson, mrs. Todd has engaged me to find Eliza Dunn, the cook. |
Hr Simpson, pr Todd on palganud mind Eliza Dunni leidma. Kokka. | Mr. Simpson, mrs. Todd has engaged me to find Eliza Dunn, the cook. |