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Drenar (to drain) conjugation

74 examples

Conjugation of drenar

Present tense
I drain
you drain
he/she drains
we drain
you all drain
they drain
Present perfect tense
tenho drenado
I have drained
tens drenado
you have drained
tem drenado
he/she has drained
temos drenado
we have drained
tendes drenado
you all have drained
têm drenado
they have drained
Past preterite tense
I drained
you drained
he/she drained
we drained
you all drained
they drained
Future tense
I will drain
you will drain
he/she will drain
we will drain
you all will drain
they will drain
Conditional mood
I would drain
you would drain
he/she would drain
we would drain
you all would drain
they would drain
Past imperfect tense
I used to drain
you used to drain
he/she used to drain
we used to drain
you all used to drain
they used to drain
Past perfect tense
tinha drenado
I had drained
tinhas drenado
you had drained
tinha drenado
he/she had drained
tínhamos drenado
we had drained
tínheis drenado
you all had drained
tinham drenado
they had drained
Future perfect tense
terei drenado
I will have drained
terás drenado
you will have drained
terá drenado
he/she will have drained
teremos drenado
we will have drained
tereis drenado
you all will have drained
terão drenado
they will have drained
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha drenado
I have drained
tenhas drenado
you have drained
tenha drenado
he/she has drained
tenhamos drenado
we have drained
tenhais drenado
you all have drained
tenham drenado
they have drained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have drained
(if/so that) you will have drained
(if/so that) he/she will have drained
(if/so that) we will have drained
(if/so that) you all will have drained
(if/so that) they will have drained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver drenado
I will have drained
tiveres drenado
you will have drained
tiver drenado
he/she will have drained
tivermos drenado
we will have drained
tiverdes drenado
you all will have drained
tiverem drenado
they will have drained
Imperative mood
let's drain!
Imperative negative mood
não drenes
do not drain!
não drene
let him/her/it not drain!
não drenemos
let us not drain!
não dreneis
do not drain!
não drenem
do not drain!

Examples of drenar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Tecnicamente. - Precisamos de drenar o Wolfe.We need to drain Wolfe.
- Temos de drenar o sangue.We need to drain the blood.
- Vamos ter de drenar.- Guess we'll have to drain it.
A causa da morte é provavelmente o edema cerebral, mas tenho de drenar o sangue do saco pericárdio para verificar se há lesões no coração.Cause of death is probably the cerebral edema, but I need to drain the blood from the pericardial sac to check for heart lacerations.
A família Rose decidiu drenar o pântano em 1902.So the Rose family got it into their heads to drain the marsh in 1902.
- A procurar o 'dreno'.Finding the drain.
- Como? ! - Você tem a sua lista, mas eu tenho 12 anos de experiência que me dizem que voltar a pôr o dreno agora pode sujeitá-lo a um maior risco de infecção.You have your list, but I have 12 years of experience that tells me that putting that drain back in right now could actually put him at more risk for infection.
- Deixaste-o descer ao dreno.- You let him go down the drain.
- Descer ao dreno.- Down the drain.
- Deve haver um dreno por perto.There must be a drain nearby.
Quando drenas um tanque ficas com dois níveis.When you drain a tank you're left with two levels.
- das suas vítimas. - Quando drena alguém doente...And when it drains someone with a disease...
A empresa drena toda a água, levando todos os residentes a irem embora. Eles controlam todo o vale.If the company drains all the water, drive all the squatters away, they control the whole valley.
A lenda diz que é como o chupa-cabra drena o sangue da sua presa.Legend says that that is how the goat sucker drains blood from its prey.
A morte que matou a minha filha, que amarra a minha língua, drena os meus olhos e não me deixa afligir.Death that has killed my daughter, ties my tongue and drains my eyes and will not let me grieve.
Ele drena o sangue das vítimas, depois livra-se dos cadáveres no oceano.He drains his victims of his or her blood, then dumps their bodies in the ocean.
- Canulamos a aorta, drenamos o sangue, injectamos soro frio, e baixamos a temperatura, para os 10ºC.Well, we cannulate the aorta, drain out his blood, infuse cold saline, then drop his core temp to 50 degrees.
Da mesma forma que drenamos um barril de vinho.Much the same way one would drain a keg of wine.
Irá comprimir o interior enquanto drenamos o líquido restante.It will pressurize the interior while we drain the liquid remains.
Por fim, drenamos os homens... provocando seu enfraquecimento e morte.Ultimately, it drained the men, caused them to weaken and die.
Porque não drenamos o fluído?Why don't we just drain the fluid?
- O tubo devia ter drenado isso.- The first tube should've drained it.
- Tem de ser drenado.- It needs to be drained. - All right.
- Vá lá, Christian, não queres que eu seja drenado tanto como eu.Come on, Christian, you don't want me to be drained any more than I do.
A polícia encontrou outro corpo envolto em plástico, num banco do parque, com o sangue drenado.Police just found another body wrapped in plastic on a park bench, drained of blood.
Ambas as vítimas tinham quase com todo o sangue drenado.Both victims were almost completely drained of their blood.
- Eles drenam as finanças.- They're just draining the funds.
A quantidade de sangue que eles requerem ...drenam o cérebro.The quantity of blood they require drains the brain.
As inundações drenam gradualmente a água de volta aos canais estabelecidos que percorrem a floresta, como vasos sanguíneos.The floods gradually drain back into the established waterways that run through the forest like blood vessels.
Contrariando o mito popular de que ilegais drenam nossa economia. Eles são vitais pra ela.Contrary to the popular myth that undocumented workers are a drain on our economy, they are in truth, vital to it.
E há os que drenam lágrimas dentro do canto do olho, para a cavidade nasal.Then you have the ducts which drain the tears Into the inside corner of the eye into the nasal cavity. Now those are blocked.
- Eu drenei-os.Oh, I drained them:
Acho que drenei todo o possível.I think I drained all I can out of there.
Atrai os seus atacantes para a outra metade do universo e drenei seu banco de armas.Well, I lured their attackers halfway across the universe and drained their weapons banks.
Eu drenei-o.I drained him.
Eu drenei.I drained it.
- Não drenaste o sangue dela?- I thought you drained her blood?
O fim trágico dela chegou quando lhe drenaste o sangue todo.Her tragic end came when you drained her body of blood...
Tu drenaste-a?You drained her?
- Porque ajudei-o a criar o vírus que drenou o Manhattan Mutual.Because I helped him build the virus that drained Manhattan Mutual.
A Republica Terrestre drenou a cor daquele lugar.Oh, Earth Republic has drained all the colour out of that place.
A miséria drenou-a.Misery has drained her.
A máquina drenou a sua energia vital e transferiu-a para a Ivanova.The machine had completely drained his life energy and transferred it to Ivanova.
A máquina drenou sua mente de alguma forma.This machine has drained his mind somehow.
- Os Viajantes drenaram-nos o sangue, por isso tivemos de caçar.Oh. What the hell was that? Travelers drained us of our blood, so we've had to do a little bit of hunting.
- Que me acorrentaram e drenaram?Who chained and drained me? No.
Depois de ele acabar o curso, drenaram-lhe o cérebro.After he graduated, they drained his brain.
E $500 por cada rapariga que drenaram.A-And $500 for every girl that you drained.
E logo drenaram o sangue do corpo, e o lavaram.I say then he drained the blood from the body and washed it clean.
Agora drenará o seu sangue e danificará o seu cerébro com um... misterioso líquido verde...e sanguessugasNow they will drain his blood and damage his brain... With mysterious green liquid... And leeches.
Os vampiros drenarão qualquer um com apenas uma gota de sangue de fada se não permanecermos juntos!The vampires will drain anyone with even a drop of faerie blood if they don't stay together. We gotta get Sookie.
Disse que drenaria o meu coração. Eu adverti-o.She said she would drain my heart.
Que espécie de doido é que drenaria o sangue todo de um vagabundo qualquer?What kind of a sicko would drain all the blood out of some nickel-and-dime bum?
Só quero que saibam que eu drenaria a anastomose.I really want to make sure you know that I would drain the anastomosis, r...
E esse vomitório um por cento quere matar-se entre si, enforcar-se para que o sangue azul drene fácil e lento.And that vomiting one percent wants kosher killing, hung up so the blue blood drains out slow and easy.
Primeiro, sou levado dentro pela Polícia, depois deixo que um gajo me drene o meu coiso.First I get hauled in by the cops. Then I gotta let a dude drain my johnson.
Além disso, antes que drenes de novo o sul de Boston...Also, before you drain South Boston again...
Cortem este idiota e drenem-me daqui.Cut this creep open and drain me out.
A faca ganha poder drenando o sangueThe knife gains power by draining the blood of its victims.
Cicatrizou ou ainda está drenando?Did it heal yet, or is it still draining?
E você está drenando tudo de mim♪oh ♪ ♪and it's draining all of me ♪
Ele esta drenando minha energia.It's draining my power.
Eu trabalhava numa vala, drenando terra para a quinta.I used to work in a ditch, draining land for farming.
Não estão a fazer isto para comprar as Ilhas de Duck mas sim para drenarem as fossas deles, certo?They're not doing it for duck islands and having their moats drained, are they?
Ou é desactivada convenientemente, ou seria o mesmo que drenarem anti-congelante de um complexo nuclear mas a multiplicar por 10 milhões.Unless it was shut down properly, it would be like draining primary coolant from a nuclear plant times 10 million.
Ouvimos sobre vocês vencerem fantasmas espaciais, enganarem o Galactus, drenarem as Gemas do Infinito.We've heard tales of you destroying Space Phantoms, outsmarting Galactus, draining the Infinity Stones.
Se a drenarem completamente, será o último sangue de fada que beberão.If you drain her completely, that's the last fairy blood you'll ever drink.
A fome está a assumir o controlo e quanto mais tempo esperares, mais a fome cresce e mais provável é tu o drenares.The hunger's taking control and the longer you wait, the more the hunger grows, the more likely you are to drain him.
Chamei-te para drenares um abscesso.I called you down here to drain an abscess.
E tenho uma coisa para tu drenares.And I got something for you to drain.
Se me drenares, vais drenar-te a ti próprio.If you drain me, you drain yourself.
Assim que drenarmos o empiema, devemos ser capazes de fazer uma cultura e diagnosticar. Lidocaína.All right, once we drain the empyema, we should be able to culture and diagnose this thing.
Quando drenarmos o abcesso e removermos os estilhaços, os antibióticos farão o seu o trabalho.Once we drain the abscess and remove the shrapnel, the antibiotics can do their job.
Se não o drenarmos, vai parar de bater.If we don't drain it, it'll stop beating.

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