Extraire (to extract) conjugation

19 examples

Conjugation of extraire

Present tense
I extract
tu extrais
you extract
il/elle/on extrait
he/she/it extracts
nous extrayons
we extract
vous extrayez
you all extract
ils/elles extraient
they extract
Present perfect tense
j’ai extrait
I extracted
tu as extrait
you extracted
il/elle/on a extrait
he/she/it extracted
nous avons extrait
we extracted
vous avez extrait
you all extracted
ils/elles ont extrait
they extracted
Past impf. tense
I was extracting
tu extrayais
you were extracting
il/elle/on extrayait
he/she/it was extracting
nous extrayions
we were extracting
vous extrayiez
you all were extracting
ils/elles extrayaient
they were extracting
Future tense
I will extract
tu extrairas
you will extract
il/elle/on extraira
he/she/it will extract
nous extrairons
we will extract
vous extrairez
you all will extract
ils/elles extrairont
they will extract
Past perfect tense
j’avais extrait
I had extracted
tu avais extrait
you had extracted
il/elle/on avait extrait
he/she/it had extracted
nous avions extrait
we had extracted
vous aviez extrait
you all had extracted
ils/elles avaient extrait
they had extracted
Past preterite tense
I extracted
tu extrayas
you extracted
il/elle/on extraya
he/she/it extracted
nous extrayâmes
we extracted
vous extrayâtes
you all extracted
ils/elles extrayèrent
they extracted
Past anterior tense
j’eus extrait
I had extracted
tu eus extrait
you had extracted
il/elle/on eut extrait
he/she/it had extracted
nous eûmes extrait
we had extracted
vous eûtes extrait
you all had extracted
ils/elles eurent extrait
they had extracted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai extrait
I will have extracted
tu auras extrait
you will have extracted
il/elle/on aura extrait
he/she/it will have extracted
nous aurons extrait
we will have extracted
vous aurez extrait
you all will have extracted
ils/elles auront extrait
they will have extracted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’extraie
that I extract
que tu extraies
that you extract
qu’il/elle/on extraie
that he/she/it extract
que nous extrayions
that we extract
que vous extrayiez
that you all extract
qu’ils/elles extraient
that they extract
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie extrait
that I have extracted
que tu aies extrait
that you have extracted
qu’il/elle/on ait extrait
that he/she/it have extracted
que nous ayons extrait
that we have extracted
que vous ayez extrait
that you all have extracted
qu’ils/elles aient extrait
that they have extracted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’extrayasse
that I would extract
que tu extrayasses
that you would extract
qu’il/elle/on extrayât
that he/she/it would extract
que nous extrayassions
that we would extract
que vous extrayassiez
that you all would extract
qu’ils/elles extrayassent
that they would extract
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse extrait
that I had extracted
que tu eusses extrait
that you had extracted
qu’il/elle/on eût extrait
that he/she/it had extracted
que nous eussions extrait
that we had extracted
que vous eussiez extrait
that you all had extracted
qu’ils/elles eussent extrait
that they had extracted
Conditional mood
I would extract
tu extrairais
you would extract
il/elle/on extrairait
he/she/it would extract
nous extrairions
we would extract
vous extrairiez
you all would extract
ils/elles extrairaient
they would extract
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais extrait
I would have extracted
tu aurais extrait
you would have extracted
il/elle/on aurait extrait
he/she/it would have extracted
nous aurions extrait
we would have extracted
vous auriez extrait
you all would have extracted
ils/elles auraient extrait
they would have extracted
Imperative mood
let's extract!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie extrait
have extracted
ayons extrait
let's have extracted
ayez extrait
have extracted

Examples of extraire

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"J'envoie trois équipes pour extraire Kwon dans la nuit d'après-demain."I'm sending three teams to extract Kwon the night after tomorrow.
- 18 heures plus tôt, l'agence a envoyé une équipe secrète pour l'extraire d'un camp de travail clandestin dans la province du Yunnan.What do we know about her? Eighteen hours ago the agency sent an undercover team To extract her from a clandestine labor camp in the yunnan province.
- Autorisation d'extraire les glandes progénoïdes.- Permission to extract their gene-seed.
- C'est une morsure de serpent, je dois extraire le venin du serpent qui l'a mordu pour faire un antidote.If it's a bite, I have to extract venom from the snake that bit'im to make an antidote.
- Edward, si vous pouvez incruster des images dans l'esprit, ne pouvez-vous aussi en extraire ?If you can introduce images into the mind, what stops you from extracting images out of the mind?
"Quand vous avez extrait le complexe de peptide"When you extracted the complex peptide
'Il a développé un sérum extrait de testicules de gibbons - mélangé à des couilles de chimpanzés à la vitesse de la lumière, cela a transformé les hommes en singes.'He developed a serum extracted from gibbons' gonads - 'passed through chimps' balls at light speed, it turned men into monkeys.
- Ce poison était extrait de ceci.- The poison was extracted from this.
- Desquels tu as extrait...- From which you have extracted.
- J'ai extrait l'ADN de la seconde prémolaire trouvée dans l'allée.What'd you get? I extracted that second bicuspid that the guys found in the driveway.
Alors, tu as extrais les chansons ou pas?Then, you have extract songs or not?
Aujourd'hui, à Bali, en Indonésie, je fais pousser des algues dont j'extrais une gélatine alimentaire.Today in Bali in Indonesia, we cultivate seaweed and extract from it a nourishing gelatine.
Combien j'en extrais ?How much do I extract?
Comme vous le voyez, j'extrais la substance de l'intérieur de l'œuf.As you can see, I am extracting a sample of the substance from the interior of the egg.
Hira, cherche dans le sérum des antivirus pour tous les virus humains connus, extrais l'acide nucléïque, et fais une vérif' avec la puce de séquençage viral.Hira, I want you check the serum for antibodies to every human virus, extract nucleic acid and do a probe on the viral gene chip.
Vous extrayez leurs souvenirs avec ce truc de "contrôle mental Jedi".And you're extracting their memories with this whole "Jedi mind control" thing.
Conserve la plasticité des tissus quasi-instantanément, en en extrayant tout le sel.It practically plastimises tissue by extracting all the salt.
Don lctícola Fiorentini fut un honnête marchand qui vivait en Toscane au ...Xlº siècle, il découvrit sa vocation religieuse le jour oû il faillit mourir étouffé par une arrête de poisson son épouse le sauva en extrayant l'arrête; mais ces moments de panique lui laissèrent une horrible impression lctícola n'avait jamais vu de si près, la mort ni sa femme.lchthycola Fiorentini was an honest merchant who lived in Tuscany in the eleventh century, who discovered his religious vocation the day he almost died choking on a sea-bream bone; his selfless wife saved his life by extracting the bone; but those instants of panic made a tremendous impression on him; lchthycola had never seen death from so close up or his wife either.
Donc, messieurs, l'âme de cet animal, une âme inférieure à celle de l'homme, qui est une âme supérieure, intervient pour que cet estomac digère, en extrayant les sucs nécessaires au maintien de la vie.And so gentlemen the soul of this animal, is an inferior soul to that of man, which is a superior soul, and makes this stomach digest, by extracting the juices from the foods necessary to maintain life.

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