Example in Polish | Translation in English |
A nie mogę ich trochę pomęczyć dla zabawy? | Do you mean I'm not allowed to torture them a bit first just for fun? |
Chciałam tylko pomęczyć tą piosenkę, a ty ją dobiłeś. | I was just going to torture the song and now you're going to murder it! |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Danish | tortere,torturere | Dutch | folteren, martelen, maskeren |
English | torture | Esperanto | torturi |
French | torturer | German | foltern, martern, quälen |
Hungarian | kínoz | Icelandic | kvelja, pína, pynda, pynta |
Italian | seviziare, torturare | Japanese | 責め苛む |
Latvian | mocīt | Lithuanian | kamuoti, kankinti |
Norwegian | torturere | Portuguese | torturar |
Romanian | chinui, tortura | Russian | замучить, измучить, мучить, помучить, попытать, пытать |
Spanish | torturar, torturarse | Swedish | tortera |