- Ei, kui sa arvad, et ma sellele reageerin. | - Can I call you Eddie? - Not if you expect me to answer. |
Ma eelistan Allmaailma Valitsejat kuid reageerin ka Saatanale. | I prefer to be called Ruler Of All That Is Evil, but I will answer to Satan. |
Ma tean, et sa ka reageerid sellele, Hermie, aga ma rääkisin temaga. | I know you also answer to that, Hermie, - but I was talking to her. |
Nüüd reageerid ainult Richardi ja Isand Rahli nimedele. | And from now on you will answer only to "Richard" or "Lord Rahl." |
- Vahel reageerib nimele "Sitapea". | - Sometimes he answers to "asshole." |
Ja ta reageerib nimele Garfield. | And he answers to the name Garfield. |
Keda enamus kutsuvad Leoks, aga ta reageerib ka Lee`le. | Who most people call Leo, but he also answers to Lee. |
Tony Wilson, kuidas te reageerite öeldule, et olete fashist? | Tony Wilson, how do you answer the charge that you're a fascist? |
Ta pole kodus ja peilerile ei reageeri. | He's not at home and he's not answering his pager. I'm worried. |
Tüür ei reageeri. | She's not answering her helm. |
- Mina sellele nimele ei reageeri. | I don't answer to that name. |
- Sherlock, miks sa uksekellale ei reageeri? | Sherlock! You weren't answering your doorbell. |
- Tore on tagasi olla. Ma ei reageeri nimele Valentine. | Oh it was... um, I'm just glad I'm back, and I don't answer to the name Valentine |
Ma ei reageeri nimele Valentine. | And I don't answer to the name Valentine. |
Clark võib kuulda maailma appi-karjeid ja ta on kohustatud kutsele reageerima. | Clark can hear the world's cries for help, and he's duty-bound to answer the call. |