Jerry telah menurun tajam, berada di ambang kebangkrutan awal tahun ini. | had been in steep decline, hovering on the verge of bankruptcy earlier this year. |
Tidak diragukan lagi menawarkan sulit untuk menurun, tetapi apakah Anda lupa ada dua dari kita? | No doubt an offer difficult to decline, but have you forgotten there are two of us? |
Kemampuanmu sudah menurun. | Your ability has declined. Speak for yourself, you couldn't even differentiate between a wild beast and your own daughter. |
Tingkat kesuksesan Stoner di Ducati menurun seiring waktu. | NARRATOR: Stoner's success rate at Ducati had declined over time, though. |
Nah, itu sangat baik hati, tapi aku ingin hormat menurun. | Well, that's very kind of you, but I would like to respectfully decline. |