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Aggredire (to attack) conjugation

57 examples
This verb can also mean the following: mug, tackle, assault

Conjugation of aggredire

Present tense
I attack
you attack
he/she/it attacks
we attack
you all attack
they attack
Present perfect tense
ho aggredito
I have attacked
hai aggredito
you have attacked
ha aggredito
he/she/it has attacked
abbiamo aggredito
we have attacked
avete aggredito
you all have attacked
hanno aggredito
they have attacked
Past preterite tense
I attacked
you attacked
he/she/it attacked
we attacked
you all attacked
they attacked
Future tense
I will attack
you will attack
he/she/it will attack
we will attack
you all will attack
they will attack
Conditional mood
I would attack
you would attack
he/she/it would attack
we would attack
you all would attack
they would attack
Past impf. tense
I used to attack
you used to attack
he/she/it used to attack
we used to attack
you all used to attack
they used to attack
Past perfect tense
avevo aggredito
I had attacked
avevi aggredito
you had attacked
aveva aggredito
he/she/it had attacked
avevamo aggredito
we had attacked
avevate aggredito
you all had attacked
avevano aggredito
they had attacked
Future perfect tense
avrò aggredito
I will have attacked
avrai aggredito
you will have attacked
avrà aggredito
he/she/it will have attacked
avremo aggredito
we will have attacked
avrete aggredito
you all will have attacked
avranno aggredito
they will have attacked
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I attack
(if/so that) you attack
(if/so that) he/she/it attack
(if/so that) we attack
(if/so that) you all attack
(if/so that) they attack
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia aggredito
I have attacked
abbia aggredito
you have attacked
abbia aggredito
he/she/it has attacked
abbiamo aggredito
we have attacked
abbiate aggredito
you all have attacked
abbiano aggredito
they have attacked
Imperative mood
let's attack!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei aggredito
I would have attacked
avresti aggredito
you would have attacked
avrebbe aggredito
he/she/it would have attacked
avremmo aggredito
we would have attacked
avreste aggredito
you all would have attacked
avrebbero aggredito
they would have attacked

Examples of aggredire

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Fare tutto il necessario" non e' la stessa cosa di dire al signor Reberty di aggredire Darren McKenzie.'Do whatever is necessary' is not the same thing as telling Mr Reberty to attack Darren McKenzie.
- Al vederlo aggredire il signor Holroyd.- That's when I saw him attacking Mr. Holroyd.
- Cosa ti ha portato ad aggredire tuo marito?- What made you attack your husband?
- Dopo la sentenza, il padre della bambina ha scavalcato il divisorio e ha cercato di aggredire Freddie.After the ruling, the girl's father jumped over the partition, tried to attack Freddie.
- Non aggredire me, non c'entro.Everybody else around here does. Don't attack me over this.
Adesco donne sole, le aggredisco.I get women alone, attack them.
Sono un disastro quando sono qui, ti... aggredisco, mi lamento di te, ho provato a sedurti...I'm a mess in here. I attack you. I've dumped on you.
- Ascoltami. Senti, ogni volta che l'aggredisci, la sua rabbia aumenta e ogni notte deve scendere qui per cercare di dimenticare.Look, every time you attack her it feeds his anger and every night he has to come down here and drown it.
- Vieni in casa mia e mi aggredisci in un momento come questo.-You come into my home and attack me at a time like this.
Adesso mi aggredisci...Now, you will attack me.
Che senso ha provare a costruirci una specie di normalita' mentre tu aggredisci i nostri amici e li trasformi in mostri?What is the point of us trying to build some kind of normality when you are attacking our friends and turning them into monsters?
D aggredisci solo le donne?Or do you only attack women, huh?
"Pazzo aggredisce il suo capo.""Crazy man attacks boss."
- Non so perche' mi aggredisce.I don't know why she attacks me.
Arriva un uomo che la aggredisce, la deruba e la lega a un albero.A young man comes and attacks her, robs her and ties her to a tree.
Cio' che aggredisce Betsy... Aggredisce anche te.- That which attacks Betsy... attacks you as well.
Dunque... il pranzo delle signore finisce male... quando un cameriere, che puzza di zolfo... vi aggredisce con un coltello, uccidendo una di voi, mentre la rossa che vi ha invitate... grida qualcosa in latino, scompare e i mobili si ammucchiano tutti insieme.So, ladies lunch goes south when a waiter, who reeks of sulfur, attacks with a blade, killing one of you, while the redhead who invited you yells something in Latin, disappears, and the furniture forms a pile. That about right?
"E quando Tommy Barret lo ha aggredito non e' riuscito ad assestare un solo colpo," "ma si e' vendicato," "gongolando""And when Tommy Barrett attacked, he failed to land a single blow... but took revenge by gloating from the side, while Tommy Barrett hanged."
"Il sospetto, William Ashford, ha aggredito la vittima, Cindy Turner, fuori dallo Spackle's Bar and Grill, ma e' morto sulla scena.""suspect william ashford "attacked victim cindy turner outside spackle's bar and grill But died at the scene."
"Lo stesso mostro che ha aggredito Mona Vanderwaal..."And the same monster who attacked Mona Vanderwaal
"Quest'uomo mi ha aggredito!"This man attacked me!
"Sono stato aggredito, mi serve aiuto, vi prego, fate in fretta!"Try it again. "I'm being attacked! I need medical help!
- E' di... e di Kate. Siamo state aggredite, Kate e morta.Is Kate's, we were just attacked.
- Quindi, Volcan... la gente non ti avrebbe riconosciuto se le avessi aggredite indossando questa maschera.So,Volcan... people wouldn't know who you were if you attacked them wearing this mask.
Attualmente abbiamo una vittima di omicidio e una sopravvissuta, entrambe aggredite con una siringa, entrambe con le cartelle cliniche cancellate.Locally, we've got a murder victim and a survivor. Both attacked with hypodermics, both with their medical records wiped.
Che vi avevano aggredite...- Whether you are attacked This.
Ci hanno aggredite!We're being attacked!
- Le aggrediscono!They attack 'em!
- Le rubano, le aggrediscono...- If they steal, they attack.
- Se ti aggrediscono mentre sono sott'acqua?But what if someone attacks you while I'm diving?
- Ti aggrediscono?Would they attack you?
A che serve la scuola se dei teppisti di strada le aggrediscono?School! What's the point if street thugs attack them?
E poi una persona... una persona davvero cattiva entro' nella mia vita... e lo aggredii... mentre dormiva.And then somebody... somebody very bad in my life, and I attacked him in his sleep.
"Un giorno, mi aggredisti, prendesti Adam e scappasti via."One day you attacked me, grabbed Adam and ran.
Caino aggredì Abele e lo uccise.Cain attacked Abel and killed him.
Gli uomini che aggredirono queste persone, nel 1966, erano Ronnie e Reggie Kray.Now, the men who attacked these people in '66 were Ronnie and Reggie Kray.
L'aggredirono con ferocia.They attacked her with ferocity.
L'aggredirono, Laticia.They attacked you, Laticia.
Li aggredirono di sorpresa. Mia madre aveva ancora l'ago in mano quando morì.They attacked so fast my mother was found dead still holding her sewing.
Mi aggredirono.They attacked me.
Ad intermittenza, e senza preavviso, io la aggredirò nei momenti e nei luoghi più inaspettati.lntermittently, and without warning, l will attack you whenever and wherever it is least expected.
- Lui è stato con una che lo aggrediva in piena notte.- He once dated a girl... who used to attack him in the middle of the night.
- Non mi aggredisca cosi'.- Don't attack me like this!
Chiunque aggredisca una quindicenne e' un pervertito.Anyone who attacks a 15-year-oldis a pervert.
Dobbiamo fermare Roy prima che aggredisca altre persone.We need to take Roy down before he attacks more people.
E' l'ideale, perche' saremo in un ambiente sicuro insieme a del personale medico, nel caso in cui lei... non che lo farebbe mai... ma in caso mi aggredisca.This is ideal, because we'll be in a secure environment with medically trained staff, should she - not that she would - attack me.
E' molto raro che un cane addestrato e amato aggredisca il padrone.A trained and well-loved dog attacking its owner is very unusual.
Dobbiamo trovare Louis prima che le macchine aggrediscano qualcun altro.We gotta find Louis before his machines attack anyone else.
Mammina, lasciare che api assassine e corvi assetati di sangue mi aggrediscano... non è una cosa carina... e vorrei non lo facessi più.Uh, Mommy, when you let africanized bees bloodthirsty crows attack me, it's not nice, and I... - I don't want you to do that anymore.
Non lo mandero' indietro perche' lo aggrediscano!I will not send him back to be attacked.
Ok, allora... forse Sam ha ordinato che lo aggrediscano di nuovo.Okay, so maybe Sam ordered another attack on himself.
é chiaro che possono porsi in modo brutale, però allo stesso tempo, preferisco che i ragazzi scarichino lì la tensione che accumulano nella vita piuttosto che aggrediscano la gente senza nessun ottimismo.And of course it can be brutal, but at the same time, I prefer downloading the boys there that accumulate stress in their lives to attack the people without any optimism.
- Ma ti stavano aggredendo.- But they were attacking you.
- Mi stava aggredendo!- He was attacking me!
- Mi stava aggredendo,He was attacking me!
- Neanche lo stessi aggredendo.-Hell he's acting like I'm attacking him.
- Non la sto aggredendo!- I'm not attacking you!

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