És a dir, que es tracta d'uns alienígenes que dominen una tecnologia pensada especialment per localitzar i extreure òrgans d'altres éssers vius. | So it sounds like we're dealing with aliens who've developed a technology specifically designed to locate and extract organs from other beings. |
Sempre intenta extreure'ls dels morts... | We... we try to extract them from the dead... |
Pensem que aquestes fibres nervioses que s'estenen fins les punxes estan constantment sent regenerades pel nucli, i la màquina dels volm ens permet extreure les fibres i arrancar el nucli sense afectar l'espina dorsal o el sistema nerviós. | Now, we think these stringy fibers here extending out to your spikes are constantly being regenerated by the nucleus, and the Volm de-harnessing machine allows us to extract the fibers and uproot the nucleus without affecting the spinal cord or the nervous system. |
Ho ha fet abans? Una vegada vaig emprar aquesta tècnica per extreure informació d'un cadàver. | I have used this technique to extract information from a corpse once. |
Sabíeu que l'agent nerviós era massa gros per ser extret? | You knew that the nerve agent was too large to be extracted? |
Som ostatges d’aquesta guerra i la nostra elit n’està extraient els màxims beneficis." | We are hostages of that war and our elite is extracting maximum benefits from it. |
Suposo que hi havia alguna cosa vivint dins la Wi-Fi, recollint ments humanes, extraient-les. | Suppose there was something living in the Wi-Fi, harvesting human minds, extracting them. |
Estava extraient unes roques. | He was extracting rocks. |