Menurun (to decline) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menurun

Present tense
I decline
Past tense
sudah menurun
I declined
Present perfect tense
sudah menurun
I have declined
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menurun
I will have declined
Future recent tense
menurun nanti
I will decline
Future distant tense
menurun kelak
I am going to decline
Present continuous tense
sedang menurun
I decline
Past distant tense
dulu menurun
I (a long time ago) declined
Past recent tense
menurun tadi
I (recently) declined
Past very recent tense
baru saja menurun
I (just now) declined

Examples of menurun

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jerry telah menurun tajam, berada di ambang kebangkrutan awal tahun ini.had been in steep decline, hovering on the verge of bankruptcy earlier this year.
Tidak diragukan lagi menawarkan sulit untuk menurun, tetapi apakah Anda lupa ada dua dari kita?No doubt an offer difficult to decline, but have you forgotten there are two of us?
Kemampuanmu sudah menurun.Your ability has declined. Speak for yourself, you couldn't even differentiate between a wild beast and your own daughter.
Tingkat kesuksesan Stoner di Ducati menurun seiring waktu.NARRATOR: Stoner's success rate at Ducati had declined over time, though.
Nah, itu sangat baik hati, tapi aku ingin hormat menurun.Well, that's very kind of you, but I would like to respectfully decline.

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