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Decidir (to decide) conjugation

69 examples

Conjugation of decidir

Present tense
I decide
you decide
he/she decides
we decide
you all decide
they decide
Present perfect tense
he decidit
I have decided
has decidit
you have decided
ha decidit
he/she has decided
hem decidit
we have decided
heu decidit
you all have decided
han decidit
they have decided
Future tense
I will decide
you will decide
he/she will decide
we will decide
you all will decide
they will decide
Conditional mood
I would decide
you would decide
he/she would decide
we would decide
you all would decide
they would decide
Past perfect tense
havia decidit
I had decided
havies decidit
you had decided
havia decidit
he/she had decided
havíem decidit
we had decided
havíeu decidit
you all had decided
havien decidit
they had decided
Past impf. tense
I was deciding
you were deciding
he/she was deciding
we were deciding
you all were deciding
they were deciding
Imperative mood
let him/her decide!
let's decide!
let them decide!
Imperative negative mood
no decideixis
don't decide!
no decideixi
don't let him/her decide!
no decidim
let's not decide!
no decidiu
don't decide!
no decideixin
don't let them decide!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria decidit
I would have decided
hauries decidit
you would have decided
hauria decidit
he/she would have decided
hauríem decidit
we would have decided
hauríeu decidit
you all would have decided
haurien decidit
they would have decided
Future perfect tense
hauré decidit
I will have decided
hauràs decidit
you will have decided
haurà decidit
he/she will have decided
haurem decidit
we will have decided
haureu decidit
you all will have decided
hauren decidit
they will have decided
Preterite past tense
I decided
you decided
he/she decided
we decided
you all decided
they decided
Past anterior tense
haguí decidit
I had decided
hagueres decidit
you had decided
hagué decidit
he/she had decided
haguérem decidit
we had decided
haguéreu decidit
you all had decided
haguéren decidit
they had decided
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) decide
(so that you) decide
(so that he/she) decides
(so that we) decide
(so that you all) decide
(so that they) decide
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was deciding
(so that you) were deciding
(so that he/she) was deciding
(so that we) were deciding
(so that you all) were deciding
(so that they) were deciding
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi decidit
(so that I) have decided
hagis decidit
(so that you) have decided
hagi decidit
(so that he/she) has decided
hàgim decidit
(so that we) have decided
hàgiu decidit
(so that you all) have decided
hagin decidit
(so that they) have decided
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués decidit
(so that I) had decided
haguessis decidit
(so that you) had decided
hagués decidit
(so that he/she) had decided
haguéssim decidit
(so that we) had decided
haguéssiu decidit
(so that you all) had decided
haguessin decidit
(so that they) had decided
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi decidir
(so that I) decided
vagis decidir
(so that you) decided
vagi decidir
(so that he/she) decided
vàgim decidir
(so that we) decided
vàgiu decidir
(so that you all) decided
vagin decidir
(so that they) decided
Periphastic past tense
vaig decidir
I decided
vas decidir
you decided
va decidir
he/she decided
vam decidir
we decided
vau decidir
you all decided
van decidir
they decided
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver decidit
I had decided
vas haver decidit
you had decided
va haver decidit
he/she had decided
vam haver decidit
we had decided
vau haver decidit
you all had decided
van haver decidit
they had decided

Examples of decidir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Va decidir-se, doncs, de no dir res a ningú del programa de la nit.So it was decided to say nothing to anybody about the night's programme.
Les etapes que marquenels tractats més obertel seu desenvolupament ja no es poden decidir a les conferènciesi més transparent intergovernamentals que se celebren a porta tancada entre només elsresponsables dels governs dels Estats membres.The major stages in itsmore transparent method development can no longer be decided at Intergovernmental Conferences heldof revising the Treatiesbehind closed doors and involving only the leaders of the governments of the Member States.
Per aquest motiu, amb l’objectiude garantir una preparació de la Conferència Intergovernamental tan transparent iàmplia com fos possible, el Consell Europeu va decidir convocar una Convencióque agrupés les principals parts implicades en el debat: representants delsgoverns dels quinze Estats membres i dels tretze països candidats, representantsdels seus parlaments estatals, representants del Parlament Europeu i de la Comissió, tretze observadors provinents del Comitè de les Regions i del Comitè Econòmic i Social, agents socials europeus i el Defensor del poble Europeu.In order to prepare the next IGC in as transparent and as wideranging a way as possible, the European Council therefore decided to convene a Conventionbringing together the main stakeholders in the debate:representatives of the governments of the 15 Member States and the 13 candidatecountries, representatives of their national parliaments, representatives of the European Parliament and of the European Commission, 13 observers from the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee,plus representatives of the European social partners and the European Ombudsman.
Introducció a la Constitució Cada Estat membre pot decidir –aquesta és una novetat que introdueix lade la possibilitat, per part Constitució– retirar-se de la Uniód’acordambel seu ordenamentd’un Estat membre, constitucional.Introduction in the Constitution Any Member State can decide – and this is an innovation introduced by theof the option for a Member Constitution – in accordance with its constitutional rules, to withdraw from the State to withdraw from Union.
Esreforçaran els mecanismes de cooperació judicial entre els Estats membres jaexistents, com l’Eurojust, i el Consell de Ministres podrà decidir instaurar en elfutur una Fiscalia Europeaper investigar i processar els autors i els còmplicesde delictes transnacionals greus.The mechanisms for judicial cooperation between Member Stateswhich already exist, e.g. Eurojust, will be strengthened and the Council may atsome time in the future decide to introduce a European prosecutor’sdepartmentto track down and prosecute the perpetrators of and accomplicesin serious crossborder crimes.
- Això ho decideixo jo.- That is for me to decide.
- Això ho decideixo jo, Harold.- That's for me to decide, Harold.
Jo decideixo el que es necessita o no!I decide what's needed or not!
És el meu marit. jo decideixo.I'll decide who my husband's surgeon is!
Jo decideixo el que escric.You know it. I decide what I write.
Això és el que m'agrada del viatge, durant mig any tu decideixes el que vols fer.That’s what I liked about the trip, for a half of the year you decide what you want to do.
- Tu decideixes.- You decide.
Si decideixes unes noces de primavera, podem evitar l'època de monsó. Unes noces de primavera?!If you decide on a spring wedding, we can avoid monsoon season.
Tu ets el que decideixes quan et despertes, Lord Bills.You're the one who decides the time you wake up, Lord Bills.
Mira, si decideixes anar, aniré amb tu.Look, if you decide to go, I'll go with you.
Si el Parlament decideix rebutjar la proposta, el Consell no pot adoptar-la.If Parliament decides to reject the proposal it cannot be adopted by the Council.
El Parlament i el Consell mantenen punts de vista divergents respecte a la diferenciació entre aquestes despeses obligatòries, sobre les quals el Consell té la darrera paraula, i totes les altres despeses no obligatòries sobre les quals decideix el Parlament.Parliament and Council have differing views on the distinction between this compulsory expenditure, where the Council has the last word, and all other non-compulsory expenditure, where Parliament decides.
D'aquesta manera, dins el respecte de les perspectives financeres, el Parlament decideix les partides pressupostàries que cal destinar a les diferents polítiques.While keeping within the financial perspective, Parliament decides on the level of funds to be allocated to the different policies. Par liament then refers the amended draft back to the Council of Ministers which may amend it in its turn.
Si el Parlament decideix de rebutjar la proposta, el Consell no pot adoptar-la.If Parliament decides to reject the proposal it cannot be adopted by the Council.
El caça torna a disparar i el meu amic i jo decidim que és una mala idea seguir caminant cap a la protesta.The jet empties its load again, so my friend and I decide that it is stupid to continue walking towards the protest.
D'acord, no cal que ho decidim ara.All right, we don't have to decide this right now.
Per què hi ha d'haver tants cadàvers perquè decidim marxar a casa?Why do corpses have to pile up before people decide it's time to go home?
A allotjar-nos. Ens quedarem aquí fins que decidim on anar.We'll stay there until we decide where to go.
És l'hora que tots nosaltres decidim qui som.It is time for us all to decide who we are
Continua escoltant, i conjumina, pels caps de la conversa, que hom pensava a la primeria que els minyons s'havien ofegat mentre nedaven; després hom repara la perdua del rai; després certs minyons digueren que els vailets desapareguts havien promes que el poblet «sabria quelcom» ben aviat; la gent de seny havien relacionat l'una cosa i l'altra, i havien decidit que els minyons havien fet una eixida amb el rai, i que deurien dar un tomb cap al poblet de més avall, a no tardar; pero cap a migdia hom havia trobat el rai, plantat contra la ribera del Missuri, a unes cinc o sis milles més avall del poblet, i aleshores l'esperança s'esvaí. Devien haver-se ofegat: altrament, la fam els hauria tornat a casa en caure la nit, si no més aviat.He went on listening, and gathered by odds and ends that it was conjectured at first that the boys had got drowned while taking a swim; then the small raft had been missed; next, certain boys said the missing lads had promised that the village should "hear something" soon; the wise-heads had "put this and that together" and decided that the lads had gone off on that raft and would turn up at the next town below, presently; but toward noon the raft had been found, lodged against the Missouri shore some five or six miles below the village--and then hope perished; they must be drowned, else hunger would have driven them home by nightfall if not sooner.
Després hi hagué una disputa sobre quí havia vist per darrera vegada en vida els minyons difunts, i molts recaptaren aquesta ombrívola distinció, i oferiren proves, més o menys intervingudes pels testimonis: i quan romangué decidit, finalment, quí era que havia vist darrerament els que ja no eren, i canviat amb ells les darreres paraules, les persones sortoses assumiren una especie de sagrada importancia, i tota la resta els miraren bocabadats i envejosos.Then there was a dispute about who saw the dead boys last in life, and many claimed that dismal distinction, and offered evidences, more or less tampered with by the witness; and when it was ultimately decided who _did_ see the departed last, and exchanged the last words with them, the lucky parties took upon themselves a sort of sacred importance, and were gaped at and envied by all the rest.
Per exemple, s’ha decidit replantejar la legislació en matèria de substàncies químiques i reemplaçar les primeres normes que es van fer —que es van redactar de manera poc sistemàtica— per un únic sistema denominat REACH, sigles angleses de Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals (registre, avaluació i autorització de substàncies químiques).For example, it has been decided to rework the legislation concerning chemicals and replace earlier rules, which were developed on a piecemeal basis, with a single system for the registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals (REACH).
Inspirats per l'entrada de l'Ellen Miller al bloc de la Fundació Sunlight, que destaca la feina de dones que fan servir la tecnologia per promoure la transparència als Estats Units, hem decidit engrossir la llista parlant d'unes quantesdones de tot el món involucrades en l'ús de la tecnologia per fer els governs més transparents i responsables.Inspired by Ellen Miller's post on the Sunlight Foundation blog, which profiles the work of women who use technology to promote transparency in the United States, we decided to add to the list by profiling several women from around the world involved in the use of technology to make government more transparent and accountable.
Si en algun moment la llei d'immigració dels Estats Units hagués estat semblant a la que França ha decidit aplicar recentment, Yahoo! hauria estat una companyia xinesa (fundada per Jerry Yang de Taiwan), Google seria actualment un reeixit negoci rus (creat per Sergey Brin) i Apple una empresa siriana (el pare de Steve Jobs era un estudiant estranger quan el seu fill va néixer).If the United States' immigration law had ever been similar to the one France recently decided to apply, Yahoo would have been a Chinese company (founded by Jerry Yang from Taiwan), Google would now be a successful Russian business (set up by Sergey Brin) and Apple would have been a Syrian enterprise - the father of Steve Jobs was a foreign student when his son was born.
Allò que ara decidiu serà el meu destí.What to decide here, it will be it my destiny.
Vós decidiu on hem d'atacar! .You decide where it is we raid.
Algun dia, si decidiu no executar-me, us diré sobre perquè vaig matar el meu pare.Someday if you decide not to execute me, I'll tell you all about why I killed my father.
La Constitució preveu de manera precisa quan la Unió pot negociar acordsinternacionals, i indica clarament el procediment a seguir: la Comissió negocia, iel Consell de Ministres i el Parlament Europeu decideixen conjuntament siaccepten el resultat. Per a la política exterior i de seguretat comuna hi ha reglesespecials.The Constitution specifies how and when the Union can negotiate internationalagreements, and it sets out clearly the procedure to be followed: the Commission(or the Foreign Affairs Minister) negotiates, and the Council and the European Parliament decide jointly whether they accept the outcome.
1 i 2 de juny Conferència de Messina, on els ministres d’Afers Exteriors dels sis decideixen ampliar la integració europea a tota l’economia.1–2 June At a meeting in Messina, the foreign ministers of the six countries decide to extend European integration to the economy as a whole.
Segons un estudi publicat el 2009 , sols el 40% de les dones casades coneixen el seu espós sense cap intermediació i decideixen casar-se.According to a study in 2009, only 40% of married women met their spouse on their own and decided to marry.
Hi ha dies en què els africans amb Twitter decideixen provocar-se els uns als altres.There are those days when Africans on Twitter decide to pick on each other.
Tot i que la taxa de l'atur s'està apropant al 28 per cent i hi ha rumors que expressen por del que pot passar a l'economia si molts refugiats decideixen quedar-se, Sèrbia i la seva gent han estat en general molt receptius i cooperatius.Although its unemployment rate is approaching 28 percent and there are murmurs expressing fear of what might happen to the economy if many refugees decide to remain, Serbia and its people have been generally accepting and often helpful.
Tu decidiràs en què creus. D'acord.You will decide for yourself what you believe.
Tu decidiràs en què creus.You will decide for yourself what you believe.
Es pot considerar com un fet significatiu, ja que sols falten cinc mesos per a unes eleccions generals en les quals es decidirà quin partit governa el país durant els anys següents.This is a significant development, as Spain is five months away from general elections that will decide which party will rule the country in the coming years.
El futur decidirà si els joves seguiran els passos dels seus avantpassats i conservaran la riquesa cultura. Totes les imatges s'han utilitzat amb permís.Whether the young ones will follow the footsteps of their forefathers and conserve the rich culture – the future will decide.All images used with permission.
Aquesta ciutat decidirà el nostre destí -- i el destí de l'Oceà Pacífic.This city will decide our fate - and the fate of the Pacific Ocean as well.
El senat decidirà el vostre destí.The senate will decide your fate.
El rei decidirà el seu destí.He king will decide your fate. (Clank) (Pants) (Rattling) (Pants) (Grunting)
Avui els danesos decidiran qui ha de governar-los els quatre anys vinents.Today, the Danes will decide who is going to rule Denmark the next four years.
Nois, aquesta és la història de quan l'oncle Marshall va anar davant el Comitè Judicial de l'Estat de Nova York, una comissió que decidiria la destinació de la seva carrera.Kids, this a story about the time your Uncle Marshall went before the New York State Judiciary Committee, a panel that would decide the fate of his career.
Aquest tema el capfica una estona, i al capdavall decidí que alguna bruixa s'hi havia ficat i havia romput l'encís.He puzzled over the matter some time, and finally decided that some witch had interfered and broken the charm.
Tom decidí que ara es faria independent de Becky Thatcher.Tom decided that he could be independent of Becky Thatcher now.
Va ser llavors que Pearl decidí unir-se a un grup activista que oferia suport a presoners polítics i les seues famílies.Then Pearl decided to join an activist group to provide assistance to political prisoners and their families.
El 2010, una parella jove de Berlín (Anna, periodista polonesa, i Thomas, fotògraf alemany) decidiren viure el seu somni de rodamons amb la seva filla Hanna de només 6 mesos.In 2010, a young couple from Berlin - Anna, a Polish journalist, and Thomas, a German photographer - decided to live on their globetrotting dream - and they decided to do it with their 6-month-old daugther Hanna on board.
Des del seu primer viatge, decidiren compartir les seves insòlites experiències en un blog, The Family Without Borders .From their first trip on they decided to share their unusual experiences through their blog, The Family Without Borders .
@Selnadeem : La majoria de la gent diu que com que els seus cotxes no tenen gasolina, no pogueren anar a treballar i decidiren unir-se a la protesta de Tahrir. #Egypt #30_june@Selnadeem: Most of people say that their cars have no fuel, they couldn't go work and decided to join the protest in #Tahrir. #Egypt #30_june
*Quan vas néixer* *tots els àngels es van trobar* *i hi decidiren fer d'un somni, una realitat.*♪ On the day that you were born ♪ ♪ The angels got together ♪ ♪ And decided to create a dream come true ♪
Per una altra banda, pot atreure més l'antenció, en el cas que es decideixi ser totalment invisible.On the other hand, it can attract even more attention, if you decide to be completely invisible.
També ha mostrat interès en cas que el govern portuguès decideixi de privatitzar la radiotelevisió pública RTP (Radio e Televisâo Portuguesa).It has also expressed interest in case the Portuguese government eventually decides to privatize the public service broadcaster RTP (Radio e Televisâo Portuguesa).
Que Wiz decideixi.Wiz will decide.
Tots sofreixen i moren en mans de.. qualsevol tipus d'horror que hi hagi.. deixant l'últim , que visqui o mori.. .. com decideixi el destí.All suffer and die at the hands of.. whatever horror they have raised.. leaving the last, to live or die.. .. as fate decides.
La meva missió és senzilla: descobrir què sap, guanyar-me la seva confiança i controlar les seves accions fins que l'agència decideixi què fer amb ell,My mission is simple: find out what he knows, gain his trust and monitor his actions until the agency can decide what to do with him.
Només cal que decideixis.You just need to decide.
La pròxima vegada que decideixis pensar malament de mi, imagina't el què penso jo de tu.The next time you decide to think the worst of me, imagine what I now think of you. [Door slams]
Si decideixis fer vaixells per mi, certament et tractaré com un rei.If you decide to build boats for me, I would certainly treat you like a king.
- En Sigvardsson diu que ho decideixis tu.Sigvardsson said, you'll decide.
Si us plau, no decideixin res sobre Fukushima sense nosaltres, la gent de Fukushima!Please don’t decide on anything about Fukushima without the Fukushima people, us!
Està clar que els ciutadans volen pluralisme polític: no volen que només els líders o els partits decideixin, sinó que també volen fer-ho ells.It is evident that the citizens want political pluralism, not to have leaders or parties decide on matters, but that they themselves also .
Digues als forenses que és tot seu quan decideixin honrar-nos amb la seva presència.Tell forensics he's all theirs when they decide to bless us with their presence.
Bé, el que sigui que decideixin, no enviïn els seus fills a escoles privades, llevat que vulguin que creixin amb una cullera de plata al darrere.Well, whatever you decide, don't send your kids to private school, unless you want them to grow up with a silver spoon up their ass.
Així que deixaré que els déus decideixin el meu destí.So I will let the gods decide my fate.
- Ho estaran decidint.They'll be deciding.
O sigui que estàs decidint per tots dos.So you're just deciding for both of us. - Yeah, one of us has to.

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