Sí, pots mantenir el grau, comandar un nou exèrcit. | Yes, you can conserve your position, to command a new one exercises. |
Passaràs a comandar la Companyia Easy si no apareix? | If he is missing wouldn't that put you in line to be the next commander of Easy? |
Vol que aprenguis a comandar. | He wants to groom you for command. |
Al mateix temps, França va organitzar una operació comando per intentar salvar un ostatge francès detingut pels militants de Shabaab a Somàlia, també aliats d'Al-Qaïda. | At the same time, France has mounted a commando operation to try to save a French hostage held by al Shabaab militants in Somalia, also allied with al-Qaeda. |
Em van destinar a Canadà, el comando de classificació. | I was in "Canada". The clean up command. |
Imagini un dispositiu de control d'enviant un comando per ràdio. | Imagine being able to control any device... ...simply by sending a command via radio waves. |
Terci, comanda els arquers. | Brutius commands the archers. |
Sí, de fa dues hores, amb un barracó per a vuit homes, comandat per un sergent. | Yeah, as of two hours ago, one barrack hut for eight men, commanded by a sergeant. |
Ser Denys Mallister ha comandat la Torre de l'Ombra durant 20 anys. i la gent diu que és un bon home. | Ser Denys Mallister has commanded the Shadow Tower for 20 years and people say he's a good man. |
I ara, soldats, per a concloure... vull dir-vos... que en aquests dos anys... ha estat per a mi un privilegi, ser el seu comandant en cap. | Now men, in conclusion, I would like to say - - that in the two years I have been your commanding officer, - |
Com a oficial comandant, en prefereixo un altre. | As commanding officer, I prefer another honourable man. |
Per què volia el capità Yonoi nomenar-lo oficial comandant? | Why does Capt. Yonoi want to make him commanding officer? |
No queda ningú viu, comandant. | Nobody alive, commanding. |
Quina passiò, comandant. Deus haver robat molts cors. | So much commanding passion, owes to have party many hearts. |