Atacar (to attack) conjugation

49 examples

Conjugation of atacar

Present tense
I attack
you attack
he/she attacks
we attack
you all attack
they attack
Present perfect tense
he atacat
I have attacked
has atacat
you have attacked
ha atacat
he/she has attacked
hem atacat
we have attacked
heu atacat
you all have attacked
han atacat
they have attacked
Future tense
I will attack
you will attack
he/she will attack
we will attack
you all will attack
they will attack
Conditional mood
I would attack
you would attack
he/she would attack
we would attack
you all would attack
they would attack
Past perfect tense
havia atacat
I had attacked
havies atacat
you had attacked
havia atacat
he/she had attacked
havíem atacat
we had attacked
havíeu atacat
you all had attacked
havien atacat
they had attacked
Past impf. tense
I was attacking
you were attacking
he/she was attacking
we were attacking
you all were attacking
they were attacking
Imperative mood
let him/her attack!
let's attack!
let them attack!
Imperative negative mood
no ataquis
don't attack!
no ataqui
don't let him/her attack!
no ataquem
let's not attack!
no ataqueu
don't attack!
no ataquin
don't let them attack!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria atacat
I would have attacked
hauries atacat
you would have attacked
hauria atacat
he/she would have attacked
hauríem atacat
we would have attacked
hauríeu atacat
you all would have attacked
haurien atacat
they would have attacked
Future perfect tense
hauré atacat
I will have attacked
hauràs atacat
you will have attacked
haurà atacat
he/she will have attacked
haurem atacat
we will have attacked
haureu atacat
you all will have attacked
hauren atacat
they will have attacked
Preterite past tense
I attacked
you attacked
he/she attacked
we attacked
you all attacked
they attacked
Past anterior tense
haguí atacat
I had attacked
hagueres atacat
you had attacked
hagué atacat
he/she had attacked
haguérem atacat
we had attacked
haguéreu atacat
you all had attacked
haguéren atacat
they had attacked
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) attack
(so that you) attack
(so that he/she) attacks
(so that we) attack
(so that you all) attack
(so that they) attack
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was attacking
(so that you) were attacking
(so that he/she) was attacking
(so that we) were attacking
(so that you all) were attacking
(so that they) were attacking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi atacat
(so that I) have attacked
hagis atacat
(so that you) have attacked
hagi atacat
(so that he/she) has attacked
hàgim atacat
(so that we) have attacked
hàgiu atacat
(so that you all) have attacked
hagin atacat
(so that they) have attacked
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués atacat
(so that I) had attacked
haguessis atacat
(so that you) had attacked
hagués atacat
(so that he/she) had attacked
haguéssim atacat
(so that we) had attacked
haguéssiu atacat
(so that you all) had attacked
haguessin atacat
(so that they) had attacked
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi atacar
(so that I) attacked
vagis atacar
(so that you) attacked
vagi atacar
(so that he/she) attacked
vàgim atacar
(so that we) attacked
vàgiu atacar
(so that you all) attacked
vagin atacar
(so that they) attacked
Periphastic past tense
vaig atacar
I attacked
vas atacar
you attacked
va atacar
he/she attacked
vam atacar
we attacked
vau atacar
you all attacked
van atacar
they attacked
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver atacat
I had attacked
vas haver atacat
you had attacked
va haver atacat
he/she had attacked
vam haver atacat
we had attacked
vau haver atacat
you all had attacked
van haver atacat
they had attacked

Examples of atacar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Així és que ana cap a l'escarabat i comença de bell nou a atacar-lo cautelosament, saltant envers ell de cada punt d'un cercle, aturant les potes a una polsada de la bestiola, pegant-hi embranzides encara més proximes amb el dentat, i dant estrebades amb el cap, fins que les seves orelles tornaren a vibrar.So he went to the beetle and began a wary attack on it again; jumping at it from every point of a circle, lighting with his fore-paws within an inch of the creature, making even closer snatches at it with his teeth, and jerking his head till his ears flapped again.
Els atragué la idea: així és que no passa gaire estona que no esdevinguessin ratllats, i ratllats de cap a peus amb fang negre, com altres tantes zebres (tots tres eren caps de tribu, naturalment), i se n'anaren, fent aldarull, boscs a través, a atacar una colonia anglesa.They were attracted by this idea; so it was not long before they were stripped, and striped from head to heel with black mud, like so many zebras--all of them chiefs, of course--and then they went tearing through the woods to attack an English settlement.
Jiyan Azadi va pujar aquesta foto a Twitter dient que desenes de milers de persones es van reunir a Yuksekova i que, més tard, la policia antiavalots els va atacar:Jiyan Azadi tweeted this picture, saying tens of thousands gathered in Yuksekova, and later were attacked by riot police:
@jamalAljazeera: Vaig compartir cel·la amb #AdemOzkose quan #Israel ens va detenir després d'atacar la flotilla.@jamalAljazeera: I shared a cell with #AdemOzkose when #Israel detained us after the flotilla attack.
Efectes secundaris: La noia ha demanat perdó pel seu error, però això no era suficient per als més de 2000 (sembla que també s'ha exagerat la xifra) seguidors de Shiv Sena que més tard van atacar i saquejar la clínica ortopèdica del seu oncle a Palghar, al districte de Thane.After effects: The girl apologized for her mistake but then it was not enough to the more than 2000 (the number seems to be exaggerated also) Shiv Sena supporters who later on attacked and ransacked her uncle’s orthopedic clinic at Palghar taluka of Thane district.
El sistema desperta, ataca al cuc i tot es inflama.The immune system wakes up, attacks the worm, and everything starts to swell.
Si qualsevol cosa ataca aquest lloc, es converteixen automàticament en part del sistema de seguretat.Anything attacks this place, it automatically becomes part of the onsite security. Living or dead?
Es de costum diürnes, ataca de dia..... per això que el seu vehicle, podria estar relacionat amb el seu treball.....He's diurnal, the attacks occurred during the day so the vehicle may be related to his work, possibly a company car or truck.
Mira, l'ataca al parc, ella s'escapa, ell la troba, intenta acabar la feina.Look, he attacks her in the park, she gets away, he catches up with her, tries to finish the job.
Les ataca al cotxe.He attacks them in the car.
"No ataquem, responem""We don't attack, we respond.
Només ataquem per a forçar-los A la pau.We only attacked to scare them into peace.
Bé, envoltem el poble i ataquem per darrere.We go on a flanking run around the back of the village and we attack from the rear.
Missenyor, per què no ataquem?- My Lord, why don't we attack?
Aquí, seguim la carretera, ataquem el pont i continuem per aquí.We follow the road.attacking the bridge and continues up here,
Durant les darreres setmanes, alguns periodistes han rebut atacs durant les protestes i s'han atacat unes quantes vegades les oficines dels mitjans de comunicació.In the past few weeks, a number of journalists have been attacked during the protests and offices of media outlets have been attacked on multiple occasions.
El diputat federal Jean Wyllys , advocat pels drets LGBT i un dels majors opositors de Feliciano a la Cambra de Diputats del Brasil i a la Comissió de Drets Humans, va ser atacat per part de diversos usuaris de Twitter.Congressman Jean Wyllys, an advocate for LGBT rights and one of the main opponents of Feliciano in the House and on the Human Rights Commission, was attacked on his account by various users.
El director de Drets Humans de l'Iran no només ha atacat el Dr. Shaheed; ha comparat repetidament els defensors dels drets humans amb terroristes i ha incidit especialment en el cas d'Abdolfattah Soltani, un advocat especialitzat en els drets humans respectat internacionalment, empresonat a l'Iran des del 2011 per defensar la llibertat d'expressió i el dret a la dissensió pacífica.Iran’s human rights chief has not just attacked Shaheed; he has repeatedly equated all human rights defenders with terrorists, making specific reference to the internationally respected human rights lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani, who has been imprisoned in Iran since 2011 for defending free speech and the right to peaceful dissent.
Un dia, el planeta va ser atacat per forces estrangeres.One day, the planet was attacked by alien forces.
- Es veu que algú el deu haver atacat.It appears that Neelix was attacked.
Si ataqueu el Mur, morireu.If you attack the Wall, you'll die.
Si ataqueu el Mur morireu, tots vosaltres.If you attack the Wall you'll die, all of you.
Porta els teus homes pel voltant del poble i ataqueu per darrere.Foley, take your men-- Take your men on a flanking mission around the village and attack from the rear.
No importa com de gran sigui el vostre exèrcit, si ataqueu aquesta porta, haureu d'anar per aquest camí en files de tres en tres, i sereu massacrats com cabres.It doesn't matter how large your army is, if you attack this gate, you do it on this road, three men abreast and get slaughtered like goats.
Els ataqueu aquí, aquí i aquí.The attackers here, here and here.
I jo em pregunto: podem creure el "dolor" que senten aquestes dues autoritats, si quan assalten algú al carrer o ataquen greument els manifestants mai se sent la seva veu?The question that I pose is the following: is it possible to believe in the manifest "grief" shown by these two men in charge, when their voice of protest is never heard, when people are attacked on the street, when protesters are assailed in barbarous ways
Que no ataquen tan vehement els extremistes que viuen de fer sang, de l'assassinat i de la violació com ho fan amb les persones que s'estimen d'altra manera.They don't vehemently attack extremists that live in blood, murder and rape as much as they attack people who love each other in a different way.
@SaadGH: Parlar a favor del missatge de Malala a Facebook és com convidar una bandada de llops a què t'ataquen i et mengen viu.@SaadGH: Talking in support of Malala's message on Facebook is like inviting a pack of wolves to attack you and eat you alive.
És la mateixa idea malvada que ens empeny a culpar les dones pels atacs de qui les ataquen.It is the same evil idea that leads us to blame women for attacks by their abusers.
Em compadeixo de França, però per què els africans i asiàtics posen banderes franceses als seus perfils, en lloc de les banderes de les seves nacions, quan els terroristes ataquen els seus països?I sympathize with France, but why are Africans and Asians putting French flags on their profile when they do not put their own nation’s flag on their profile when terrorists attack their own nations?
Un que atacarà quan se li ordeni.One who will attack on command.
Els russos saben que els atacarem.The Russians know that we will attack.
En contra de la propaganda del règim, que afirma que els països occidentals atacaran l’Iran si la gent no vota, el boicot de les eleccions farà entendre al règim que no té cap legitimitat.Contrary to the regime's propaganda that says Western countries will attack Iran if people do not vote, boycotting the election makes the regime understand it does not have any legitimacy.
Quan el camp de força s'apagui els Dàleks atacaran.Okay, as soon as the forcefield is down, the Daleks will attack.
Necessito que algú esbrini seus plans i quan atacaran.Thank you, madame. I need a volunteer! Someone who can find out their plan and when they will attack.
I després els aliats atacaran Itàlia.And next the Allies will attack Italy.
No fa gaire, allà ens atacà una multitud.Not long ago, we were attacked by a mob there.
Sí, un punt clau és que Malala i la seua família han estat calumniats perquè a ella l'atacaren els violents a qui tant ens agrada acontentar.Yes, a key takeaway is that Malala and her family has been maligned because she was attacked by the militants we so love to please.
I en novembre de l'any passat huit persones van morir a Al Ahsa, també en la regió oriental, quan terroristes armats atacaren el centre de la comunitat xiïta, on s'estava celebrant una cerimònia religiosa.And in November, last year, eight people were killed in Al Ahsa, also in the Eastern province, when gunmen attacked a Shia community centre, where a religious ceremony was taking place. Check out our coverage on Global Voices Checkdesk: Suicide Bomb Attack at a Mosque in Kuwait
18 minuts més tard, els Executors atacaren.18 minutes later, the Enforcers attacked.
Sí, em moro de ganes que m'ataqui un bol de gos.Yeah, well, I can't wait to get attacked by a dog dish.
Hem d'aturar en Roy abans no ataqui més gent.We need to take Roy down before he attacks more people.
Pots salvar-los fent que els lluitadors s'ataquin entre si.You can save them by making your fighters attack to each other.
Esperen que ataquin avui.They expect an attack today.
Esperem que ataquin qualsevol dia d'aquests.We must expect an attack any day now.
A més, no sé res sobre uns avions atacant Rússia.I don't know about any planes attacking Russia.
Els extraterrestres estan atacant la Terra.Aliens are attacking Earth.
Tots aquests dimonis estaven atacant a la Terra i se suposa que tots els déus i tots es van anar a Vishnu i li va dir:All these demons were attacking the Earth and supposedly all the Gods and everyone went to Vishnu and said
- M'estàs atacant?JUNlOR: You're attacking me?

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