Þetta er auðljóslega með ráðum gert til að æsa kviðdómendur. | The whole thing has obviously been rigged to unduly excite the jury. |
Af hverju ertu að æsa þig? | What are you getting excited for? |
-Af hverju ertu að æsa þig? | -Why are you getting excited? |
Þetta er auðljóslega með ráðum gert til að æsa kviðdómendur. | The whole thing has obviously been rigged to unduly excite the jury. |
- Ekki æsa mig? | - Not get excited? |
Ég vildi æsa karlmenn. | I liked getting them excited. |
Ekki æsa ūig. Kemur Paine? | Well, don't get excited. |
Ekki æsa þig. | Don't get excited. |
Hvađ æsir hana. | Whatever excites her. |
Hvað æsir hana. | Whatever excites her. |
Ūú æsir mig ekki. | You don't excite me. |
Það er skrýtið, en það æsir mig. | It's funny, but that excites me. |
Svona æsir maður hana almennilega upp. | This is how you get her really excited. |
Ég veit ekki hví við æsum okkur. | Well, I don't know what we getting so excited about. |
Ég veit ekki hví viđ æsum okkur. | Well, l don't know what we getting so excited about. |
Þetta æsti hana upp. | She got excited. |
Við megum ekki vera of æstir. | Let's not get overexcited. |
Viđ megum ekki vera of æstir. | Let's not get overexcited. |
Já, af hverju eru ekki allir í skķlanum æstir í ūig? | Oh, my God. I'm so excited. All my other friends lost their virginity in 7th grade. |
Travis, elskan, manstu eftir peningunum sem komu í pósti í morgun, peningarnir sem allir voru svo æstir yfir? | Travis, baby, now you remember that money that come in the mail this morning, that money that got everybody so excited? |
Travis, elskan, manstu eftir peningunum sem komu í pķsti í morgun, peningarnir sem allir voru svo æstir yfir? | Travis, baby, now you remember that money that come in the mail this morning, that money that got everybody so excited? |
-Ég er ađ æsast svolítiđ. | This is getting me a little excited. |
-Ég er samt ađ æsast pínu. | Well, I'm getting a little excited. |
Mjög æsandi... | Very exciting... |
En hatur getur veriđ mjög æsandi. | But hate can be an exciting emotion. |
Hatur er mjög æsandi. | Hate is a very exciting emotion. |
Gott, yndislegt, æsandi, spennandi. | Good, nice, thrilled, exciting. |
En hatur getur verið mjög æsandi. | But hate can be an exciting emotion. |
Og ég er edrú og skynsamur, og ūú, kæra vinkona, ert of æst og međ heilahristing. | And I am sober and sensible, and you, my sweet friend, are overexcited and concussed. |
Oftast nær. . . þegar þú verður æst andarðu ótt og títt. | See, usually. . . . . .when you get excited, you breathe heavily. |
Hvernig get ég annađ en æst mig, ūegar ūú reynir ađ fjárkúga vinnandi mann? | How am I supposed to not get excited, listening to you try to extort a working man? |
Ég get vel reiðst oft eða orðið æst eða spennt næstu 40 ár. | You know? It is possible that I might be mad or tense or excited more than once in the next 40 years. Is it? |
Ūú ert eitthvađ svo æst. | You're very excited about something. |