Vegin com la fa disfrutar la serp... ...que en altres temps va corrompre l'home. | Watch her take the pleasure from the serpent... ...that once corrupted Man! |
Miren com la fa gaudir la serp... ...que en d'altres temps va corrompre l'home! | Watch her take the pleasure from the serpent... ...that once corrupted Man! |
Vegin-la gaudir amb la serp... que un cop va corrompre a l'home. | Watch her take the pleasure from the serpent... ...that once corrupted Man! |
I la fórmula genètica es va corrompre. | And then corrupted the genetic formula. |
Miren com la fa gaudir la serp que en d'altres temps va corrompre l'home! | Watch her take the pleasure from the serpent that once corrupted Man! |
I corromp el millor. | And corrupts the best. |
Has corromput aquest consell i t'has posat en evidència com va fer ton pare. | You have corrupted this council and shamed yourself as well as your father. |
Tots els governs es corrompen al cap d'un cert temps. | All governments become corrupt after a certain time. |
Et sembla que les paraules corrompen? | Do you think words corrupt? |
- No té por de que la corrompi, veritat? | You're not afraid I'll corrupt YOU, are you? |
Jimmy, no deixis que aquest home et corrompi amb els seus mals hàbits. | Jimmy, don't let that man corrupt you with his bad habits. |
No crec que las paraules corrompin. | I don't really think words corrupt. No? |