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Kertoa (to tell) conjugation

147 examples
This verb can also mean the following: have it, multiply, have kotus type 52/sanoa, rt-rr gradation

Conjugation of kertoa

Present tense
I tell
you tell
he/she tells
we tell
you all tell
they tell
is told
Past tense
I told
you told
he/she told
we told
you all told
they told
was told
Conditional mood
I would tell
you would tell
he/she would tell
we would tell
you all would tell
they would tell
would be told
Imperative mood
let's tell!
be told!
Potential tense
I probably tell
you probably tell
he/she probably tells
we probably tell
you all probably tell
they probably tell
probably is told
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to tell
to tell
while telling
while telling
just about to tell
Passive infinitives
while not telling
not telling
Passive participles
not told
not told
Present negative tense
en kerro
I do not tell
et kerro
you do not tell
ei kerro
he/she do not tell
emme kerro
we do not tell
ette kerro
you all do not tell
eivät kerro
they do not tell
ei kerrota
is not told
Past negative tense
en kertonut
I did not tell
et kertonut
you did not tell
ei kertonut
he/she did not tell
emme kertoneet
we did not tell
ette kertoneet
you all did not tell
eivät kertoneet
they did not tell
oli kerrottu
had been told
Conditional negative tense
en kertoisi
I would not tell
et kertoisi
you would not tell
ei kertoisi
he/she would not tell
emme kertoisi
we would not tell
ette kertoisi
you all would not tell
eivät kertoisi
they would not tell
Imperative negative mood
älä kerro
do not tell!
älköön kertoko
let him/her/it not tell!
älkäämme kertoko
let's not tell!
älkää kertoko
do not tell!
älkööt kertoko
do not tell!
Potential negative tense
en kertone
I probably do not tell
et kertone
you probably do not tell
ei kertone
he/she probably does not tell
emme kertone
we probably do not tell
ette kertone
you all probably do not tell
eivät kertone
they probably do not tell
Present perfect tense
olen kertonut
I have told
olet kertonut
you have told
on kertonut
he/she has told
olemme kertoneet
we have told
olette kertoneet
you all have told
ovat kertoneet
they have told
on kerrottu
has been told
Past perfect tense
olin kertonut
I had told
olit kertonut
you had told
oli kertonut
he/she had told
olimme kertoneet
we had told
olitte kertoneet
you all had told
olivat kertoneet
they had told
Conditional perfect tense
olisin kertonut
I would have told
olisit kertonut
you would have told
olisi kertonut
he/she would have told
olisimme kertoneet
we would have told
olisitte kertoneet
you all would have told
olisivat kertoneet
they would have told
olisi kerrottu
would has been told
Imperative perfect tense
ole kertonut
you have told!
olkoon kertonut
he/she have told!
olkaamme kertoneet
we have told!
olkaa kertoneet
you all have told!
olkoot kertoneet
they have told!
olkoon kerrottu
has been told!
Potential perfect tense
lienen kertonut
I probably have told
lienet kertonut
you probably have told
lienee kertonut
he/she probably has told
lienemme kertoneet
we probably have told
lienette kertoneet
you all probably have told
lienevät kertoneet
they probably have told
lienee kerrottu
probably has been told
Present perfect negative tense
en ole kertonut
I have not told
et ole kertonut
you have not told
ei ole kertonut
he/she has not told
emme ole kertoneet
we have not told
ette ole kertoneet
you all have not told
eivät ole kertoneet
they have not told
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut kertonut
I had not told
et ollut kertonut
you had not told
ei ollut kertonut
he/she had not told
emme olleet kertoneet
we had not told
ette olleet kertoneet
you all had not told
eivät olleet kertoneet
they had not told
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi kertonut
I would not have told
et olisi kertonut
you would not have told
ei olisi kertonut
he/she would not have told
emme olisi kertoneet
we would not have told
ette olisi kertoneet
you all would not have told
eivät olisi kertoneet
they would not have told
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole kertonut
you have told!
olkoon kertonut
he/she have told!
olkaamme kertoneet
we have told!
olkaa kertoneet
you all have told!
olkoot kertoneet
they have told!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene kertonut
I probably have not told
et liene kertonut
you probably have not told
ei liene kertonut
he/she probably has not told
emme liene kertoneet
we probably have not told
ette liene kertoneet
you all probably have not told
eivät liene kertoneet
they probably have not told

Examples of kertoa

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
! En voi kertoa.- l can't tell you.
" En saanut tilaisuutta kertoa, joten kirjoitan nyt."I did not get a chance to tell you this and that is why I'm writing you now.
"Charlie, minun täytyy kertoa sinulle jotakin."Charlie, I have some things to tell you.
"Chris, haluan kertoa, että olen raskaana."I 'vegotsomething to tell you. I'm pregnant.
" Kuunnelkaa kaikki, mitä kerron teille" Listen, people, what I'm tellin'you
"Anna kun kerron sinulle jotakin."Let me tell you something.
"Antakaa kun kerron yhden asian" ja "Haluan vain sanoa"."Let me tell you something," and, "I just wanna say this."
"Entä jos hän on kuollut." Miten minä kerron sen Paulille.I wonder if it's dress uniforms. Wonder how I'm gonna tell Paul.
"Hei, minä vain kerron sinulle, sinä päätät.""Hey, I'm just telling you, it's your decision."
"Jos kerrot, minne valo meni, kerron, mistä se tulee.""If you tell me where this light went, I'll tell you where it comes from. "
"Jos kerrot, olet kuoleman oma.""If you tell, you're a dead man. "
"Jos kerrot, tapan sinut.""If you tell anyone, I'll kill you."
"Tuletko aina kotiin luokseni ja kerrot päivästäsi?"Will you always come home to me and tell me about your day?
"Baddingin riipaiseva kujanjuoksu",- ja siinä vois olla vielä, että "Lapsuudenystävä kertoo".An old friend tells all. Six thousand.
"En halua tehdä tätä." Mutta se kertoo meille paljon.Which means "I don't want to do this," But believe me, it tells us a lot, So just lie down, face the window.
"Herätä minut, kun se on ohi" kertoo tarinan - veljestä ja sisaresta, jotka - heidän pahoinpitelevä isänsä hylkää. He joutuvat pitämään huolta toisistaan - kun heidän masentunut äitinsä lähtee treffeille, joilta hän ei koskaan palaa.Wake Me When It's Over tells the story... of a brother and sister who... after being abandoned by their abusive father... are forced to fend for themselves... when their depressive mother goes out on a date... from which she never returns.
"Kerron sinulle tarinan." Hän kertoo aina tarinoita."Now, I'm going to tell you a story." He always tells you stories.
"Marcy kertoo, miten huippuasianajaja lahjoi poliisit ja tuomarit.""Marcy tells how America's most famous lawyer buys cops, - judges, witnesses..." - Cut the crap!
- Aamulla kerromme Juniorille ja Joelle.Well, in the morning, we're gonna have to tell Junior and Joe.
- Anna kun me kerromme omat tietomme.Let us tell you what we do know, Mr. Decker.
- Ehkä jos kerromme Joen olevan...- Lf we tell her Joe's all right...
- Entäpä jos tottelet meitä, - tai kerromme muille kuka oikeasti olet?Okay, well, then how about you do what we say, or we tell the, uh, legion of doom about your secret identity?
- Etsimme poliisin ja - kerromme heille mitä täällä tapahtui.-We're going to get the police and we're going to tell them what happened here.
"Ja hän, jolla on kieli, puhukoon." Ja nyt kerrotte, missä hän on.And he that has a tongue, let him speak. Now tell me where he is.
- Ei, kerrotte minulle.No, you will tell it to me.
- En voi, ennen kuin kerrotte mitä olen tehnyt.- You tell us. - I can't until you tell me what you think I did.
"...kertovat meille tarinoita, yksi kustakin teemasta"...will tell us stories, each with a particular theme
"Dark Score Lake kirous" juttu on vain tarinoita joita ihmiset kertovat leirinuotion ympärillä."Curse of Dark Score Lake" stuff... Just stories people tell around the campfire. Stories?
"He kertovat muillekin tytöille."They're gonna tell all the rest of the girls out there.
"Kuulen joskus, kun ihmiset kertovat tarinaani."I hear people telling my story sometimes.
"Käyttäydyt kuin työntekijöiden pitäisi pelätä ja kunnioittaa sinua, mutta silmäsi kertovat..."You act like employees "Should fear and respect you, but your eyes tell us-
Ihmisen tarve muutokselle, kehitykselle ja liikkeelle, - heijastuu ikivanhoissa tarinoissa, joita kerrotaan yhä uudelleen eri muodoissa.The human need for change, progress, movement, is reflected in the ancient stories, which are told over and over again in different forms.
Intian viidakoista kerrotaan monia outoja tarinoita, mutta ei yhtään niin outoa, kuin on tarina pienestä Mowgli-pojasta.Many strange legends are told Of these jungles of India... but none so strange as the story of a small boy named Mowgli.
Kun he eivät palaa kotiin heidän perheilleen kerrotaan valheita ja korvaukset evätään.When they don't come home... their families are told fairy tales about what happened to them... and denied compensation.
"... äläkä sano kenellekään mitä kerroin."And please don't say anything to anyone about what I told you.
"Olen ulkona." Olin opiskellut islamia - ja kerroin heille, että aion ottaa tämän elämäntavan - nimeltä Islam, aion ottaa sen vakavasti.I'd been studying Islam anyway, and I told them that I'm going to take this way of life called Islam; I'm going to take it serious.
"Äiti, kun kerroin hra Hartounianille palaavani hän sanoi: "'Älä ole hölmö.So, Mom, when I told Mr. Hartounian I'd come back, he said "Don't be a putz.
- "askeleen edelläsi, kerroin hänelle"(Keys click) "Way ahead of you, I told him."
- Aivan, sinä kerroit sen. Kyllä.You did.You told me that.
- Ally, kerroit juuri nähneesi unta hänestä.Ally, you just told me you had a dream about the guy.
- Crockett, sinähän kerroit minulle siitä.Now, Crockett, you told me that.
- DeMarco kai innostui kun kerroit niin mehukkaasta kohtalosta.- DeMarco must've wet his pants when you told what a ripe destiny that was for the pickings.
- Dinah, siitä lähtien, kun kerroit minulle tietokoneista...Dinah, you know, since you told me about computers...
"'En halunnut satuttaa ketään,' Salas kertoi ylikonstaapeli O'Rourkelle -"'I didn't mean to hurt nobody,' Salas told Sgt. O'Rourke...
"'Tappaja löytää tappajan, ' liittovaltion virkamies kertoi toimittajalle.""'It takes one to catch one, ' a federal official told this reporter."
"Bob pelkää vain yhtä miestä, hän kertoi sen kerran."Bob's only afraid of one man, he told me once.
"Eroaa vaimosta pian." Armeijan vitsi, Shep kertoi.- No, no, no. "Everyone's divorced." It's an army joke Shep told us.
"Kertokaa, keitä vanhempani ovat!" Eikä syönyt, ennen kuin kerroimme.She said she's not Jewish. She said, " Tell me who my real parents are." And until we told her, she wouldn't eat.
- Johan me kerroimme sen.- We told you that.
- Kun joimme niitä margaritoja, - ja kerroimme toisillemme miehiemme saavutuksista, - miksi et kertonut, että makasit kolmijalan kanssa?- When we went for margaritas that night and we all kind of told each other about our husbands'... accomplishments, how come you never told us you were sleeping with Tommy tripod?
"Te kerroitte, komisario. " - "En maininnut koko sanaa. ""You told me so, Inspector." "No, sir. I never mentioned the word 'garroted.'"
- En ennen kuin kerroitte.- Not until you told me.
- Hyvää huomenta, ryhmä. Joko kerroitte hänelle mitään?Have you told him anything yet?
- Ja te kerroitte sheikistä.You told them the secret.
- Kerro mitä näitte ja kenelle kerroitte.- Tell us what you saw and who you told.
"En nähnyt, mutta sotilaani kertoivat minulle siitä."I didn't", he said, "but my soldiers told me about it.
- Baarin kaverit kertoivat.- The guys at the bar told me.
- Bola kait kertoivat heistä wraitheille.Bola Kai were the ones who told the Wraith about them.
- Ei. Intiaanit kertoivat Davenportille, - että vain korkein pappi voi avata henki-oven heidän maailmaansa.No, the Indians told Davenport that only a high priest of our world can open the spirit-door to their world.
- En puhu siitä, - mitä äiti ja isä kertoivat teille pitääkseen pois tästä metsän osasta.I'm not talking about what Mummy and Daddy told you to keep you out of these parts of the woods.
- Meille kerrottiin Milly Banksin olevan täällä.Uh, we were told, uh, Milly Banks was here.
- Meille kerrottiin että teillä on pelejä.- We were told you had games.
- Meille kerrottiin jotain muuta.That's not what we were told.
- Meille kerrottiin.- We were told.
- Jos tietäisimme, kertoisin.If we knew, I would tell you.
- Jos tietäisin, kertoisin sen.If I knew, I would tell you, I swear it.
- Jos tietäisin, kertoisin.If I knew it, I would tell you.
- Jos tietäsin, kertoisin.If I knew, I would tell you.
- Ajattelin, että kertoisit minulle.- No. - I thought you would tell me.
- Sinä kertoisit sille hoitajalle...- You would tell it to the nurse...
Ajattelin, että kertoisit sen aikanaan.I figured you would tell me when you were ready.
Eikö niin, että kertoisit?You would tell me, wouldn't you?
En usko että kertoisit heille - kuka olen, vaikka tietäisit.I don't believe you would tell them who I am, even if you knew.
- En kertoisi hänelle.Who would tell him?
- Hän kertoi minulle että jos hän kertoisi sinulle olleensa töissä perjataina, sinä laittaisit jutun poikki.- He told me that if he told you that he was working on another friday night, that you would tell him that it was over.
- Jos hän tietäisi, hän kertoisi.If he knew, he would tell us. Read a book.
- Kunpa joku kertoisi, mitä itua tässä on.I wish someone would tell us the point of all this.
Vannoimme hääpäivänämme valan, että kertoisimme toisillemme kaiken.We made a vow on our wedding day... that we would tell each other everything.
Arvostaisin, jos kertoisitte siitä.Um, I would appreciate it if you would tell me if she does.
Ja mitä tulee kaivokseen, - jonka mieheni osti ennen murhaansa, - haluan suostua herra Swearengenin juoksupojan tarjoukseen, - ja olisin kiitollinen, jos kertoisitte sen herra Farnumille, - sillä hänen kanssaan puhuminen saa minut sairaaksi.As regards to the claim my husband purchased before his murder, I'm inclined to accept the last bid from Mr. Swearengen's hand-puppet and I would be very grateful if you would tell Mr. Farnum so, as speaking to him directly makes me ill.
Arvasin, että he kertoisivat, - että opetin Denkinsin ponin puremaan kikkelin irti.I assumed that they would tell you that I had trained Denkins' pony to bite off your wiener.
Luuletko, että he kertoisivat meille enemmän kuin tuon?I mean, you think that they would tell us More than just that, you know?
Luuletko, että ihmiset kertoisivat, jos olet huono suutelija?I mean, if you were a bad kisser, do you think people would tell you?
Olen melko varma, että jos he tietäisivät, he kertoisivat sen teille.They don't know, or won't tell us? I'm pretty sure if they knew, they would tell you.
Siitä eteenpäin, irtosuhteita harrastavat naiset, - kertoisivat tarinaa yhdenillan jutusta, josta tuli parisuhde.From that night on, promiscuous women everywhere would tell the tale of the one-night stand that turned into a relationship.
" Joten älä kerro Scottylle koska Scotty ei tiedä"# So don't tell Scotty Scotty doesn't know
" Älä kerro Scottylle Scotty ei tiedä "# Don't tell Scotty Scotty doesn't know #
"Emme tiedä," vai sinä et kerro minulle?"We" won't know, or you're not telling me?
"En kerro kellekään. ""I'll never tell anyone."
Jos hän kerran haluaa olla kanssasi, kertokoon sitten meille kaikille sen.If she wants to be with you, how about you have her tell all these people here?
Jos hänellä on minulle viesti, kertokoon sen sinulle."If he has a message for me, he must tell you."
Jos joku ei voi ottaa käskyjä minulta panematta hanttiin, kertokoon nyt, - ja poistan hänet tehtävistään.So, if anyone has a problem taking orders from me without giving me lip, tell me now, and I will have you reassigned.
Jätämme poliisin narkkarin vuoteen viereen, kertokoon meille, minne jätti penskan.We'll post an officer at the junky's bedside. When she wakes up, let her tell us where she left her kid.
Tule, kertokaamme veljellesi, millaisia palkintoja seuraa - heille, jotka tunnistavat oikean perheensä.Come, let's tell your brother what rewards there are for those who recognize their true family.
""Jos olen sairas, kertokaa heti.""If I'm for it, you can tell me right away."
- Devlin, kertokaa, mitä haluatte.- Devlin, tell me what you want.
- Ennen sitä - kertokaa, mikä on vinossa.Before we do... ..I wish you'd tell me what's wrong.
- Profeetat kertokoot tulevaisuudenI leave it to the prophets to foretell the future.
Miehet kertokoot jurylle, että he noudattivat annettua käskyä.All those guys have to do is tell the grand jury we received that order and they followed that order.
"he voisivat käyttää uutta mediaa kertoakseen tarinoita.""they could use the new medium to tell stories. "
- Dee on liian nolona kertoakseen meille, koska on maannut haisuleiden kanssa.I'll bet she's embarrassed - too embarrassed to tell us because she's bedded some real stinkers.
- Hän luotti sinuun, kertoakseen raiskauksesta.Well, I know she trusted you enough to tell you about the rape.
- Hän on vain liian kiltti kertoakseen.She's just too nice to tell you.
- Ei pygee, en oo kertomassa!No sirrey, I'm telling you!
- En ole kertomassa.l'm not telling.
- En tiedä mitä... Anna kun kerron. Kohtausten väleihin leikataan esim. Kadunmies kertomassa vitsiä.Well, I don't know exactly... well, since you're asking, this is what I was thinking... you know those bumpers that we got in between the scenes... you know, man-on-the-street- telling-the-joke kind of stuff?
- Lily juuri oli kertomassa kuinka ...Lily was telling us how she...
- Ei vielä. En voi estää häntä kertomasta.Not yet, but I can't stop her from telling' him.
- Et kieltänyt kertomasta.- You didn't say no telling.
- Lopeta kertomasta ihmisille.- Stop telling people.
- Lopeta kertomasta tätä tarinaa.Stop telling us this story!
- Ei lisää tarinoita, tai alan kertomaan joitakin omiasi.No more of those stories or I'll start telling some of yours.
- Menen kertomaan kaiken viranomaisille...I'm going to the authorities, and I will be telling them-
- Miksei hän ole tullut kertomaan tästä?- Why isn't he here telling me this?
- Myös minulla on suunnitelma. Siihen ei kuulu, että menisin kotiin kertomaan epäonnistumisestani.Well, I have a plan, too, and it does not involve me going home and telling my family that I'm a failure.
- Aloita kertomalla hänen nimensä.- Why don't you start by telling us his name.
- Auta itseäsi kertomalla totuus.Help yourself by telling us the truth.
- En voita kertomalla että 59 % kansasta on.You don't win by telling 59 percent of them that they are.
- Et hyödy mitään kertomalla sitä. - Hyvä on.- You won't score points by telling her.
- Aioitko vain lähteä kertomatta minulle?Were you just gonna leave without telling me'? No.
- Danny älä ikinä lähde mihinkään kertomatta minulle!Danny, don't ever walk off without telling me where you're going!
- Enkä voi enää olla kertomatta, - kuinka pahoillani olen.- I don't want to hear this, Kyle. - And I can't let another day pass without telling you... Without telling you how sorry I am.
- Et voi lähteä kertomatta.- You can't leave without telling him.
- Hän lähti kotoa viime yönä, kertomatta miehelleen.She left home last night without telling him.
Mikä on yhtenäistä kuolinsyyntutkijan kertoman kanssa.Which is consistent to what our friendly medical examiner has been telling us.
"Heitä kiinnostaa enemmän lippujen myyminen - kuin totuuden kertominen...""than in telling the real truth--" I'll take the pastrami on rye. "...the real truth about the self-styled Gen. Villa...
- Ajan kertominen ei taida olla vahvin lajisi.I guess telling time isn't one of your professional skills.
- Ehkä tarinasi kertominen vie ajatuksesi muualle.Maybe telling him your story will take your mind off of it.
- Äidille kertominen ei ole hyvä ajatus.Well, I don't think telling her is such a hot idea.
- En varsinaisesti valehdellut, - vaan viivyttelin totuuden kertomista.I didn't so much lie as... slightly delay telling the truth.
- Jatka vain sen kertomista itselle.Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.
- Kiitos. Jatka juttujen kertomista.Keep telling them stuff.
- Samoin, mutta uskollisuus - merkitsee kovien totuuksien kertomista.As do I, but loyal service means telling hard truths.
Ei mikään - paitsi että Ray oli kertomaisillaan Allylle totuuden Joulupukista.No£¬ nothing at all... except Ray was just about to tell ally the truth about Santa claus.
Hän oli juuri kertomaisillaan.He was just about to tell us.
" En ole koskaan kertonut rakastavani heitä. ""Ignored my parents." "Never told anyone I love them."
"Heräävä omatunto." Enkös minä kertonut?Surely I told you? You know you did not!
"Hän on varmaankin kertonut minusta ja minä ajattelen sinua koko ajan."She must've told you about me, and I never stopped thinking about you.
- Lisan kertoma piti siis paikkaansa.So everything Lisa told us pans out.
- Se on idiootin kertoma tarina, - täynnä ääntä ja vihaa mitään merkiten.I wouldn't mind starring with him. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Aarre, energiaa imevä kuu, magogeja... Tämä on kuin mummin kertoma satu.Hidden treasure, power-sucking moons, hungry magog... it's like bedtime stories my nana told me.
Bauerin kertoma selittää hänen tekonsa:What Bauer told the president today explains everything that he's done.
Ensimmäinen Alisonin kertoma asia itsestään oli vale.The first thing Alison ever told me about herself was a lie.
Sen vuoksi teidän on kerrottava koko totuus.For example, you have not told to me why you invited to join the expedition
- Meille ei kerrottu teidän lähteneen asemalta.- We were not told you'd left.
- Meille ei ole kerrottu, ylhäisyys.- We are not told, sire.
En tiedä, meille ei ole kerrottu.- l don't know. We're not told that. - Oh.

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