Crec que em poden tornar a cosir els cabells? | Think they can sew my hair back on? |
A final d'aquesta setmana, vull que estigues en un equip o et llevaré la màquina de cosir. | By the end of this week, I want you on a team, or I'm taking away the sewing machine. (school bell ringing) (lively chatter) |
-Oital, si el vaig cosir amb fil blanc! | "Why, I did sew it with white! Tom!" |
Si Masha hagués escrit que el llibre li havia ensenyat a cosir una camisa de blonda , segurament tothom estaria entendrit. | Probably, if Masha had written that the book taught her how to sew a lace shirt , everyone would just melt for her. |
Deixeu-me rentar-vos la ferida i ajudar-vos a cosir-la, almenys. | Let me wash it out and help you sew it up at least. |
I deixaré que em cuses botons als ulls. | And I'll let you sew buttons into my eyes. |
Llavors cuses el forat i tornes a fer el ser llit. | Then you sew up the hole and make his bed again. |
Llamp! De vegades ella ho cus amb fil blanc, i de vegades ho cus amb fil negre. | Confound it! sometimes she sews it with white, and sometimes she sews it with black. |
Fins i tot li havia cosit un vestit amb els colors de la nostra Casa. | He'd even sewn a dress on it in the colors of our House. |
Un paio tallat per la meitat i cosit a un peix. | We've seen a guy cut in half and sewn to a fish. |
I doncs vós poseu la ceba al vostre escut, la cosiu a la vostra capa, hisseu la bandera de la ceba. | So you take the onion for your Sigil, sew it on your coat, fly the onion flag. |
Et cusen... Quan es cura, retiren els punts. | They sew you up, and then it heals, and then they take the stitches out. |