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Aktsepteerima (to accept) conjugation

50 examples

Conjugation of aktsepteerima

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I accept
you accept
he/she/it accepts
we accept
you all accept
they accept
ei aktsepteeri
(do/does) not accept
it is accepted
ei aktsepteerita
it is not accepted
Past tense
I accepted
you accepted
he/she/it accepted
we accepted
you all accepted
they accepted
ei aktsepteerinud
did not accept
it was accepted
ei aktsepteeritud
it was not accepted
Conditional mood
aktsepteeriksin, aktsepteeriks
I would accept
aktsepteeriksid, aktsepteeriks
you would accept
he/she/it would accept
aktsepteeriksime, aktsepteeriks
we would accept
aktsepteeriksite, aktsepteeriks
you all would accept
aktsepteeriksid, aktsepteeriks
they would accept
ei aktsepteeriks
would not accept
it would be accepted
ei aktsepteeritaks
it would not be accepted
Imperative mood
let him/her/it accept
let's accept
let them accept
be accepted
Imperative negative mood
ära aktsepteeri
do not accept
ärgu aktsepteerigu
let him/her/it not accept
ärgem aktsepteerigem, ärme aktsepteerime
let him/her/it not accept
ärge aktsepteerige
do not accept
ärgu aktsepteerigu
let them not accept
ärgu aktsepteeritagu
do not be accepted
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been accepted
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen aktsepteerinud
I have accepted
oled aktsepteerinud
you have accepted
on aktsepteerinud
he/she/it has accepted
oleme aktsepteerinud
we have accepted
olete aktsepteerinud
you all have accepted
on aktsepteerinud
they have accepted
ei ole aktsepteerinud, pole aktsepteerinud
(have/has) not accepted
on aktsepteeritud
it has been accepted
ei ole aktsepteeritud, pole aktsepteeritud
it has not been accepted
Pluperfect past tense
olin aktsepteerinud
I had accepted
olid aktsepteerinud
you had accepted
oli aktsepteerinud
he/she/it had accepted
olime aktsepteerinud
we had accepted
olite aktsepteerinud
you all had accepted
oli aktsepteerinud
they had accepted
ei olnud aktsepteerinud, polnud aktsepteerinud
had not accepted
oli aktsepteeritud
it had been accepted
ei olnud aktsepteeritud, polnud aktsepteeritud
it had not been accepted
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin aktsepteerinud; oleks aktsepteerinud; aktsepteerinuksin; aktsepteerinuks
I would have accepted
oleksid aktsepteerinud; oleks aktsepteerinud; aktsepteerinuksid; aktsepteerinuks
you would have accepted
oleks aktsepteerinud; aktsepteerinuks
he/she/it would have accepted
oleksime aktsepteerinud; oleks aktsepteerinud; aktsepteerinuksime; aktsepteerinuks
we would have accepted
oleksite aktsepteerinud; oleks aktsepteerinud; aktsepteerinuksite; aktsepteerinuks
you all would have accepted
oleksid aktsepteerinud; oleks aktsepteerinud; aktsepteerinuksid; aktsepteerinuks
they would have accepted
ei oleks aktsepteerinud; poleks aktsepteerinud; ei aktsepteerinuks
would not have accepted
oleks aktsepteeritud
it would have been accepted
ei oleks aktsepteeritud; poleks aktsepteeritud
it would not have been accepted
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) accepts
ei aktsepteerivat
(allegedly) does not accept
(allegedly) it is accepted
ei aktsepteeritavat
(allegedly) it is not accepted
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat aktsepteerinud; aktsepteerinuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has accepted
ei olevat aktsepteerinud; polevat aktsepteerinud; ei aktsepteerinuvat
(allegedly) has not accepted
olevat aktsepteeritud
(allegedly) it has been accepted
ei olevat aktsepteeritud; polevat aktsepteeritud
(allegedly) it has not been accepted
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it accept
ärgu aktsepteerigu
so that he/she/it do not accept
so that it be accepted
ärgu aktsepteeritagu
so that it not be accepted
Jussive perfect mood
olgu aktsepteerinud
so that he/she/it have accepted
ärgu olgu aktsepteerinud
so that he/she/it do not have accepted
olgu aktsepteeritud
so that it have been accepted
ärgu olgu aktsepteeritud
so that it not have been accepted
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while accepting
while accepting
(due to/following/for) accepting
for the purpose of accepting
without accept
that can be accepted
being accepted

Examples of aktsepteerima

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
- Ei, ma aktsepteerin seda.- No, I've accepted it.
- Ja ma aktsepteerin seda.And I accept that.
-Ma aktsepteerin neid.- I accept it.
- Siis sa aktsepteerid seda?Then you accept it?
-Siis sa aktsepteerid seda?Then you accept it?
Aga on veel lootust, sest mu ülesanne langeb nüüd sinu peale, kui sa selle muidugi aktsepteerid.""but there is still hope, for my mission now falls to you-- if you accept it, that is."
"Isa aktsepteerib mu soovi ise luua, mitte tema jélgedes kéia."Um... "My father accepts that I want to create for myself, not follow in his footsteps."
Ja ta aktsepteerib mind.And he accepts me.
Jeffster! ... ... Ametlikult aktsepteerib.Jeffster formally accepts.
Jordan lubab muutusi, kuid aktsepteerib krediitkaarte.Dexter: Jordan promises change, but he also accepts credit cards.
'Me aktsepteerime teda.- We accept him. One of us!
Aga senikaua, Hr. Badalandabad, me aktsepteerime teie tunnistust.But meanwhile, Mr. BadaIandabad, we accept your expulsion.
Ei, aktsepteerime, teie ausus.(Cable) No, we accept this juror, Your Honor.
- Kas aktsepteerite tasu?- Do you accept the charges?
Ei-ei, mul on vaja spetsialisti nime, kelle diagnoosi te aktsepteerite.No. No, I need the name of the specialist whose diagnosis you'll accept.
Ja ma tean, et te aktsepteerite mind. Ja need, kes ei mõista ega aktsepteeri...and i know that you accept me... and to those who don't,
Kas te aktsepteerite ringi?Do you accept the circle?
Aga, Trent, väga vähesed aktsepteerivad sind sellisena, nagu sa oled.But, Trent, very few people in your life will ever accept you for the man you are.
Kas nad on tõesti aktsepteerivad püssikandjaid?Really? They accept those in crayon?
Kui ma räägin nagu oleksin just laevalt maha astunud siis inimesed aktsepteerivad minu veendumusi.When I speak as though I just got off the boat, people accept my religious convictions.
- Mulle meeldib see ei aktsepteeri komplimenti, teeskled pealiskaudsust nagu sa ei hooliks.Oh, I like it... not accepting the compliment, feigning casualness like you don't care.
- Nad ei aktsepteeri enam ühtegi apellatsiooni.- They're not accepting more appeals.
Ma aktsepteerisin endas midagi, mida ma tean, et teie ei suudaks.Well, I accepted something about myself that I knew you guys couldn't.
Ma aktsepteerisin ennast kõigi oma inimlike vigadega.I accepted myself and all my human disorder.
Inglased aktsepteerisid sinu kandatuuri oma Eagle eskadrilli.The British have accepted you into the Eagle Squadron.
Ma tean, aga kui punasinine udu jõudis lehtede esikülgedele, aktsepteerisid inimesed seda.I know, Chloe, but when the red and blue blur hit the front page, people accepted it.
Sa aktsepteerisid mind sellina, nagu ma olen, mitte milline sa tahad, et oleksin.You accepted me for who I am, and not for what you wanted me to be.
Kuna Stephan ei tahtnud välja minna... ..aktsepteeris Charlotte tema kutset koju jääda.Since Stephan hadn't come out Charlotte accepted his invitation to stay in.
See treener aktsepteeris selle sportlase võistlustahet.That coach accepted that athlete's desire to compete.
Strassburg aktsepteeris kohtuasja.Strasbourg has accepted the lawsuit.
Ta lihtsalt aktsepteeris seda.He just accepted it.
Tahan, et teaksite, kui liigutatud ma olen, et te aktsepteerisite mind oma uue jumalana.I want you to know how moved I am that you've accepted me as your new God.
Miks küll mina? Ma olen ju prükkar. Sellepärast, et mu vanemad aktsepteeriksid sind.Because my parents would accept you.
- Mulle meeldib see ei aktsepteeri komplimenti, teeskled pealiskaudsust nagu sa ei hooliks.Oh, I like it... not accepting the compliment, feigning casualness like you don't care.
- Nad ei aktsepteeri enam ühtegi apellatsiooni.- They're not accepting more appeals.
Major, palun aktsepteerige seda, kui mu formaalset allaandmist.Please accept this as my formal surrender, Major.
- Ei. Kuna mul on väga poisilik välimus, aitab lihasmass panna inimesi aktsepteerima mind kui tõsist politseiniku.'Cause of my boyish good looks... muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a serious police officer.
- Ei. Kuna mul on väga poisilik välimus... aitab lihasmass panna inimesi aktsepteerima mind kui tõsist politseiniku.Because of my boyish good looks... muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a serious police officer.
Aga kui see ei ole mina, siis me peame sõlmima lepingu, aktsepteerima fakti ja leidma mooduse selle peatamiseks, eks?But if it isn't me then we have to make a deal, you and I, to accept that fact and find a way to stop it, OK?
Aga näed, ma arvan, et see on väga õige aktsepteerima end, kes me oleme.But you see, I think it's very true to accept ourselves as who we are.
"julgust aktsepteerida, mida ei saa muuta,""the courage to accept the things I can't,
"kuna Lyndon Johnson kardab, et USA avalikkus... ei kavatse aktsepteerida neid optimistlikke järeldusi... ei lubaks ta iial avaldada raportit täies mahus."Because Lyndon Johnson fears that the US public... is in no mood to accept its optimistic conclusions... he may never permit the report to be released in full.
"kuna Lyndon Johnson kardab, et USA avalikkus... ei kavatse aktsepteerida selle küsitluse optimistlikke järeldusi... ei lubaks ta iial avaldada raportit täies mahus.Is this familiar? "Because Lyndon Johnson fears that the US public... is in no mood to accept its optimistic conclusions... he may never permit the report to be released in full.
- Ei. Sa ei saa mind aktsepteerida.You can't accept me.
Ma olen aastaid sinu meetodeid aktsepteerinud, aga praegu on käimas jaht nuhile.Jack, I have accepted your methods for a lot of years now, but there's a mole hunt going on here.
Me üritasime väga kõvasti. Me üritasime sundida teda vastu võtma tehingut väga sarnast sellele millega nõustus Saudi Araabia, kuid ta ei aktsepteerinud seda.We tried to get him to accept a deal very similar to what the House of Saud had accepted in Saudi Arabia, but he wouldn't accept it.
Mees, keda ma kartsin terve oma elu on aktsepteerinud mind sellena, kes ma olen.Earl Hickey, the one man I was the most scared of in my whole life, has accepted me as I am.
Mees, keda ma terve oma elu kartsin, on mind aktsepteerinud sellena, kes ma olen.Earl Hickey, the one man I was the most scared of in my whole life, has accepted me as I am.
- Koodid aktsepteeritud.Codes have been accepted. Fire up the shuttles!
Mees, keda ma kartsin terve oma elu on aktsepteerinud mind sellena, kes ma olen.Earl Hickey, the one man I was the most scared of in my whole life, has accepted me as I am.

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