L'excites abans de ficar-l'hi? | Do you excite her... before putting it in? |
T'ho he de dir, estic excitat, vull veure què ets capaç de fer... ...si Morfeus té raó en tot. | I gotta tell you, I'm excited to see what you're capable of... ...if Morpheus is right and all. |
Per què m'ho expliques tan excitat? | Why are you telling me this like you're excited? |
T'ho he de dir, estic excitat, vull veure què ets capaç de fer si Morfeus té raó en tot. | I gotta tell you, I'm excited to see what you're capable of if Morpheus is right and all. |
Vàrem anar a interrogar-lo, al noi... ..estava tant excitat. | We went to interview him, the guy, he was so excited. |
I quan el meu pare va sortir amb tots els altres paios del seu batalló, podries dir que estava excitat. | And when my dad walked out with all the other guys from his battalion, you could tell that he was excited. |
La prova està en què alguns homes s'exciten amb la idea de dues dones juntes mentre que els fa fàstic quan es tracta de dos homes. | The evidence is some men are excited by the idea of two women together but disgusted by the idea of two men. |
Bé, no t'excitis gaire, no hi dormo dins. | Well, don't get too excited, I'm not sleeping in it. |
Els habitants dormien, pero era un son dalt d'un punxó, a conseqüencia de l'excitant episodi de la nit. | The inmates were asleep, but it was a sleep that was set on a hair-trigger, on account of the exciting episode of the night. A call came from a window: "Who's there!" |
En acabat fou admes diariament; pero li advertiren que no digués un mot de l'aventura i no tragués cap tema de conversa excitant. | He was admitted daily after that, but was warned to keep still about his adventure and introduce no exciting topic. |
Al cap d'una quinzena de son rescat de la cova, Tom eixí a visitar Huck, que ja havia guanyat prou fortalesa, aleshores, per a sentir una conversa excitant; i Tom en tenia una d'amanida que l'interessaria, a son juí. | About a fortnight after Tom's rescue from the cave, he started off to visit Huck, who had grown plenty strong enough, now, to hear exciting talk, and Tom had some that would interest him, he thought. |
"En una societat on la segregació (no només entre gèneres, sinó també entre classe i gènere) està tan valorada, el simple fet d'accedir a la vida quotidiana d'una nena pakistanesa resulta excitant", va explicar en un correu electrònic el cineasta i bloguer paquistanès Ahmer Naqvi . | "In a society where segregation (across genders, but also across class and gender) is so prized, just access to the mundane life of a random pakistani girl is so exciting,” Pakistani filmmaker and culture blogger Ahmer Naqvi explained in an email. |
- I, a més, no és més excitant quan no tens permís? | Besides, isn't it more exciting... - when you don't have permission? |