Tieši otrādi - to, ka BNFL galu galā nepiekrita piedalīties pārstrukturēšanas plānā, pirms Apvienotās Karalistes valdība nav paziņojusi par savu iesaistīšanos, var uzskatīt par pierādījumu, ka BNFL nebija gatavs glābt BE par jebkuru cenu un labāk būtu vēlējies gaidīt valsts iejaukšanos, kā to darīja visi pārējie kreditori. | On the contrary, the fact that BNFL did not finally accept to participate in the restructuring plan before the UK Government announced its involvement can be viewed as proof that BNFL was not ready to save BE at any cost, and would preferred to wait for the intervention of the State, like all other creditors did. |
Tādējādi apraidītāji varētu vēlēties gaidīt citus operatorus pirms pārejas uz ciparu platformu. | Accordingly, broadcasters might want to wait for other operators before moving to the digital platform. |
Veidojot VRR, nevar gaidīt, līdz būs izstrādāti visi minētie reģistri. | It is not possible to wait for the development of all registers for implementing the NVR. |
“Es domāju, ka mūsu locekļi, kas atrodas Kampala, mūs pārstāv. Savā laikā arī es tur būšu. Es gaidu, kad viss būs noorganizēts, un, kad tur būs Kabila, došos arī es,” teica Runiga. | ‘I think our members who are in Kampala represent us. In due time I will be there, too. I am waiting for things to be organised and when Kabila will be there, I will go, too,’ Runiga said. |
Es gaidu paziņu vārdā Fredijs. | I'm waitin' for a friendly named Freddie. |
Es šo brīdi gaidu tik ilgi! | I've been waitin' for this moment for so long. |
Tu naac, vai gaidi Blekburnu? | Are you coming, or waiting for Blackburn? |
Tad dodies prom, atgriezies šeit un gaidi mani. | Then leave, come back here and wait for me. |
Ko gaidi, puika? | What you waiting for, boy? [Laughing] |
Jo ilgāk gaidām, rodas iespēja, ka Treisijai var nodarīt pāri. | Every minute we wait, there's another chance Tracy'II get hurt. |
Edvard, mēs gaidām. | Edward, we're waiting. |
Es viņu atradu otrā pusē, gaidām laivu kopā ar viņu. | Any children? I found her on the other side waiting for a boat. With him. |
Es tevi gaidīšu VT stacijā katru dienu pulksten piecos! | I will wait. The VT station. |
Es gaidīšu tevi tajos visos. | I will wait for you in all of them. |
Parlaments piekrīt Revīzijas palātas procesuālajai pieejai un gaidīs, kad Tiesa pieņems galīgo lēmumu. | The European Parliament shares the procedural approach of the Court of Auditors and will wait for the Court of Justice's final rulings. |
Mēs ar Hobsu gaidīsim Šovu. | Hobbs and I will wait for Shaw. |