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Mentraktir (to treat) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mentraktir

Present tense
I treat
Past tense
sudah mentraktir
I treated
Present perfect tense
sudah mentraktir
I have treated
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mentraktir
I will have treated
Future recent tense
mentraktir nanti
I will treat
Future distant tense
mentraktir kelak
I am going to treat
Present continuous tense
sedang mentraktir
I treat
Past distant tense
dulu mentraktir
I (a long time ago) treated
Past recent tense
mentraktir tadi
I (recently) treated
Past very recent tense
baru saja mentraktir
I (just now) treated

Examples of mentraktir

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jadi Profesor, Anda akan mentraktir kami dengan makanan ringan?Then how about I treat you all to dinner?
Sepertinya Edward mentraktir kita.Looks like Edward left us a treat.
Aku yang mentraktir.It's my treat.
Aku akan mentraktir.I'll treat you.
Kamu sebaiknya mentraktir dia makan.You should call him and treat him to a meal.

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