Tenk å anklage meg... | To accuse me of... |
Det første du gjør, er å anklage meg. | Your first reaction is to accuse me. |
Våger du å anklage dronningen? | You dare accuse the Queen, Gawain? |
Kommer helt ut hit for å anklage meg, - - Horace Blatt, for svindel. | You come out here and as near as dammit accuse me, Horace Blatt, of fraud? |
Han hadde oppkalt sin far for å anklage sønnen for hele verden. | Wolfgang had actually summoned up his own father... ...toaccusehis son before all the world ! |
De som betyr minne om, minnes, glemme, anklage, overbevise, dømme... | Those that mean remind, remember forget, accuse, convince, judge, acquit. |
Hvordan forholder den anklagede seg i forhold til anklage og spesifikasjon? | How does the accused plead to the charge and specifications? |
Feilaktig anklage? | Falsely accused? |
Tenk å anklage meg... | To accuse me of... |
Det første du gjør, er å anklage meg. | Your first reaction is to accuse me. |
Fordi jeg ikke vil dø, anklager dere meg for å være pasifist. | I've had enough. Just because I've the sense to try and avoid being murdered, I'm accused of being a pacifist. |
- de samme som anklager meg. | - ..the same who have accused me. |
Jeg sitter ikke som en idiot mens du anklager en uskyldig mann. | I won't sit there like an idiot while you accuse an innocent man. |
Westerlie, jeg anklager Dem for mord. | Mr Westerlie, I accuse you of murder. |
Jeg anklager deg for å ha kastet bort livet ditt! | I accuse you of a wasted life. |
Lkke anklag meg for å ta livet av folk foran kollegaene mine. | Don't accuse me of killing people in front of my men. |
Det er nifst å anklag et stort firma for en slik sak. | Cabot said that they were not responsible for the contamination of the wells. It is a scary situation to accuse a large corporation of anything like that. |
Du stjal resepten min, Ron! Så ikke anklag meg for å være uansvarlig! | And you stole my prescription pad, Ron, so don't accuse me of acting irresponsibly. |
Det anklagende ansiktet... | That little accusing face... |
Bare det anklagende ansiktet med din fars hake. | Just that little accusing face with your father's hurt chin. |
Ikke vær bitter og anklagende, Ria. Ikke vær bitter og anklagende, Ria. | I beg you, Ria, don't be bitter and accusing. |
Jeg har fått vite at du er anklaga for trolldomsvirke. | I have received word you are accused of witchcraft. |
Broren din er anklaga for trolldomsvirke. | Your brother is accused of witchcraft. |
Han vet Ansgar er anklaga for trolldom, finner opp historier for å skremme vekk dere og andre dusørjegere. | He knows Ansgar is accused of witchcraft. He makes up tales to scare away you and other bounty hunters. |