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Vigiar (to watch) conjugation

91 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: observe, to observe something carefully

Conjugation of vigiar

Present tense
I watch
you watch
he/she watches
we watch
you all watch
they watch
Present perfect tense
tenho vigiado
I have watched
tens vigiado
you have watched
tem vigiado
he/she has watched
temos vigiado
we have watched
tendes vigiado
you all have watched
têm vigiado
they have watched
Past preterite tense
I watched
you watched
he/she watched
we watched
you all watched
they watched
Future tense
I will watch
you will watch
he/she will watch
we will watch
you all will watch
they will watch
Conditional mood
I would watch
you would watch
he/she would watch
we would watch
you all would watch
they would watch
Past imperfect tense
I used to watch
you used to watch
he/she used to watch
we used to watch
you all used to watch
they used to watch
Past perfect tense
tinha vigiado
I had watched
tinhas vigiado
you had watched
tinha vigiado
he/she had watched
tínhamos vigiado
we had watched
tínheis vigiado
you all had watched
tinham vigiado
they had watched
Future perfect tense
terei vigiado
I will have watched
terás vigiado
you will have watched
terá vigiado
he/she will have watched
teremos vigiado
we will have watched
tereis vigiado
you all will have watched
terão vigiado
they will have watched
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha vigiado
I have watched
tenhas vigiado
you have watched
tenha vigiado
he/she has watched
tenhamos vigiado
we have watched
tenhais vigiado
you all have watched
tenham vigiado
they have watched
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have watched
(if/so that) you will have watched
(if/so that) he/she will have watched
(if/so that) we will have watched
(if/so that) you all will have watched
(if/so that) they will have watched
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver vigiado
I will have watched
tiveres vigiado
you will have watched
tiver vigiado
he/she will have watched
tivermos vigiado
we will have watched
tiverdes vigiado
you all will have watched
tiverem vigiado
they will have watched
Imperative mood
let's watch!
Imperative negative mood
não vigies
do not watch!
não vigie
let him/her/it not watch!
não vigiemos
let us not watch!
não vigieis
do not watch!
não vigiem
do not watch!

Examples of vigiar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Tenho 20 operadores a vigiar as auto-estradas."Also assigned 20 operators to watch main highways.
- A avó já não terá de nos vigiar.It means grandma won't have to watch us.
- Ele mandou-te vigiar-me?Did he send you to watch me?
- Eu tenho de o vigiar?- I got to watch him?
- Já são muitas para vigiar.- Like I don't have enough to watch.
- Dormes tu, eu vigio.- You sleep, I watch. - No.
- E eu vigio-os a eles.- I'll be watching for them.
- Eu vigio lá em baixo.- I will watch from downstairs.
- Eu vigio o Ravelli.- You go ahead. I'll watch Ravelli.
- Eu vigio primeiro.-l take first watch.
- Há quanto tempo nos vigias?- How long you been watching?
- Nem eu as tuas vigias.- I won't stand any more of your watches.
- Olá. O Benjamin tem quatro vigias.Benjamin has four men on watch.
- Por que não vigias tu?Why can't you watch the hall?
- Por vezes, imaginas que me vigias.- Other times, you imagine yourself watching me.
- Bem, deve ter acontecido, já ela morava alí, quero dizer, por que ela vigia aquela casa como um falcão.Well, it must have happened when she lived there, I mean, because she watches that place like a hawk.
- Fica sempre longe, vigia as nossas costas.-He stays wide, watches our back.
- Quem vigia os vigias?Who watches the watchers?
- e o Yeager vigia-te.- Yeager watches you.
A Jane vigia-o como um falcão, um falcão alto e cabrãozinho.Jane watches him like a hawk, a tall, bitchy hawk.
- A Lorraine e eu vigiamos as coisas.- Lorraine and I'll watch over things for a bit.
- Nós vigiamos isto.We'll watch it.
- Nós vigiamos.- We'll watch.
-Não vai fugir, vigiamos tudo.I've my eyes on the road, but I get to watch inside at once.
Addy e eu vigiamos.Addy and I got overwatch.
"Para garantir que era vigiado", disse ele.He made sure he was watched, he said.
"Um cliente vigiado nunca compra.""A watched customer never buys."
- Acha que estás a ser vigiado?- You think you're being watched?
- Desculpe por isso, mas seu apartamento está sendo vigiado, e tínhamos que nos esforçar para falar com você sobre um bico - para o Charles Widmore.Sorry about that, but your apartment's being watched, and we had to try our best to talk you out of working for Charles Widmore.
- Estava a ser vigiado.watched?
- Das pessoas que vigiam a cidade.- Hiding? From whom? - From the people that watch the town.
- Espíritos que nos vigiam...- Spirits who watch over us-- JEROME:
- Mas não vigiam os iates.- But they're not watching yachts.
- Os agentes que a vigiam o de dizem?- What do those watching her say?
- Os homens de mesa vigiam os que distribuem as cartas... os homens do piso vigiam os homens da mesa... os chefes de zona vigiam os homens do piso... os chefes de turno vigiam os chefes de zona... o gerente do casino vigia os chefes de turno...- the boxmen are watching the dealers. the floormen are watching the boxmen... the pit bosses are watching the floormen... the shift bosses are watching the pit bosses... the casino manager is watching the shift bosses...
- Esperei e vigiei em Los Angeles, durante uma semana.I watched and waited in LA. A week.
- Porque eu a vigiei.- Because I watched over you.
Apenas vigiei os guardas.I only watched for the guards.
Como disse o homem... vigiei-te.Like the man said, I watched you.
Esperei e vigiei.I waited and I watched.
E mesmo assim o nosso suspeito vigiou as casas.Yet our unsub still watched the houses.
E vigiou-a constantemente,So he had them watched continuously.
Indicou-me a Brent e Seth e vigiou enquanto eles me violavam.He pointed me out to Brent and Seth, and he watched the door while they raped me!
Pedi para a minha amiga Gia ir ao café e... ela meio que vos vigiou.I had my friend Gia go to the coffee shop, and... she, like, kind of... she watched you guys.
Segui-o pela vigilância a cada minuto, e o Rosenberg disse que o vigiou o tempo todo em que esteve no quarto.I tracked him on surveillance every minute... and Rosenberg watched him the entire time he was in the room.
"que nos vigiaram quando nos deitámos."that watched us as we lay.
Acha que os meus detectives não vigiaram cada passo da sua família nos últimos 18 anos?Think my detectives haven't watched every move every member of your family has made in the last 18 years?
Eles vigiaram, eles esperaram depois entraram como Chefe Richards... e copiaram o vídeo e apagaram os copias de reserva, sem que ninguém soubesse.They watched, they waited, then logged in as Chief Richards and copied the video and wiped the backups without anyone even knowing.
Então, vigiaram-te, localizaram a tua casa e atacaram ali mesmo na rua.You said you felt like you were being watched. So they carried out surveillance, Pinpointed your home location
Estados Unidos e vigiaram o seu crescimento com muita atenção.United States and watched its growth very carefully.
A polícia vigiará todos os aeroportos, - durante 72 horas!Because the police will watch all the airports... for 72 hours.
Tu, ficas com a Carter, que te vigiará como uma águia.You, stay with Carter - who will watch you like a hawk.
Vamos caminhar para o Vale da Sombra da Morte, onde vigiarão as costas do homem ao vosso lado tal como ele vigiará as vossas e não vos interessará a cor da pele dele, ou que nome dá ele a Deus.We're moving into the Valley of the Shadow of Death... where you will watch the back of the man next to you, as he will watch yours. And you won't care what colour he is or by what name he calls God.
Os Cinzentos vigiarão uma família durante muito tempo antes que se revelem.The Grays will watch a family for a long time before they reveal themselves.
Vamos caminhar para o Vale da Sombra da Morte, onde vigiarão as costas do homem ao vosso lado tal como ele vigiará as vossas e não vos interessará a cor da pele dele, ou que nome dá ele a Deus.We're moving into the Valley of the Shadow of Death... where you will watch the back of the man next to you, as he will watch yours. And you won't care what colour he is or by what name he calls God.
- Artemis, vigie nossa rainha Penélope e nossa ilha de Ítaca.Oh, Artemis, watch over queen Penelope and our island of Ithaca.
- Artemis, vigie o meu amor com Telêmaco.Artemis, watch over my love with Telemachus.
- E vigie o seu cachorro.- And watch your dog.
- Joe-Joe, vigie sua irmã.- Joe-Joe, watch your sister.
- O Minelli quer que eu te vigie.- Minelli wants me to keep a watch on you.
- Não, preciso que vigies...I need you to watch--
-Não me vigies.Blood, don't watch what I do, man.
Anda até a casa da piscina comigo porque elas disseram-me... que querem que tu as vigies..Come on out to the pool house with me 'cause they told me... that they want you to watch 'em.
Bolin, preciso que vigies a Naga enquanto viajo.Bolin, I need you to watch Naga while I'm gone.
Calculo que a vigies também, por isso está tudo sobre controlo.I've been watching him and I imagine you've been watching her, so between us we've got it covered.
É melhor que o vigiemos.Better watch him.
- E vigiem os céus.- And watch the sky.
- É, vigiem a perna.Yeah, watch the leg.
Apenas vigiem e procurem a suspeita..Just survey and watch for suspect.
Arqueiros, vigiem as árvores.Archers, watch the trees.
Atem-nos e vigiem-nos.Tie 'em down and watch 'em.
Ficai aqui e vigiai comigo.Stay here and watch with me.
"Eles estão vigiando.""We are watching."
# Exceto para agradecer que estão me vigiando #Except to thank who's watching over me
# Preciso de um herói me vigiando ## I need a hero watching over me #
- Como assim "vigiando"?What do you mean, "watching?"
- Ele está vigiando.- He's watching.
- O homem que mandou vigiarem-me.The man who keeps sending people to watch me.
- Sim, lavei-o sem ter oito mulheres e um guarda a vigiarem-me.- I shampooed it... without eight women and a guard watching. Ha, ha.
A Catarina decerto tem espiões a vigiarem todos os meus passos.- How? Catherine will have spies watching my every move.
A questão é, pensei que os Guardiões era suposto vigiarem e não, sabes, jogarem jogos.Ah, look, the point is, I thought watchers were supposed to watch And not, you know, play a game.
Com esses quatro olhos a vigiarem-nos?With those four beady eyes watching us?
- Willy, disse-te para o vigiares.- Willy, I told you to watch him.
- É melhor vigiares os dedos, Ringo!- Better watch your fingers, Ringo!
Disse para vigiares os bolos!I told you to watch the cakes!
Disse-te para o vigiares.I told you to watch him.
Disse-te para, o vigiares.I told you to watch him!
Ela disse para vigiarmos o barco.She said watch the boat.
Em vez que vigiarmos isto ao vivo a partir do Montecito... vamos gravar cassetes de vigilância, está bem?So instead of watching it live from the Montecito... we're gonna be making video tapes, all right?
Não para vigiarmos do lado de fora.Didn't say watch it from outside. (chuckles)
É só suposto vigiarmos a livraria, nada mais.We're just supposed to watch the bookstore.That's it.

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