Responder (to answer) conjugation

138 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: correspond, counterattack, to retort frequently, retort, to correspond to, to counterattack, to be a defendant, to be responsible for something, to reply

Conjugation of responder

Present tense
I answer
you answer
he/she answers
we answer
you all answer
they answer
Present perfect tense
tenho respondido
I have answered
tens respondido
you have answered
tem respondido
he/she has answered
temos respondido
we have answered
tendes respondido
you all have answered
têm respondido
they have answered
Past preterite tense
I answered
you answered
he/she answered
we answered
you all answered
they answered
Future tense
I will answer
you will answer
he/she will answer
we will answer
you all will answer
they will answer
Conditional mood
I would answer
you would answer
he/she would answer
we would answer
you all would answer
they would answer
Past imperfect tense
I used to answer
you used to answer
he/she used to answer
we used to answer
you all used to answer
they used to answer
Past perfect tense
tinha respondido
I had answered
tinhas respondido
you had answered
tinha respondido
he/she had answered
tínhamos respondido
we had answered
tínheis respondido
you all had answered
tinham respondido
they had answered
Future perfect tense
terei respondido
I will have answered
terás respondido
you will have answered
terá respondido
he/she will have answered
teremos respondido
we will have answered
tereis respondido
you all will have answered
terão respondido
they will have answered
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha respondido
I have answered
tenhas respondido
you have answered
tenha respondido
he/she has answered
tenhamos respondido
we have answered
tenhais respondido
you all have answered
tenham respondido
they have answered
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have answered
(if/so that) you will have answered
(if/so that) he/she will have answered
(if/so that) we will have answered
(if/so that) you all will have answered
(if/so that) they will have answered
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver respondido
I will have answered
tiveres respondido
you will have answered
tiver respondido
he/she will have answered
tivermos respondido
we will have answered
tiverdes respondido
you all will have answered
tiverem respondido
they will have answered
Imperative mood
let's answer!
Imperative negative mood
não respondas
do not answer!
não responda
let him/her/it not answer!
não respondamos
let us not answer!
não respondais
do not answer!
não respondam
do not answer!

Examples of responder

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
" Eu abro os meus lábios para responder ao teu nome"" I open my lips to answer to your name" " Life and death have no meaning"
"...convocado à corte para responder pelos crimes do vosso porta-estandarte"Summoned to court to answer for the crimes of your bannerman Gregor Clegane, the Mountain"...
"Até lá, por favor, limite-se a responder às perguntas.""Meanwhile, please confine yourself to answering the questions."
"Bem, porquê a Zooey?" E eu não lhe soube responder."Well, why Zooey?" And I didn't know how to answer it.
"Em vez de os bombardearmos com papel, devíamos responder na mesma moeda!""Bombing Instead of them with paper, we had to answer in the same currency!"
" Eu abro os meus lábios para responder ao teu nome" " Eu respondo quando alguém chama por ti"" I answer when somebody calls out your name"
" Eu respondo quando alguém chama por ti"" I answer when somebody calls out your name" " I open my lips to answer to your name"
"Qual é o contrário de Swissair?" E, antes de pensar, eu respondo:"What's the opposite of Swissair? " And before I can think, I answer,
- Comando Britânico? - E não respondo a mais ninguém.- And I don't answer to anyone else.
- Eu mostro-te. - Eu respondo a isto.Harry, let me answer this.
"Meu Deus, choro de dia e não me respondes e à noite quando não descanso..."O, my God, I cry by day, and You do not answer. And by night, when I have no rest.
"e nunca me respondes."You never answer my question.
* Porque não me respondes, porquê?♪ Yeah, why won't you answer me, answer me?
* Porque não me respondes?♪ Oh, yeah, why won't you answer me?
- A essa pergunta respondes tu.- That's a question for you to answer.
"Ao que o professor responde:The teacher answers:
"Deus responde sempre às nossas preces, Judy."God always answers our prayers, Judy.
"Então, como vai indo?" e o anão responde:"How is it in bed?" and he answers:
"Não, Deus vai me salvar", responde o homem do telhado."No, God will save me," answers the man on the roof. A motorboat passes.
"O professor responde: se multiplicares as idades, dá 36,The teacher answers: If you multiply their ages you get 36.
"Bem-Vindos ao Mundo Milagroso..." "...onde todas as semanas respondemos a perguntas sem resposta."Welcome to Miraculous World... where each week we ask unanswered questions.
- Eu respondo a Deus. Todos respondemos.I answer to God.
- À qual respondemos.Which we have answered.
A quem? Sabe que há gente que nos escreve e nós nunca respondemos?Some people write to us and we never answer.
Acho que já respondemos a essa questão 3 vezes.We answered that question 3 times.
"teriam respondido a todos os seus desejos."would have answered all her wishes.
- Espero ter respondido à sua pergunta.- I hope that answered your question.
- Está respondido? - Não!- Are you answered?
- Meritíssima, perguntado e respondido.- Your Honor, asked and answered.
- Perguntado e respondido.- Asked and answered.
- Não respondeis! Tremem-me os dedos.Speak not, reply not, do not answer me.
- Porque não me respondeis?- Why don't you answer me?
Como respondeis a esta acusação?How do you answer such a charge?
Como respondeis a estas acusações?How do you answer the charges?
Que respondeis a isso?Your answer to that.
- Eles atiram primeiro, depois respondem à perguntas...They shoot first, and then they answer the questions.
- Eles não respondem?- They're not answering?
- Já tentei, mas não respondem.Yes, sir. I tried. They're not answering.
- Nao respondem?-No answer?
- Não respondem a perguntas.- Counsel isn't answering questions.
"Eu só respondi à chamada.""I just answered the call."
"Não", respondi eu.Not at all, I answered.
- A natureza chamou-me... e respondi.And then nature called and I answered.
- Acho que já respondi a isso.- I believe I've already answered that.
- Acho que respondi a isso.-I believe I've answered that.
"Tu não me respondeste."You haven't answered me.
- Ainda não respondeste à pergunta.You still haven't answered the question, Mom. - Right.
- Desculpe. - Ainda não respondeste, juras pelo quê?I'm sorry, still not answered my question why you swear?
- Desculpe. Tu respondeste ao "senhorita"!You answered to "miss."
- Estamos sentados aqui e tu respondeste.- We're sitting here and you answered.
"Busquei "o Senhor, e Ele respondeu-me. "Libertou-meI sought the lord, and he answered me... delivered me from my fears.
"Cem medidas de azeite", respondeu ele."One hundred measures of oil," he answered.
"Cem medidas de trigo", respondeu ele."one hundred measures of wheat" he answered.
"E Moisés respondeu ao povo: não temam."And moses answered the people, 'do not be afraid.
"E o Roland não respondeu à minha última carta."And Roland hasn't answered my last letter.
Mas não respondestes à minha pergunta.But you have not answered my question.
Não respondestes às acusações.- You have not answered the charges.
"Quando se lhes perguntaram se eram cristãos e se eram batizados, responderam que não tinham ouvido falar de Cristo e não sabiam nada dele.""When asked whether they were Christians and had been baptised, "they answered that until now they had heard nothing of Christ and knew nothing about him."
- Ainda não responderam.They just haven't answered yet.
- Como assim "responderam"?What do you mean, "answered"?
- Que fique em acta que os acusados responderam afirmativamente a todas as acusações.Let the record show that the defendants have answered... in the affirmative to all charges.
- Raios. - Se ainda não responderam...- If they haven't answered by now...
"Eu responderei.""I will answer it."
Achei que perguntaria, e responderei na altura certa.I thought you might ask that, and I will answer in due time.
Agente Gibbs, responderei a qualquer pergunta que tiver,I will answer any question that you have,
Certo, responderei às tuas perguntas se me prometeres não cumprir esse mandado de busca.All right, I will answer your questions if you promise not to serve this search warrant.
Decidirei se lhe responderei com pistolas ou com um julgamento em Tribunal Militar.I will decide whether I will answer you with pistols or a general court-martial.
Agora responderás às minhas perguntas.Now you will answer my questions.
Bem, eu pergunto-te as vezes que forem necessárias... e tu responderás.Well, I'll ask you as often as I want and you will answer.
Mas cuidado, tu responderás com a tua vida pelo rádio.But beware, you will answer with his life on the radio.
Responsabilizo-te... porque responderás no fatídico dia do julgamento... quando os segredos de todos os corações são descobertos. E se sabes de alguma razão... que impeça o vosso matrimônio legal... vais confessá-lo.I require and charge you as you will answer on the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts are disclosed, that if you know any impediment why you should not be
"qualquer tipo de evidência responderá."any sort of evidence will answer.
- A testemunha responderá.The witness will answer.
- E ele responderá a mim, ou todas as suas cidades acabarão como esta!-And he will answer to me or all of his cities will end up like this one!
- Gondor responderá.- Gondor will answer. - Gondor?
- Romeu responderá.Romeo will answer it.
- Nós os responderemos através um comunicado oficial. ... nessa manhã que passou com o sequestro de Fernando Campos, Cônsul do Brasil,An official communiqué will answer your questions ... morning that has ended with the kidnapping of Fernando Campos, Consul of Brazil,
Às interrogações responderemos só de duas formas:Questions we will answer in one of two ways:
Responsabilizo-os, como respondereis no terrível Dia do Julgamento... quando os segredos de todos os corações serão revelados... Se um de vós conhecer algum impedimento... por que não podem ser unidos... deveis confessar agora.I charge you both, as ye will answer at the dreadful Day of Judgment, when the secrets of all hearts will be disclosed, if either of you know any impediment why you may not be joined together,
- Se prenderem... - responderão a Quinto pessoalmente.If you do so, you will answer to Quintus personally.
Depois irei fazer-vos uma pergunta onde responderão no papel fornecido.I will then ask a question which you will answer on the paper provided.
Eles responderão com duas luzes.They will answer it with two lights.
Os responsáveis das forças de repressão e da oligarquia responderão pela integridade física de nossos companheiros.The people in charge of the forces of repression and the oligarchy will answer for the physical well-being of our comrades.
Tome-a se puder, meus canhões responderão ao chamado.Take it if you can; my cannons will answer your call.
- Mas ele responderia...- But he would answer...
Disse ao carrasco que, sendo secretário da Rainha, responderia pela vossa inocência.I told the executioner that, as the Queen's secretary, I would answer for your innocence.
E eu só respondi o que um milhão de mulheres responderia.And I only answered what a million women would answer.
Ela responderia mas é muda.She would answer your charge but she cannot speak.
Eu responderia que não foi uma derrota assim tão grande.- I would answer it was not such a defeat.
Não importa muito como responderiam a esta pergunta, porque nós já lá estamos.It doesn't matter how you would answer that because we are there.
Foi só porque Mrs. Watson respondera ao anúncio...Well... it was only that Mrs Watson had answered the advertisement...
O mano mais velho do Céu respondera às minhas preces.The Big Bro in the sky had answered my prayers.
! Por favor, responda à pergunta.Please answer the question.
"Apenas responda sim ou não".Question: Now, Mr. Bannister, please answer the question, yes or no.
"Desta vez, por uma vez na vida, o cliente dispense toda a arrogância e o desafio, e responda simplesmente à questão da primeira vez que a faço.""This time, for once, "the client will dispense with all the bluster and defiance and simply answer the question the first time I ask it."
"Por favor responda as próximas questões, sim ou não..." "... você tem alguma alergia?"Please answer the following questions yes or no.
"Por favor, responda-nos e diga se existe mesmo."Please answer us and say it even exists.
- Antes que respondas, quero que saibas que vais ter o teu próprio balneário.- Before you answer, you should know you'd have your own changing room.
- Arauto, não respondas por mim.-Herald, do not give my answers!
- Bem... - Não respondas a isso.Don't answer that.
- Cala-te, não me respondas.- Shut up, don't answer back.
- Chega. Não respondas.Do not answer that question.
Lembremo-nos desta história e respondamos ao nosso destino e vamos refazer o mundo mais uma vez.Let us remember this history and answer our destiny and remake the world once again.
O melhor é que respondamos ao questionário, de qualquer maneira vejo que é um tema que afecta a todos.Better we... better we begin to answer the questionnaire. In any case I see that this is a topic that concerns us all...
Queres mesmo que respondamos?You really want us to answer that?
"Por favor, elas que respondam"."Please let them answer".
"Um", "Três", respondam.One, Three, answer me.
- Por favor, respondam.- Please answer us! -
- Quero que respondam sinceramente.- I want you to answer honestly.
-Só respondam ao que souberem.Just answer to the best of your knowledge.
Aceitai o sacrifício que pretendo oferecer-vos... E depois respondei-me.Accept the sacrifice I plan to offer you, and then answer me.
Eu vos conjuro, por vossa arte... não importa como a aprendestes... respondei-me!I conjure you, by that which you profess. Howe'er you come to know it, answer me.
Se o Rei vos fizer uma pergunta, respondei sim ou não.If the king does ask you a question, answer plainly.
Vinde ao casamento da minha irmã e respondei nessa altura.Come to my sister's wedding and let us have your answer then.
respondei, "Verdadeiro."you answered, "True."
"Ela esvoaça estranhamente pela sala, "respondendo-lhe com um tilintar fraco."She flutters strangely about the room answering him with a very faint tinkle."
- Não está respondendo!- Not answering me?
- Por que estou respondendo a ela?- Why am I answering her?
-Estão respondendo meus sinais.They're answering one of my smoke signals.
A nave está respondendoThe ship is answering the helm.
Se responderdes com juízo, farei o que vossa mãe mandou!If you make me a wholesome answer, I will do your mother's commandment.
Se responderdes como ele deseja, que tereis a recear?If you answer him as he desires to be answered, then what have you to fear?
Se responderdes, eu vos direi com que direito o faço.If you can answer me I will tell you what is my authority.
- Depois de responderem à pergunta.- After you answer my question.
- E se eles não responderem?-What if they don't answer?
- Quando responderem, pergunta por ele.- When they answer, ask for him.
- Se responderem a minha pergunta.- Did you answer my question?
- Se vocês não responderem...- If you don't answer...
"Se responderes 'pedófilo', és um polícia em pré-reforma." Este livro está desatualizado."If you answered 'pedophile,' you're a burnt-out cop."
- Basta responderes às perguntas.Just answer the questions.
- Claro. - Antes de responderes, vamos voltar a Willamette.- Before you answer, let'sgobacktoWillamette.
- E se não responderes...- And if you don't answer...
- Eu digo-te se me responderes a uma pergunta.- I'll tell you, if you answer one question.
A Polinésia Francesa é o lugar perfeito para respondermos a esta questão.French Polynesia is a perfect place for answering this question
Depois que cresci e vi que a espiritualidade era fundamental para respondermos tais questões, assim como a ciência, comecei a tentar juntar essas duas forças.As I grew up and as I realized that... while spirituality was, in some senses... a very important part of trying to find those answers... science also was a very crucial part. I was ultimately looking for some way... ofbringing those two forces together.
Ela diz que se não respondermos correctamente às perguntas em 24 horas... a sonda vai destruir-se com uma força de 500000 mega-toneladas.It says if we don't provide all the correct answers within 24 hours the probe will self- destruct with the force of 500, 000 megatons.
Ela não nos deu tempo para respondermos.She didn't give us time to answer.
Eles conseguem encontrar-nos, mesmo sem respondermos.They can trace us even if we don't answer.

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