Dere må ekstrahere væske og sentrifugere de prøvene. | I need you to do the liquid extractions and centrifuging on these samples. |
De vil ekstrahere et tall fra underbevisstheten. | They're trying to extract a number from your subconscious. |
Når man skal ekstrahere et bevoktet objekter må man velge rett inngang | When you're extracting a heavily guarded target, it's important to choose the right entry point. |
- Vi skal bare ekstrahere den. | We only have to extract it. She doesn't need to get hurt. |
De ekstraherte eggene dine, Marie, er blitt befruktet med AntOniOs sperma. | Your extracted eggs, Marie... have been fertilized with Antonio's sperm. |
Vi ekstraherte all informasjonen som du hadde. | We extracted every bit of information you had in there. |