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Grabar (to record) conjugation

102 examples

Conjugation of grabar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I record
you record
he/she/it records
we record
you all record
they record
Present perfect tense
he grabado
I have recorded
has grabado
you have recorded
ha grabado
he/she/it has recorded
hemos grabado
we have recorded
habéis grabado
you all have recorded
han grabado
they have recorded
Past preterite tense
I recorded
you recorded
he/she/it recorded
we recorded
you all recorded
they recorded
Future tense
I will record
you will record
he/she/it will record
we will record
you all will record
they will record
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would record
you would record
he/she/it would record
we would record
you all would record
they would record
Past imperfect tense
I used to record
you used to record
he/she/it used to record
we used to record
you all used to record
they used to record
Past perfect tense
había grabado
I had recorded
habías grabado
you had recorded
había grabado
he/she/it had recorded
habíamos grabado
we had recorded
habíais grabado
you all had recorded
habían grabado
they had recorded
Future perfect tense
habré grabado
I will have recorded
habrás grabado
you will have recorded
habrá grabado
he/she/it will have recorded
habremos grabado
we will have recorded
habréis grabado
you all will have recorded
habrán grabado
they will have recorded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I record
(if/so that) you record
(if/so that) he/she/it record
(if/so that) we record
(if/so that) you all record
(if/so that) they record
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya grabado
I have recorded
hayas grabado
you have recorded
haya grabado
he/she/it has recorded
hayamos grabado
we have recorded
hayáis grabado
you all have recorded
hayan grabado
they have recorded
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have recorded
(if/so that) you have recorded
(if/so that) he/she/it have recorded
(if/so that) we have recorded
(if/so that) you all have recorded
(if/so that) they have recorded
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have recorded
(if/so that) you have recorded
(if/so that) he/she/it have recorded
(if/so that) we have recorded
(if/so that) you all have recorded
(if/so that) they have recorded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera grabado
I had recorded
hubieras grabado
you had recorded
hubiera grabado
he/she/it had recorded
hubiéramos grabado
we had recorded
hubierais grabado
you all had recorded
hubieran grabado
they had recorded
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese grabado
I had recorded
hubieses grabado
you had recorded
hubiese grabado
he/she/it had recorded
hubiésemos grabado
we had recorded
hubieseis grabado
you all had recorded
hubiesen grabado
they had recorded
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have recorded
(if/so that) you will have recorded
(if/so that) he/she/it will have recorded
(if/so that) we will have recorded
(if/so that) you all will have recorded
(if/so that) they will have recorded
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere grabado
I will have recorded
hubieres grabado
you will have recorded
hubiere grabado
he/she/it will have recorded
hubiéremos grabado
we will have recorded
hubiereis grabado
you all will have recorded
hubieren grabado
they will have recorded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's record!
Imperative negative mood
no grabes
do not record!
no grabe
let him/her/it record!
no grabemos
let us not record!
no grabéis
do not record!
no graben
do not record!

Examples of grabar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Bueno, yo tengo ganas de grabar un disco solo con músicas en inglés...""Well, I'm willing to record a solo album with songs in English..."
"Frank se niega a grabar el álbum sin antes haber perfeccionado hasta el último detalle.'Frank refuses to record the album 'until we have perfected each and every detail.
"Gracias por vuestra interpretación encantadora pero no creo que el grupo esté listo para grabar aún."(HUTCHISON) "Thank you for your charming rendition" "but I do not think the group" "is ready to record yet."
"Ha llevado a grabar nuestras sesiones con su teléfono, para que pueda escuchar a ellos una y otra vez. ""has taken to recording our sessions with his phone, so he can listen to them again and again."
"Pero antes de hacer eso, siempre he querido grabar una versión cover.""Well, before we do that, "I've really always wanted to record a cover version,
"Cariño, cada vez que estoy a punto de entrar en batalla te grabo un mensaje diciéndote que te quiero, solo por si acaso"."You know, honey "every time I'm about to go into battle "I record a message for you and Molly telling you how much I love you, just in case."
- Aún grabo un programa.- still recording a show.
- Cuando hablan, yo grabo.- They speak, I record.
- Lo grabo.- I record it.
- Muchas gracias. - ¿Le importa si grabo algunas preguntas?- Thank you. - Do you mind if I record a few questions?
- ¿Cómo grabas?How do you record?
- ¿Por qué lo grabas?Why are you recording it?
- ¿Tú también los grabas?You record these, too?
Antes de irte, grabas un cassette un pequeño mensaje en el cassette que se coloca en tu lápida así que cuando la gente se acerca a tu tumba, estas parloteando.Before you go, you record a cassette, a little message in a cassette which they then put into your headstone, so that when people approach your grave, you're yakking.
Así que grabas todo lo que sucede aquí, cada mujer que traemos.So you record everything that happens here, every woman we bring here.
- Ella graba las sesiones.- She records all her sessions.
A los diecinueve graba con la orquesta de Osvaldo Fresedo... los tangos "Pobre chica", "Risas de cabaret" y "Odisea".At 19 she records "Pobre Chica", "Risas de Cabaret" and "Odisea" with the Osvaldo Fresedo orchestra.
Ada graba "Yo no sé qué me han hecho tus ojos"... como si hablara de ella.Ada records "I don't know what your eyes have done to me"... as if it were about her.
Afortunadamente, puse un programa en el sistema que graba el código de acceso... de todo aquel que intenta acceder a mis archivos personales.Fortunately, I put a program on my system that records an intruder's pass code if someone attempts to access my files.
Ahora todo el mundo graba de esa manera, pero él fue el primero.Now everyone records that way, but he was the first.
"Polly" es una de las canciones que grabamos en los Smart Studios que iba a formar parte del álbum de Sub Pop y acabó en "Nevermind".Polly is one of the songs that was recorded at Smart Studios that was going to be for the Sub Pop album and ended up going onto Nevermind.
# Carry me back To the days l knew then... # Recuerdo particularmente cuando grabamos "Mull Of Kintyre"# Carry me back To the days l knew then... # l remember particularly when we were recording "Mull Of Kintyre"
* Habéis elegido la canción que abre la puerta * * grabamos esta canción para cuando vosotros abráis la puerta *♪ You're the playing the song that opens the door ♪ ♪ We recorded this song for when you open the door ♪
- Amigo, no grabamos.Dude, we didn't record.
- Con eso grabamos los últimos 2 días.- With that we record the last 2 days.
Era una empresa normal de gestión. Vais de gira y grabáis, vais de gira y grabáis.They were like a regular management group - you go on tour, you record, you go on tour, you record.
Escuchad. Si grabáis lo que tocasteis hoy, triunfaréis y podríamos ganar mucho dinero.Listen, if you could record what you did in there, we'd have something and make a lot of money.
- No graban.They don't record. [ chuckles ]
- Se graban todas las llamadas externas.All external calls are recorded.
- Ya sabes, mamá, papá y los niños... se van de vacaciones familiares típicas estadounidenses... y las graban para la posteridad... en caso de que alguien quiera verlas sin apuntarle a la cabeza con un arma.-You know, mom, dad and the kids... go off on the great American family vacation... and record it for posterity... in case anybody wants to watch it without a gun to their head.
- ¿Así graban normalmente?- Is this the way you normally record?
- ¿Hacen giras o sólo graban discos?- Do they tour, or do they just cut records?
"Ese es el maldito suéter anaranjado más feo que he visto en la vida" se asombrarían, porque es imposible que yo hubiera sabido qué llevaría él cuando grabé esto hace 30 años, ¿verdad?"That's the ugliest goddamn orange sweater I have ever seen" you might be astonished, because there's no way I could've known what he'd be wearing when I recorded this 30 years ago, right?
- Confía en mí, en un minuto, vas a estar agradeciéndome que grabé esto.- Trust me, in a minute, you're gonna be thanking me that I recorded this.
- Lo grabé en la calle.- I recorded it on the street.
- Lo grabé...- I recorded it.
- Yo grabé con Tony.- I recorded with Tony.
"Escuché que grabaste algunas cosas con Barrett.""I hear you recorded some stuff with Barrett."
- Ah, grabaste el accidente.- Oh. You recorded the accident. - Yes, I did.
- Entonces grabaste lo que pasó ayer.So you recorded what happened yesterday.
- Katie, ¿lo grabaste?Katie! You recorded him?
- Me grabaste?What, you recorded me?
"Capricho publico" Era una canción neo punk que Noah grabó hace como diez años."Public Vagary" was a neo-punk song Noah recorded about ten years ago.
"La Cumparsita", el maestro la grabó... ya en el año '38, creo.The "maestro" recorded "La Cumparsita" in '38, I think.
- ... camioneta. - ¿Qué? Un tipo lo grabó y lo puso en Internet, míralo.Some guy recorded it, put it on the Internet.
- El cajero le dió billetes correlativos y grabó los números.- The teller gave her sequential bills and recorded the numbers.
- Es una canción que grabó Lina.It's some music Lina recorded.
Oí que cuando grabasteis "Rambling"I heard that when you recorded "Rambling"
Sí, sobre las demos que grabasteis.Yeah, about the demos you two recorded.
Y esa también fue la primera vez que cantasteis y grabasteis tu voz?Was that also the first time you ever sang and recorded your voice?
¿Sabes? , me tocó una canción que grabasteis en mi estudio, y sonaba genial.You know, he, uh, played me the song that you guys recorded in my studio, and it sounded great.
"The flowers od progress" grabaron su primer álbum en este...The Flowers Of Progress recorded their first album in this... ~ Our only album.
- Pues empecé a reproducir un puñado de cámaras de vigilancia durante las últimas cinco horas porque tenía la curiosidad de ver qué es lo que grabaron.- Okay, so I started cycling through a bunch of surveillance cameras for the last five hours... because I was curious to see what they recorded.
- Se grabaron dos voces incorpóreas.Yeah. That's two... Two disembodied voices recorded.
- Tenemos buena relación con la prensa, pero las invitaciones ya se grabaron.- We pride ourselves on good relations with the press. But the invitations have been recorded.
- ¿Se grabaron las visitas?Were the visits recorded?
- Que grabaré.- ..which I will record.
Aunque no soy patólogo, grabaré mis observaciones sobre el cadáver por si el proceso de descomposición borrase las pruebas forenses.Although not a pathologist, l will record my observations of the body in case at some future time decomposition should obscure forensic evidence.
Las grabaré, ¿de acuerdo?I'll record them. I will record them, okay?
- Sí. Activada por audio y movimiento, 360 grados de cobertura con línea en vivo que lo grabará en la base.It's all motion and audio triggered, 360 coverage with a live feed that will record back at base.
Cuando ponga su identificación y tipee su clave, el lector grabará ambas transmisiones electrónicas.When she inserts her ID and types in her password, the skimmer will record both electronic transmissions.
Dethklok grabará la totalidad de su próximo álbum en este barco.Dethklok will record its entire forthcoming album on this ship.
Hoy puse una cámara que grabará todo lo que pase.Tonight I set up a camera that will record everything that happens.
Jennifer Krase grabará el holo-disco de su cacería.Jennifer Krase will record the holo-disc of your hunt.
Señora Au, grabaremos esta conversación.Mrs. Au, the camcorder behind me will record our conversation.
Hará que todos se emocionen. 15 cámaras grabarán este evento histórico en celuloide, y solo unos días después, la película será reproducida en cientos de cines.He'll bring everyone to tears. 15 cameras will record this historic event on celluloid, and just a few days later, the film will be shown at hundreds of cinemas.
Los sensores grabarán todo automáticamente.Sensors will record everything automatically.
Acompañado por Brian Eno, Bowie grabaría sus discos Low y Heroes en el magnífico estudio Hansa de Berlín.Accompanied by Brian Eno, Bowie would record his albums Low and Heroes in Berlin's magnificent Hansa Studio.
"Sólo se necesita que alguien más grabe las palabras.""Somebody else just needs to record the words"
# Quiero ver una cámara, compacta digital de mano...# que grabe en cinta y tome fotos digitales en su tarjeta PC.# I want to see a camera, compact digital handheld... # that records on tape and snaps digital photos on a PC card.
- Ajuste de tiempo 05 a.m. Por favor, grabe el mensaje.- Time set five a.m. Please record message.
- No. Ellos querian que me conviertiera en una artista solista,que grabe albums pero.. No me importa sin ti.They wanted me to become a solo artist and record a record or something, but... it didn't matter without you.
- ¡Acabo de decir que no grabe nada más sobre el caso!- almost every... every... - I just said do not record anything else about this case!
- Espera Will, quiero que grabes esto.- Will Wait, I want to record it.
Ahora necesito que leas y grabes estos también.Now, I need you to read and record these as well.
Ahora, la firma quiere que grabes esta canciónNow, the label wants you to record this song
Aunque alguien fuera a morir delante de ti, no ayudes, no grabes.Even if someone else were to die in front of you, do not help, do not record.
Cuando grabes tu demo...When you record a demo,
-Y quieren que la grabemos.- And they want us to record it.
Así que grabemos en el Libro de Oa que estos días oscuros han sido provocados en parte por los actos del Guardia de Honor 2814, Hal Jordan de la Tierra.So let it be recorded in The Book of Oa that these dark days have been largely brought about by the actions of Honor Guard 2814, also known as Hal Jordan of Earth.
Bueno, no podemos animar hasta que no tener nuestras voces grabadas, así que grabemos lo que tenemos y hagamos el final después.Well, we can't animate until we have our voices recorded, so we'd better just record what we have and figure out the ending later.
Creo que quieren que grabemos algo.I think they want us to make a record.
Danny, saca tu teléfono y grabemos esto.Danny, get your phone out and let's record this.
El consejo nacional de seguridad en el trasporte prohíbe que grabéis lo que estáis a punto de escuchar.The National Transportation Safety Board prohibits you from recording what you're about to hear.
Y lo grabéis con vuestros teléfonos.And record him on your phones.
¡Cuando grabéis el mensaje de salida, no os molestéis en decirme que no podéis poneros al teléfono!When you record your outgoing message, don't bother telling me you can't come to the phone.
"Cualquier cosa más que graben, ese será el disco.""Anything more that you guys record, that's the album."
- Me servirá que lo graben.- This recording will be used.
- ¿Quizá nunca graben otro disco?- You may never make another record?
A los traficantes no les gusta mucho que les graben.Drug dealers tend to not like being recorded.
Con actitud de: "Por favor, graben otro disco" cuando, de hecho, solo somos cuatro muchachos sencillos.You know--"please give us Another record," When in fact we're-- You know, We're just, like, Four guys with whatever.
- Pues grabad un disco.So you cut a record.
"He grabado tu voz en dos grabadoras... que funcionan sin parar, de modo que tu voz,... tu voz se queda aquí."I recorded your voice on two tape recorders that play continuously, so your voice so your voice stays here
"Hot in Cleveland" es grabado en estudio con audiencia en directoHot in Cleveland is recorded in front of a live studio audience.
"Hot in Cleveland" es grabado frente a una audiencia en vivo."Hot in Cleveland" is recorded in front of a live studio audience.
"Hot in Cleveland" está grabado con público."Hot in Cleveland" is recorded in front of a live studio audience.
"Hot in Cleveland" está grabado con una audiencia en vivo.Hot in Cleveland is recorded in front of a live studio audience.
"Estoy grabando esto para mis hijas, Emma y Lindsay""I'm recording this for my daughters, Emma and Lindsay."
"Hemos gastado $ 200, 000 grabando este disco,"We've spent $ 200, 000 recording this record,
"Vamos a ver a los Rolling Stones están grabando en no sé dónde"."Oh, let's go and see the Stones. "They're recording at so and so."
"¿Cómo puede ser que tengas que ir allí el proximo martes... y hoy estamos sentados aquí grabando?""How can it be that you're going there next Tuesday... "and we're sitting here recording?"
- Alguien esta grabando muertes.Someone's recording death.

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