Tu neturėtum manęs kankinti. Tik leisk pas tave sugrįžti. | You don't have to torture me. |
Tai savotiškas fabrikas, kur visi tie žmonės,... tie labai turtingi žmonės jie moka už tai, kad galėtų kankinti ir žudyti jaunuolius. | It's some kind of factory where these people, these very rich people they pay to torture and kill kids. |
Kiekvienas tavo pasirinkimas gyvenime, ar tai buvo kažką nužudyti, ar kankinti, visai nebuvo pasirinkimas, ar ne? | Every choice you've made in your life, whether it was to murder or to torture, it hasn't really been a choice at all, has it? |
Manau, kad jis sako, jog žmonės dievams nereiškia nieko daugiau negu musės mažiems berniukams, kurie mėgsta jas kankinti. | I think he's saying that human beings don't mean any more to the gods than flies do to little boys who like to torture them for fun. |
Aš jį kankinau. | I tortured him. |
Tu apkaltinai jį, suėmei jį, ir kankinai jį. | You framed him, locked him up, and tortured him. |
Tu mane kankinai! | You tortured me. |
Ar... ar tu... jas kankinai? | Or... did you... did you torture them? |
Nežinau kiek jį kankino. | I don't know how long they tortured him. |
Sunkiai. Jį kankino. | He's been tortured. |
Jį kankino. | This man's been tortured. |
Blogasis princas Džordžas kankino daug žmonių. | The evil Prince George has tortured many men. |
Jie mane kankino. | They tortured me. |
"Pone, kankinome tokį ir tokį vyruką". | "Well Sir, we have tortured this fellow". |