Anda tidak dapat menuduh George Harvey jika anda tidak memiliki bukti. | You can not accuse George Harvey if you have no evidence. |
Pihak Polisi, di sisi lain, merasa dipermalukan akan keputusan ini, dan menuduh jaksa penuntut terlalu lunak menghadapi penjahat profil tinggi. | The police, on the other hand , are outraged by this outcome, and accused the prosecution of being too lenient to a high profile felon . |
Anda berani menuduh Gawain Ratu? | You dare accuse the Queen, Gawain? |
Kamu menuduh aku bohong padamu. | - Am I getting played? - You accuse me of lying to you? - What is it? |
Saya menuduh Brutus menggunakan "Ramuan Ajaib" yang memberikan dia kekuatan super. | I accuse Brutus of using a potion that gives him superhuman strength! |