Proveer (to provide) conjugation

111 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to decide, stock, appoint, to supply, to grant, bestow, to equip, to settle, decide, to furnish, to resolve, to give a decision, to bestow, to stock, to appoint, to give

Conjugation of proveer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I provide
you provide
he/she/it provides
we provide
you all provide
they provide
Present perfect tense
he proveído
I have provided
has proveído
you have provided
ha proveído
he/she/it has provided
hemos proveído
we have provided
habéis proveído
you all have provided
han proveído
they have provided
Past preterite tense
I provided
you provided
he/she/it provided
we provided
you all provided
they provided
Future tense
I will provide
you will provide
he/she/it will provide
we will provide
you all will provide
they will provide
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would provide
you would provide
he/she/it would provide
we would provide
you all would provide
they would provide
Past imperfect tense
I used to provide
you used to provide
he/she/it used to provide
we used to provide
you all used to provide
they used to provide
Past perfect tense
había proveído
I had provided
habías proveído
you had provided
había proveído
he/she/it had provided
habíamos proveído
we had provided
habíais proveído
you all had provided
habían proveído
they had provided
Future perfect tense
habré proveído
I will have provided
habrás proveído
you will have provided
habrá proveído
he/she/it will have provided
habremos proveído
we will have provided
habréis proveído
you all will have provided
habrán proveído
they will have provided
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I provide
(if/so that) you provide
(if/so that) he/she/it provide
(if/so that) we provide
(if/so that) you all provide
(if/so that) they provide
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya proveído
I have provided
hayas proveído
you have provided
haya proveído
he/she/it has provided
hayamos proveído
we have provided
hayáis proveído
you all have provided
hayan proveído
they have provided
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have provided
(if/so that) you have provided
(if/so that) he/she/it have provided
(if/so that) we have provided
(if/so that) you all have provided
(if/so that) they have provided
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have provided
(if/so that) you have provided
(if/so that) he/she/it have provided
(if/so that) we have provided
(if/so that) you all have provided
(if/so that) they have provided
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera proveído
I had provided
hubieras proveído
you had provided
hubiera proveído
he/she/it had provided
hubiéramos proveído
we had provided
hubierais proveído
you all had provided
hubieran proveído
they had provided
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese proveído
I had provided
hubieses proveído
you had provided
hubiese proveído
he/she/it had provided
hubiésemos proveído
we had provided
hubieseis proveído
you all had provided
hubiesen proveído
they had provided
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have provided
(if/so that) you will have provided
(if/so that) he/she/it will have provided
(if/so that) we will have provided
(if/so that) you all will have provided
(if/so that) they will have provided
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere proveído
I will have provided
hubieres proveído
you will have provided
hubiere proveído
he/she/it will have provided
hubiéremos proveído
we will have provided
hubiereis proveído
you all will have provided
hubieren proveído
they will have provided
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's provide!
Imperative negative mood
no proveas
do not provide!
no provea
let him/her/it provide!
no proveamos
let us not provide!
no proveáis
do not provide!
no provean
do not provide!

Examples of proveer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Considero necesario proveer, de la forma más liberal, de mujeres en burdeles a los prisioneros que hacen trabajos pesados.'I consider it necessary to provide in the most liberal way hard working prisoners with women in brothels. '
"sólo intento proveer las condiciones para que ellos puedan aprender.""i only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn."
- Estoy curiosa sobre los detalles que intentará proveer, respecto al incidente con el Dr. Rush.- That's right. - I'm curious about the details you intend to provide regarding the incident with Dr. Rush.
- No, te necesito en el perímetro para proveer inteligencia y también para desestabilizar cualquier operación de rescate que pueda haber.- No, I need you on the perimeter to provide intelligence. Also, to disrupt whatever rescue operations there may be.
- No. Es una tela usada para proveer protección para polvo en cosas como cubre autos.No, it's a fabric used to provide dust protection on things like car covers.
- Les proveo seguridad, protección.- I provide protection, security.
- Si compras la bebida, entonces proveo la alegría.If you are buying the drink, then I'll provide the cheer.
- Yo proveo un servicio.- I provide a service.
- yo proveo ciertos servicios.- I provide certain services--
Como sabe, proveo a mis amigos mucho más que carne para túneles.As you know, I provide so much more than tunnel fodder for my friends.
A cambio, me provees servicios.In exchange, you provide services.
Claro, tú provees financieramente.Right, you provide financially.
Es como tú provees a tu familiaIt's how you provide for your family.
Eso significa que nos cuentas todo lo que conseguiste de tu investigación y nos provees con apoyo táctico completo en el rescate.That means you tell us everything that you got from your research and provide full tactical support on the rescue.
Estoy feliz con la vida que provees.I'm happy with the life you provide.
"Creo que "Los cuentos de Canterbury"... provee la base de toda la literatura moderna.Oh, oh, oh, "I think 'The Canterbury Tales' ... "really provides a basis for all of the modern literatures.
- Nuestro Señor provee.- Our Lord provides.
... Y como podrá observar, la sala diaria provee montones de actividades para mantener a los pacientes ocupados....And as you can see, the day room provides plenty of activities to keep our patients occupied.
A pesar de que el registro de fósiles provee una respuesta al problema de los eslabones perdidos, también plantea un grave problema.Although the fossil record provides an answer to the problem of missing links, it also posed a major problem.
A todos les provee por igual.And He provides for all alike.
"Nosotros les proveemos el frasquito para su comodidad"."We've provided a specimen cup for your convenience."
"O les proveemos un tapete de oro", en otras palabras, si suministran un oleoducto a través de Afganistán y aseguran la seguridad de ese oleoducto, y entonces hay trato,"Either we would provide you with a carpet of gold", in other words, if you supply a pipeline across Afghanistan, you ensure the security of the country you guard that pipeline, then we can do a deal with you,
Amenaza con disolver el grupo si no les proveemos información útil.He threatens to dissolve the team, if we do not provide them with useful information.
Aquí proveemos de estructura, pero también proveemos de libertad.We provide structure here, but we also provide freedom.
Aquí, en la Casa de Vundabar proveemos todo. Incluso tu último aliento.Here at Casa de Vundabar, we provide everything, including your very last breath.
- ¿No proveen broches para la ropa?They don't provide clothes pegs, do they?
Abogados y buffets jurídicos proveen información y asistencia sobre como hacer el dinero legitimo.Lawyers and law firms provide counseling on how to make grow money legit.
Además de comida, los animales tradicionalmente proveen transporte.As well as providing food, the animals here traditionally provided transport.
Admiro su lógica, pero carece de los instintos que proveen las emociones.I admire her logic, although she lacks the instinctiveness that a more emotional response can provide.
Ambos autos proveen 30% de protección.Both cars provide 30% protection.
Los proveí de la melodía, sin siquiera saberlo.I've provided them the soundtrack, unbeknownst to myself.
Sólo proveí el ingrediente vital - el núcleo.I only provided the vital ingredient - the core.
Te proveí con los datos de tejido de un femenino caucásico de 10 años.I provided you with the tissue data for a ten-year-old Caucasian female.
¡Yo proveí de todo!I've provided everything!
¿No te proveí con todo lo necesario?Do not you I provided everything you need?
Debía verificar aquello que proveíste.I had to verify that which you provided.
Le proveíste la cinta de Moller.You provided the moller tape.
Tú proveíste de una mujer y una bañera.You provided the woman and the hot tub.
Y una vez que lo confirmé usando las muestras que me proveíste decidí hacer una prueba más, solo para estar seguro en míAnd once I confirmed it using samples that you provided, I decided to do one more test, just to be certain. On me.
"Proporcionó" es mejor que "proveyó". Da un tono más municipal."Furnished" is better than "provided. " It's more municipal in tone.
"proveyó una gran oportunidad para neutralizar a Sam."provided a great opportunity to neutralize Sam.
A la petición de la Sra. Thatcher, La Oficia Meteorológica del Reino Unido estableció una unidad de modelos climáticos que proveyó las bases... para un nuevo comité internacional llamado El Paner Intergubernamental para el Cambio Climático o IPCC.At the request of Mrs. Thatcher, the UK Met Office set up a climate modelling unit which provided the basis... for a new international committee called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or IPCC.
Bueno, esta vez Alá nos proveyó a Issa Karpov y sus millones mal habidos.Well, this time Allah has provided Issa Karpov and his ill-gotten millions.
Bueno, proveyó a los necesitados.Well, you provided for those in need.
Pero como he dicho, repetidamente, ni yo ni mi compañía se los proveímos.But as I have maintained, repeatedly, neither I nor my company provided it to them.
Su vecino aquí no tomo ventaja.. .. del sobre estampillado que proveímos.Your neighbor here didn't take advantage of the self-addressed, stamped envelope we provided.
Te proveímos atmósfera.Atmosphere provided.
los datos son concluyentes, proveímos los datos brutos algunos son datos revisados, no por nosotros, y que apoyan la aprobaciónThe data is conclusive, we provided the data, the raw data and summary datas, peer-reviewed data, not done by us, to support the submission.
Alimentadas por la actividad volcánica, proveyeron todos los químicos adecuados que se necesitaban para la aparición de la vida.Fed by volcanic activity, they provided all the right chemicals needed for the emergence of life.
Aquí dice que los patrones de búsqueda se basaron en información de corrientes que proveyeron las boyas direccionales.This report says that the search patterns were based... on water current information provided by directional buoys.
Chequeamos las compañías que le proveyeron la mercadería al camión revisamos sus listas de empleados.We looked at the companies that provided the stock on the truck we checked through their employee lists.
Estrellas muertas hace mucho tiempo, proveyeron el polvo de estrellas para crear nuestro sistema solar, los planetas y todo en ellos.Long-dead stars provided the stardust to create our solar system, the planets, and everything on them.
Fueron los volcanes los que proveyeron al joven planeta vulnerable una manera de mantenerse caliente, pero no de la manera que puede que pienses.It was volcanoes that provided the young vulnerable planet with a way to keep warm, but not in the way that you might think.
Si construyo, penso poner a Moray como encargado de mi tienda y le proveeré con todos los fondos que sean necesarios para su éxito.If I build, I intend to employ Moray as my store manager and I will provide him with whatever funds are needed to succeed.
Sin embargo, proveeré más carros para los enfermos y los viejos.However I will provide additional wagons for the sick and feeble.
Te proveeré con lo que pueda para alimentar tan altos ideales.I will provide you with what I can to feed the lofty ideals.
Y yo, como la figura paterna benévola... proveeré el ingreso monetario mayor y... les pondré apodos bonitos. - ¿Dick?And I, as the benevolent father figure, will provide the major source of income and give you cute nicknames.
Yo proveeré el réquiem.I will provide the requiem.
Ignacio, tú eliminarás a los francotiradores y proveerás refuerzos.Ignacio, you will provide sniper protection and reinforcements.
Tú le proveerás soporte.You will provide them with support.
Tú me proveerás todas las pistas... derivadas de este lugar directamente hasta mí.You will provide all leads derived from this place directly to me.
Tú nos proveerás camiones adicionales y nuevas rutas para mover nuestro producto.You will provide us with additional trucks and new shipping routes to move our product.
Y me proveerás con tantos hijos, como los que estoy seguro que tendrás.I will make you a good husband, and you will provide me with many sons, of that I am quite certain.
"Dios proveerá el cordero para la ofrenda. ""God will provide Himself the lamb for the burnt offering."
"El Señor proveerá". Si.The Lord will provide, yes.
- ... Con las agencias federales y proveerá ...- ...with federal agencies and will provide...
- Chopin nos proveerá con un acompañamiento.- Chopin will provide an accompaniment.
- El Cielo proveerá.- Heaven will provide.
A cambio del cese del caos y la violencia, te proveeremos dietas, premisas, y la forma de conseguir sangre de forma consensuada.In exchange for a cessation of chaos and violence, we will provide you with per diems, premises and the means to acquire blood consensually.
Dígalo y le proveeremos refuerzos.Say the word and we will provide backup.
Le dijimos a la Fuerza Aérea que proveeremos de instalaciones para todo tipo de comentarios, críticas o correcciones que deseen hacer con respecto al caso Milo Radulovich.We have told the Air Force that we will provide facilities for any comments, criticisms, or corrections it may wish to make as to the case of Milo Radulovich.
Le proveeremos lo que necesite para continuar su viaje pero no puede dejar la nave.We will provide you whatever you need to continue your journey, But you may not leave the ship.
Lo proveeremos el mejor servicio que podamos...We will provide the best service we can...
Ahora, para agregar redes sociales, muchos servicios de agregación proveerán widgets, lo que os permitirá buscar a través deNow, in order to aggregate social networks, many aggregation services will provide widgets, which allow you to search across
Lo que ella quiera, ustedes cinco lo proveerán.Whatever she wants, the five of you will provide it.
Los cristales son pequenos, pero creo que proveerán potencia... hasta que podamos obtener piezas más grandes.The crystals are small, but I believe they will provide enough power until we can obtain larger pieces.
Los dioses proveerán.The gods will provide.
Los partisanos proveerán armas y fotos.The partisans will provide us with weapons and photos.
Al final, diseñé una cámara que creí que podría funcionar,... e inventé un fluido que proveería de oxígeno... y nutriría el embrión situado en su interior.Finally, I designed a chamber that I believed could work, and I invented a fluid that would provide oxygen and nourish the embryo placed inside.
Aunque comérselos sería un gran desperdicio, pues podrías plantarlos, y en la noche tendrías una planta gigante, la cual proveería suficiente fibra para una ciudad pequeña.Although eating them would be quite a waste, since you could plant them, and overnight, have a giant beanstalk, which would provide enough roughage for a small city.
China nos proveería de aviones de combate J-20, vehículos de asalto acorazados WZ-551...China would provide us J-20 fighter jets, WZ-551 armored assault vehicles...
Confiaba en que el Señor proveería.I was confident the Lord would provide.
Creíamos que nuestro dios nos proveería.We thought our God would provide for us.
"provea una casa para sus hijos menores hasta que tengan edad."provide a home for his minor children until they are of age.
...he esperado que...el universo me provea un camino...You're right though. It is amazing. I've been waiting for the universe to provide a path for me, and... and I think it has.
Buscaba los diarios y videos de Eddie, cualquier cosa que Cliff haya robado, cualquier cosa que provea respuestas.I was looking for Eddie's journals,video diaries, anything that Cliff might have stolen, anything that might provide answers.
Comisario Auerswald... Hoy, esperamos que usted nos provea del primer contingente de 6.000 personas.Today, we expect you to provide the first contingent of 6,000 people.
Creo que deberías permitirme que te proteja y provea un poco.And I think you should let me protect and provide a little.
- Es cierto. Hay varias otras maneras de que proveas para esta familia.There are plenty of other ways you can provide for this family.
Al contrario... confiamos en que nos proveas de suministros frescos.On the contrary, we rely on you to provide us with a fresh supply.
Como tu único hermano viviente, te pido que me proveas con esta oportunidad de amar.As your only living brother, I would ask that you provide me with this opportunity to love.
Rita, tengo que decirte que cualquier información falsa que proveas...Rita, I got to tell you that um any false information you provide-
Ahora, propongo que agilicemos las versiones civiles de 33 de estas tecnologías y proveamos a las fuerzas del orden con prototipos avanzados para pruebas de campo y eventualmente se los vendamos.Now, I propose that we fast-track civilian versions of 33 of these technologies and provide law enforcement with advanced prototypes for field testing and eventually for sale.
El Nivel Azul es el área donde es más crítico... que proveamos excelentes cuidados.Level Blue is the area where it's most critical that we provide excellent care.
También quiere que lo proveamos de transporte seguro al destino que elija.We also have to provide safe travel.
Detective Beckett, como creador y productor ejecutivo de "Noche de Baile", di instrucciones de que le provean lo que sea que necesite para resolver este terrible asesinato.Detective Beckett, as co-creator and executive producer of "Night Of Dance," I have instructed my staff to provide you with anything and everything you need to help solve this terrible murder. - Anything.
Diles que no devolveremos el avión hasta que los libios nos provean un avión de larga distancia para ir a Bagdad. Los libios son intratables.Then tell him we are only returning the plane if the Libyans provide us with a long haul jet to take us to Baghdad.
La próxima vez, diles que te provean el vestuario.Next time, tell them to provide you with a costume!
Pero hasta entonces debemos ayudar a cada hombre a cada campesino, jornalero, vulgo, para que provean para su familia.But until then we must help every man, every peasant, every peonman, every ? provide for his family.
Querido amigo ninguna corte puede esperar que los santos provean evidencia.Dear friend no court can wait for saints to provide evidence.
"y puedes seguir proveyendo a quien quieras.""and you can continue providing who you want."
...proveyendo seguros médicos... seguros de vida, inversiones inmobiliarias, no solo por las familias, sino por la faz cambiante del país.By providing a variety of health plans... life insurance policies... real estate investments, not only for families... but for the changing face of America.
A pesar de que usted despejara varios campos minados, bajo intenso fuego, proveyendo un paso seguro para que nuestras tropas avanzaran.Despite clearing several frozen minefields by yourself, under heavy fire, providing safe passage for our troops to advance.
Ahora bien, sospechamos que él puede estar proveyendo material de apoyo para conocidos elementos radicales conectados con la mezquita.Now, we suspect he may be providing material support for known radical elements connected to the green lake mosque.
Bueno, quizás esa es su manera de demostrarle... que la ama, proveyendo su sustento.well, perhaps that´s his way of showing you... that he loves you by providing for you.
Y su nuevo colegio... ¿proveé de viviendas a los profesores?And does your new school provide spending accommodation for staff?
Ahora, Yo siempre he proveído.Now, I've always provided.
Ahora, si echan un vistazo al gráfico de productividad de muertes que les hemos proveído y lo dan vuelta...Now, if you'll take a look at the kill/ratio productivity chart... we've provided for you. Turn to- - On page 22 there, you'll see that--
Aquel que camina detrás de las hileras nos ha protegido del mundo exterior y nos ha proveído desde que los más ancianos de nosotros eran pequeños.He Who Walks Behind The Rows has protected us from the outside world and provided for us since the oldest amongst us were little.
Es sospechoso de haber proveído armas para algunos asaltos recientes.In several recent cases of armed robbery he provided the weapons
Este carbón ha proveído a la caldera subterránea que ha hecho a esta nación lo que es hoy día.This coal provided the underground boiler room that made this nation what it is today.

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