Blucher kommer att segra! | Blucher will win! |
De kan hjälpa Tomainia att segra! | Tomainia may yet win. |
De kommer att segra. | They're going to win. |
Det blir dagen då vi kommer att segra och visa att Eldnationen aldrig förlorar. | That is the day we will win this war and prove the Fire Nation's dominance. |
Det fanns ingen chans att segra. | There was no way to win. |
"Gudarna ska segra. | "The gods will win. |
"I hedniska tider var dessa dansare inte bara ett trevligt inslag i ceremonin, utan tog in en offergåva som dansarna sedan desperat bad för att den skulle segra över fältens gudinna." | "In pagan times, however, these dances were not simply picturesque jigs. "They were frenzied rites ending in a sacrifice "by which the dancers hoped desperately to win over the goddess of the fields. |
- Dags att dela upp oss och segra. | - [Darwin] Time to divide and conquer. - See ya! |
- Du kan inte segra, Darth. | You can't win, Darth. |
- Jag trodde att vi skulle segra. | I thought we were winning, Scully. |
"'Inga segrar. | "No wins. |
"De tror att England segrar." Jaha. | "They believe Britain will win. |
"Ni har mycket att lära mig" - "den gången jag segrar, om jag segrar, när jag segrar" - | You have much to teach me, Anjin-san, once I have won, if I win, when I win, when the real prize will be won. |
- ...på 151 raka segrar... | - ...151-game winning streak... |
- Jag har fortfarande fler segrar. | I still lead in wins. |
- Du segrade, vi kan åka hem. | You beat the game. You won the game. We can go home. |
Det ryska folket hotades av utplåning - men segrade. | The Russian people faced the possibility of the death. it won it to e. |
Du segrade. | You've won. |
Då är väl medveten om att vår nations självständighet segrade med hjälp av privata arméer, vi kan inte överleva utan dem. | I know you're a student of history, and so you're well aware that our nation's independence was won with the aid of private armies, and we can't survive without them. |
Han vet att du segrade, "Far Rider", i sanddynerna långt bort. | But he knew you won, Far Rider, in the faraway sand. |
Att döma av hur de såg ut tillhör du inte den segrande sidan. | From the look of them, I'd say you're not on the winning side. |
Det var mitt jobb att hålla dig frisk och ständigt segrande. | It was my job to keep you winning, and to keep you healthy. |
I det gamla Rom fick den segrande gladiatorn gåvor. | In ancient Rome, the winning gladiator was the recipient of gifts. |
"Om Södern segrat, kunde du skrivit pjäser om nordstaterna". | "If the South had won, you could write plays about the North." |
- Vi hade aldrig segrat utan honom. | We wouldn't have won the war without him. |
- Vi har segrat, vi har segrat! | We've won. We've won. |
-Hon kommer när de har segrat. | She does not arrive until there is a confidence that they have won. |
-Ingen drakarmé har nånsin segrat. | No Dragon army ever won a battle. |