Ja energia levib kõikjale. | And this energy permeates everything. |
Killust pärinev signaal levib läbi katsealuse surnud kudede. | Already the signal from the shard permeates the dead flesh of the subject. |
Loomulikult oli see libahundi lõhn, mis levis esimesed pool tundi kogu majas. | There was obviously that werewolves smell, which permeated the entire house for the first half an hour. |
Nii, vastumürk levis veevärki ja jõudis vajaliku kontsentratsioonini. | All right, the antidote's permeated the water supply and achieved its target concentration. |
Ta lülitab ventilatsiooni välja, aga viirus on juba hoones levinud. | He's shutting down the system, but we have to assume it's permeated the building. |