Aš pradėjau sapnuoti tai mano atmerktomis akimis. | I'm starting to dream with my eyes open. |
Kodėl taip svarbu sapnuoti? | Why is it so important to dream? |
Nebijok sapnuoti įspūdingiau. | You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling. |
"...nes miegoti nėra sapnuoti. | "...because to sleep is not to dream." "To sleep is to not leave your touch." |
Aš sapnuoju? | I'm dreaming. |
Galbūt esu keistas, nes sapnuoju tokius sapnus, tačiau tavo protas krečia kvailystes, kai tave supa žmonės, trokštantys tavo mirties. | Maybe I'm a weirdo to have dreams like that but your mind does funny things when you're surrounded by people that want to kill you. |
Aš sapnuoju juos. | When I sleep, I dream about them... it. |
Jaučiuosi miegantis... ir aš sapnuoju. | I fall asleep... and I dream. |
Aš vis dar sapnuoju ją. | I still dream of her. |
Žinau sapną Kurį sapnuoji | I know the dream that you're dreaming of |
-Tu sapnuoji? | Do you dream? |
Ar tu juos sapnuoji ? | Do you dream about them? |
Tai reiškia, kad sapnuoji tai, kas nutiks. | It means when you dream about something that's gonna happen. |
Policjos poskiri tu sakei, kad tu sapnuoji? | The other day at the station, you said you had dreams. |
- Tai mes visi sapnuojame. | We all have that dream. |
Mes nuolat kalbame apie ji, ir galvojame apie tai, tada mes nuolat sapnuojame jį. | We keep talking about it, we'll keep thinking about it, then we'll keep dreaming about it. |
Mes sapnuojame? | We're dreaming? |
Mes sapnuojame 27 kartus per naktį. | We dream 27 times a night. |
Tikiuosi ne, nes tuomet mes abu sapnuojame, ir tai būtų kaip filme "Inception", o aš išėjau iš to filmo. | Cause then we'd both be dreaming and then it would be like the movie "Inception" and I walked out of that. |
Prieš keletą naktų sapnavau bauginantį sapną, kurio niekaip negaliu išmesti iš galvos. | I had a frightful dream a few nights ago, and I don't seem to be able to get it out of my mind. I hope you haven't taken my stories too seriously. |
Ne, tikrai nesusirūpinęs bet sapnavau bjaurų sapną. | No, not concerned, really but I've been having this nasty dream. |
Lyg kai buvau sutrenktas pusiau sąmoningas vis sapnavau šį sapną. | It's like when I was all smashed up, you know and half-awake and unconscious-like I kept having this dream. |
Aš sapnavau šį sapną daugybę kartų. | I seem to have this dream over and over again. |
Svajonė kurią sapnavau visą gyvenimą. | A dream I've been dreaming all my Iife. |
Tu sapnavai košmarus, taip? | y ou've had some scary dreams, OK? |
Ką tu sapnavai? | What were you dreaming? |
Gerai, tai tu sapnavai šitą vietą. | Okay, so you had a dream about this place. |
Tu sapnavai. | You were dreaming. |
Ar sapnavai dar tokių sapnų? | - Have there been others like this dream? - Yes. |
Tą naktį Matas iš tiesų sapnavo Afriką. | And it is indeed of Africa that Mathias dreams that night. |
Ji sapnavo košmarus. | She had bad dreams. |
Ji tik girdėjo garsus ir sapnavo košmarus. | She was just hearing voices and having bad dreams. |
Nes Borisas sakė, kad aną naktį jis mane sapnavo. | Because Boris said that he dreamt about me last night. |
Mažasis lordas vėl sapnavo. | The little lord's been dreaming again. |
Daktaras, kuris užsiima odos ligomis sapnuos, kad užmigo prieš televizorių. | A doctor who specializes in skin diseases will dream he has fallen asleep in front of the television. |
Tuomet sapnuok mane. | Well, dream of me. |