Les coses més importants que necessitaven eren aigua per beure, per cuinar i per als lavabos. | The main things that they need are drinking water, water for cooking, and toilets. |
Un grup anomenat Los iguaneros de Aguada no només les caça, sinó que també anima la gent a provar-les com a aliment i ensenya a preparar-ne la carn i a cuinar-la de manera segura. | A group called Los iguaneros de Aguada not only hunts them, but also encourages people to try them as food, showing how to prepare and safely cook the meat. |
Més enllà dels turons, més enllà de la terra de les pedres. A mig camí vaig encendre un foc i vaig cuinar un bandicut, i vaig matar una iguana. | Halfway I burnt the grass and cooked a bandicoot and killed a goanna. |
Hi ha molts crocodils i no hi ha prou terra ferma. Els homes han de cuinar, menjar i dormir en els arbres. | The men must be cooking and eating and sleeping in the trees, on platforms they are building. |
Si tenia una núvia que estava sent tractat realment malament, com per la seva ex o el seu nòvio actual i ella deia: "no, cada dia vaig a assegurar-me que cuinar per a ell i li enviessin un dinar calent al migdia" | If you had a girlfriend who was being treated really badly, by like herex orhercurrentboyfriend and she kept saying, "no, every day I'm gonna make sure I cook for him and send him a hotlunch atnoon" |
I cuino bé. | And I cook good. |
Jo el cuino i després nosaltres el mengem. | I'll cook it. We'll eat it. |
Jo cuino per mariners. No per menjadors de curri. | I cook for sailors... not curry-eaters. |
- No en puc prendre... m'han dit que es moren de por quan els cuines. | I can't. Somebody told me they faint with fright when you cook them. |
-No en puc prendre... m'han dit que es moren de por quan els cuines. | I can't. Somebody told me they faint with fright when you cook them. |
Per què no cuines mai, mare? | Why don't you ever cook, Mom? |
- Què cuines? | -What are you cooking? |
Així que cuines aquest... | So do you cook this...? |
Ton pare cuina, jo faig net i tu no has de donar pena. | Your dad cooks, I clean, and you stay out of the way. |
Aleshores, haurem d'entrar i sortir cada cop que cuinem? | So we gotta move in and out for every cook? |
Al parador de Farhampton no cuinem amb greix. | At the Farhampton Inn, we don't cook with grease. |
Cèsar li va respondre que es tractava del seu gall, macerat en vi i cuinat lentament... | Caesar responded that it was the rooster, marinated in wine and cooked slowly... Coq au vin via Wikimedia Commons |
Manaqish tradicional sirià, cuinat a l'assetjada Homs. | Traditional Syrian manaqish, cooked in the besieged city of Homs. |
I jo he cuinat per a 150. | And I cooked for 150! |
Has cuinat fesols per a 150? I tens pa per a 150? I salsitxes per a 150? | You mean you've cooked beans for 150... and you've got bread for 150... and sausage for 150, and tobacco for 150? |
Ha cuinat per a 150, senyor, i només ens en vol donar la meitat. | He's cooked for 150, sir, and he only wants to give us half. |
Jeejuah, de trenta anys, i dues dones més, totes voluntàries, cuinen per a les dotze persones més importants, però invisibles, de Libèria ara mateix. | Jeejuah, 30, and two other women, all volunteers, are cooking for 12 of the most important, but invisible, people in Liberia right now. |
«Ho deixen marinar en una salsa picant, que és el que li dóna aquell color distintiu, ho cuinen, ho serveixen i ho anomenen tacos al pastor». | “They marinate it in a red chili sauce, which gives it that distinctive color, and they cook these up and serve them and call them tacos al pastor.” |
En un cas típic, si no cuinen bé el porc... ...digereixen larves vives de tenia. | In a typical case, if you don't cook pork well enough, you digest live tapeworm larvae. |
En un cas típic, si no cuinen bé el porc digereixen larves vives de tenia. | In a typical case, if you don't cook pork well enough, you digest live tapeworm larvae. |
Cantarem i jugarem, i la mare et cuinarà els teus àpats preferits. | We'll sing and play games, and Mother will cook your favorite meals. |
Quan treballàvem per en Gus, cuinàvem 100 quilos a la setmana. | When we worked for Gus, we were cooking 200 pounds a week. |
Bastiren un foc al costat d'una gran soca, a vint o trenta passes endins de les ombrívoles fondaries del bosc, i després cuinaren un bocí del porc a la paella, per sopar, i consumiren la meitat de la coca de blat de moro que havien portat. | They built a fire against the side of a great log twenty or thirty steps within the sombre depths of the forest, and then cooked some bacon in the frying-pan for supper, and used up half of the corn "pone" stock they had brought. |
Pescaren, cuinaren llur sopar i el menjaren, i després es posaren a endevinar les coses que pensaria i diria d'ells el poble; i les imatges que es feien de l'aflicció de la gent per ells motivada eren ben satisfactories de considerar, desde llur punt de mira. | They caught fish, cooked supper and ate it, and then fell to guessing at what the village was thinking and saying about them; and the pictures they drew of the public distress on their account were gratifying to look upon--from their point of view. |
Si vols que cuini per a tu, | If you want me around to cook for you, |
Volem que cuinis per nosaltres. | We want you to cook for us. |
Que els alemanys cuinin el seu propi menjar. | Let the Krauts cook their own goddamn food. |
La meva esposa és molt bona, cuinant el Fox Terrier. | My wife is known for cooking a good Fox Terrier. |
Com podem demostrar que estava cuinant aquest pastís i no una altra cosa? | How can we prove she was cooking that pie, not something else? |
Podem mirar un programa de mestresses de casa cuinant o documentals policíacs. | We could watch reality housewife cooking show or cop docs. |
O sigui, no segueixes cuinant? | I mean, aren't you still cooking? |
Escolta, he parlat amb en Weems i... està cuinant per una banda de motos de Texas. | Listen I- - I talked to Weems and, uh, the dude is cooking for some motorcycle gang out of Texas. |