- Ei, ma aktsepteerin seda. | - No, I've accepted it. |
- Ja ma aktsepteerin seda. | And I accept that. |
-Ma aktsepteerin neid. | - I accept it. |
- Siis sa aktsepteerid seda? | Then you accept it? |
-Siis sa aktsepteerid seda? | Then you accept it? |
Aga on veel lootust, sest mu ülesanne langeb nüüd sinu peale, kui sa selle muidugi aktsepteerid." | "but there is still hope, for my mission now falls to you-- if you accept it, that is." |
"Isa aktsepteerib mu soovi ise luua, mitte tema jélgedes kéia." | Um... "My father accepts that I want to create for myself, not follow in his footsteps." |
Ja ta aktsepteerib mind. | And he accepts me. |
Jeffster! ... ... Ametlikult aktsepteerib. | Jeffster formally accepts. |
Jordan lubab muutusi, kuid aktsepteerib krediitkaarte. | Dexter: Jordan promises change, but he also accepts credit cards. |
'Me aktsepteerime teda. | - We accept him. One of us! |
Aga senikaua, Hr. Badalandabad, me aktsepteerime teie tunnistust. | But meanwhile, Mr. BadaIandabad, we accept your expulsion. |
Ei, aktsepteerime, teie ausus. | (Cable) No, we accept this juror, Your Honor. |
- Kas aktsepteerite tasu? | - Do you accept the charges? |
Ei-ei, mul on vaja spetsialisti nime, kelle diagnoosi te aktsepteerite. | No. No, I need the name of the specialist whose diagnosis you'll accept. |
Ja ma tean, et te aktsepteerite mind. Ja need, kes ei mõista ega aktsepteeri... | and i know that you accept me... and to those who don't, |
Kas te aktsepteerite ringi? | Do you accept the circle? |
Aga, Trent, väga vähesed aktsepteerivad sind sellisena, nagu sa oled. | But, Trent, very few people in your life will ever accept you for the man you are. |
Kas nad on tõesti aktsepteerivad püssikandjaid? | Really? They accept those in crayon? |
Kui ma räägin nagu oleksin just laevalt maha astunud siis inimesed aktsepteerivad minu veendumusi. | When I speak as though I just got off the boat, people accept my religious convictions. |
- Mulle meeldib see ei aktsepteeri komplimenti, teeskled pealiskaudsust nagu sa ei hooliks. | Oh, I like it... not accepting the compliment, feigning casualness like you don't care. |
- Nad ei aktsepteeri enam ühtegi apellatsiooni. | - They're not accepting more appeals. |
Ma aktsepteerisin endas midagi, mida ma tean, et teie ei suudaks. | Well, I accepted something about myself that I knew you guys couldn't. |
Ma aktsepteerisin ennast kõigi oma inimlike vigadega. | I accepted myself and all my human disorder. |
Inglased aktsepteerisid sinu kandatuuri oma Eagle eskadrilli. | The British have accepted you into the Eagle Squadron. |
Ma tean, aga kui punasinine udu jõudis lehtede esikülgedele, aktsepteerisid inimesed seda. | I know, Chloe, but when the red and blue blur hit the front page, people accepted it. |
Sa aktsepteerisid mind sellina, nagu ma olen, mitte milline sa tahad, et oleksin. | You accepted me for who I am, and not for what you wanted me to be. |
Kuna Stephan ei tahtnud välja minna... ..aktsepteeris Charlotte tema kutset koju jääda. | Since Stephan hadn't come out Charlotte accepted his invitation to stay in. |
See treener aktsepteeris selle sportlase võistlustahet. | That coach accepted that athlete's desire to compete. |
Strassburg aktsepteeris kohtuasja. | Strasbourg has accepted the lawsuit. |
Ta lihtsalt aktsepteeris seda. | He just accepted it. |
Tahan, et teaksite, kui liigutatud ma olen, et te aktsepteerisite mind oma uue jumalana. | I want you to know how moved I am that you've accepted me as your new God. |
Miks küll mina? Ma olen ju prükkar. Sellepärast, et mu vanemad aktsepteeriksid sind. | Because my parents would accept you. |
- Mulle meeldib see ei aktsepteeri komplimenti, teeskled pealiskaudsust nagu sa ei hooliks. | Oh, I like it... not accepting the compliment, feigning casualness like you don't care. |
- Nad ei aktsepteeri enam ühtegi apellatsiooni. | - They're not accepting more appeals. |
Major, palun aktsepteerige seda, kui mu formaalset allaandmist. | Please accept this as my formal surrender, Major. |
- Ei. Kuna mul on väga poisilik välimus, aitab lihasmass panna inimesi aktsepteerima mind kui tõsist politseiniku. | 'Cause of my boyish good looks... muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a serious police officer. |
- Ei. Kuna mul on väga poisilik välimus... aitab lihasmass panna inimesi aktsepteerima mind kui tõsist politseiniku. | Because of my boyish good looks... muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a serious police officer. |
Aga kui see ei ole mina, siis me peame sõlmima lepingu, aktsepteerima fakti ja leidma mooduse selle peatamiseks, eks? | But if it isn't me then we have to make a deal, you and I, to accept that fact and find a way to stop it, OK? |
Aga näed, ma arvan, et see on väga õige aktsepteerima end, kes me oleme. | But you see, I think it's very true to accept ourselves as who we are. |
"julgust aktsepteerida, mida ei saa muuta," | "the courage to accept the things I can't, |
"kuna Lyndon Johnson kardab, et USA avalikkus... ei kavatse aktsepteerida neid optimistlikke järeldusi... ei lubaks ta iial avaldada raportit täies mahus. | "Because Lyndon Johnson fears that the US public... is in no mood to accept its optimistic conclusions... he may never permit the report to be released in full. |
"kuna Lyndon Johnson kardab, et USA avalikkus... ei kavatse aktsepteerida selle küsitluse optimistlikke järeldusi... ei lubaks ta iial avaldada raportit täies mahus. | Is this familiar? "Because Lyndon Johnson fears that the US public... is in no mood to accept its optimistic conclusions... he may never permit the report to be released in full. |
- Ei. Sa ei saa mind aktsepteerida. | You can't accept me. |
Ma olen aastaid sinu meetodeid aktsepteerinud, aga praegu on käimas jaht nuhile. | Jack, I have accepted your methods for a lot of years now, but there's a mole hunt going on here. |
Me üritasime väga kõvasti. Me üritasime sundida teda vastu võtma tehingut väga sarnast sellele millega nõustus Saudi Araabia, kuid ta ei aktsepteerinud seda. | We tried to get him to accept a deal very similar to what the House of Saud had accepted in Saudi Arabia, but he wouldn't accept it. |
Mees, keda ma kartsin terve oma elu on aktsepteerinud mind sellena, kes ma olen. | Earl Hickey, the one man I was the most scared of in my whole life, has accepted me as I am. |
Mees, keda ma terve oma elu kartsin, on mind aktsepteerinud sellena, kes ma olen. | Earl Hickey, the one man I was the most scared of in my whole life, has accepted me as I am. |
- Koodid aktsepteeritud. | Codes have been accepted. Fire up the shuttles! |
Mees, keda ma kartsin terve oma elu on aktsepteerinud mind sellena, kes ma olen. | Earl Hickey, the one man I was the most scared of in my whole life, has accepted me as I am. |