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Memantau (to watch) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memantau

Present tense
I watch
Past tense
sudah memantau
I watched
Present perfect tense
sudah memantau
I have watched
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memantau
I will have watched
Future recent tense
memantau nanti
I will watch
Future distant tense
memantau kelak
I am going to watch
Present continuous tense
sedang memantau
I watch
Past distant tense
dulu memantau
I (a long time ago) watched
Past recent tense
memantau tadi
I (recently) watched
Past very recent tense
baru saja memantau
I (just now) watched

Examples of memantau

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Sebab itu ia tahu, Bahwa Elo di detik2 terakhir... dan mereka pikir itu berakhir... mereka terus memantau jam Lo... dan mereka lupa waktu mereka sendiri untuk dilihat.Because he knew that when you were down to your last seconds and they think it's over, they start watching your clock and forget to watch their own.
Kami akan memantau keseimbangan hormonmu.We'll watch your hormonal balance.
Spud, Rain Man, pergi untuk memantau jika ia kembali.Spud, Rain Man, go to watch if he returns.
Kami memantau kamar mayat untuk memastikan saja, Nona.We watch the morgues carefully.
Dan bagaimana jika aku tidak ada sini memantau semua pekerjaanmu?And if I wasn't here watching your every move?

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