Distinguir (to distinguish) conjugation

53 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: discern, hear etc, differentiate, to make out, make, to differentiate, manage to see

Conjugation of distinguir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I distinguish
you distinguish
he/she/it distinguishes
we distinguish
you all distinguish
they distinguish
Present perfect tense
he distinguido
I have distinguished
has distinguido
you have distinguished
ha distinguido
he/she/it has distinguished
hemos distinguido
we have distinguished
habéis distinguido
you all have distinguished
han distinguido
they have distinguished
Past preterite tense
I distinguished
you distinguished
he/she/it distinguished
we distinguished
you all distinguished
they distinguished
Future tense
I will distinguish
you will distinguish
he/she/it will distinguish
we will distinguish
you all will distinguish
they will distinguish
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would distinguish
you would distinguish
he/she/it would distinguish
we would distinguish
you all would distinguish
they would distinguish
Past imperfect tense
I used to distinguish
you used to distinguish
he/she/it used to distinguish
we used to distinguish
you all used to distinguish
they used to distinguish
Past perfect tense
había distinguido
I had distinguished
habías distinguido
you had distinguished
había distinguido
he/she/it had distinguished
habíamos distinguido
we had distinguished
habíais distinguido
you all had distinguished
habían distinguido
they had distinguished
Future perfect tense
habré distinguido
I will have distinguished
habrás distinguido
you will have distinguished
habrá distinguido
he/she/it will have distinguished
habremos distinguido
we will have distinguished
habréis distinguido
you all will have distinguished
habrán distinguido
they will have distinguished
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I distinguish
(if/so that) you distinguish
(if/so that) he/she/it distinguish
(if/so that) we distinguish
(if/so that) you all distinguish
(if/so that) they distinguish
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya distinguido
I have distinguished
hayas distinguido
you have distinguished
haya distinguido
he/she/it has distinguished
hayamos distinguido
we have distinguished
hayáis distinguido
you all have distinguished
hayan distinguido
they have distinguished
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have distinguished
(if/so that) you have distinguished
(if/so that) he/she/it have distinguished
(if/so that) we have distinguished
(if/so that) you all have distinguished
(if/so that) they have distinguished
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have distinguished
(if/so that) you have distinguished
(if/so that) he/she/it have distinguished
(if/so that) we have distinguished
(if/so that) you all have distinguished
(if/so that) they have distinguished
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera distinguido
I had distinguished
hubieras distinguido
you had distinguished
hubiera distinguido
he/she/it had distinguished
hubiéramos distinguido
we had distinguished
hubierais distinguido
you all had distinguished
hubieran distinguido
they had distinguished
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese distinguido
I had distinguished
hubieses distinguido
you had distinguished
hubiese distinguido
he/she/it had distinguished
hubiésemos distinguido
we had distinguished
hubieseis distinguido
you all had distinguished
hubiesen distinguido
they had distinguished
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have distinguished
(if/so that) you will have distinguished
(if/so that) he/she/it will have distinguished
(if/so that) we will have distinguished
(if/so that) you all will have distinguished
(if/so that) they will have distinguished
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere distinguido
I will have distinguished
hubieres distinguido
you will have distinguished
hubiere distinguido
he/she/it will have distinguished
hubiéremos distinguido
we will have distinguished
hubiereis distinguido
you all will have distinguished
hubieren distinguido
they will have distinguished
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's distinguish!
Imperative negative mood
no distingas
do not distinguish!
no distinga
let him/her/it distinguish!
no distingamos
let us not distinguish!
no distingáis
do not distinguish!
no distingan
do not distinguish!

Examples of distinguir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"A veces es difícil distinguir" "entre fines y principios."'Sometimes it's hard to distinguish 'between ends and beginnings.
"Ahora, su bebé podrá distinguir y responder a sonidos significativos del exterior del útero".'By now, your baby will be able to distinguish and respond to significant sounds outside the womb. '
"No deberá ser ciego ante ninguna falta en ningún subordinado, aunque al mismo tiempo, debe ser rápido y constante en distinguir error de malicia, irreflexión de incompetencia, y defecto bien intencionado de negligente o de un error estúpido.""He should not be blind to a single fault in any subordinate, though at the same time, he should be quick and unfailing to distinguish error from malice, thoughtlessness from incompetency, and well-meant shortcoming from heedless or stupid blunder."
"Si no hay una atmósfera de respeto, ¿qué va a distinguir al hombre de las bestias?"'Without feelings of respect, 'what is there to distinguish men from beasts?
- Disculpe, hoy en día es difícil distinguir.-It's hard to distinguish, these days.
#La nulidad de un acto procesal sin distingo de..." #puede ser dictada de oficio por el juez, mientras..." "mientras la anulabilidad puede ser dictada sólo a instancia de la parte interesada."The invalidity of a case file is distinguished from the nullification, because the judge can cancel the first one, whereas... the nullification can only be cancelled by the interested party...
Lo del color del pelo me intriga porque es como yo te distingo de todas formas.The hair color concept intrigues me because it's how I distinguish you anyway.
No distingo entre gente sospechosa y no sospechosa.I don't distinguish between suspicious and non-suspicious people.
Quiero que entiendas que no distingo entre sombras o color aquí.I want you to understand that I don't distinguish between shades of color in here.
- ¿Cómo los distingues? - ¿El qué?How do you distinguish them?
Ahora que tienes dinero distingues tus cosas de las mías.Now that you're rich, you distinguish your things from mines.
Les distingues por la talla.You distinguish them by their height.
No distingues entre una comida y una reunión del gabinete... sería bienvenida tu visión femenina en el Gabinete.You can never distinguish between a dinner party and a cabinet meeting and much as we would all welcome your feminine wisdom in Cabinet,
Que distingues Lo Santo de lo profano. La luz de la oscuridad, Israel de las naciones. El séptimo día de descanso de los seis días de actividad.Who distinguishes the sacred from the secular, light from darkness, Israel from the nations, the seventh day of rest from the six days of labor.
"El deseo de tomar medicamentos es tal vez la característica más importante que distingue al hombre del animal"."The desire to take medicine is perhaps the greatest feature which distinguishes man from animals."
- Archivero de pelÍculas Pero ciertamente lo que distingue el cine negro... es la idea de una total ambigûedad moral... que empieza con The Maltese Falcon.But certainly, the type of subject matter that distinguishes film noir is this idea of total moral ambiguity that is inaugurated in The Maltese Falcon.
Ahora... si convenimos en que la conciencia es todo lo que distingue de los objetos a las personas que nos rodean, no podemos no hacer lo mismo con las creadas con mis dispositivos. Una vez reunidos todos los sentidos, surge también el alma.Now, if we concede that the conscience distinguishes everything, from the objects to the people that surround us can we not do the same with these recreations transmitted by my equipment?
Al final, eso es lo que distingue a los humanos de otros.. animales.In the end, that's what distinguishes humans from other animals.
Aunque lo que distingue las rayas de pelo cobrizas y azules de los hespéridos es el modo en que las bolas de la antena se engrosan gradualmente, a menudo terminando en puntos de gancho....although what distinguishes the skippers from hair streaks, coppers and blues is the way the clubs and antennae gradually thicken, often ending in hooked points.
Entre ellos, distinguimos a:Among those, let's distinguish:
Es cierto que distinguimos entre aquellos capturados en batalla, y nuestros propios hombres y mujeres libres.It is true that we distinguish between those captured in battle, and our own free men and women.
No distinguimos el cielo de la tierra.We no longer distinguish earth from the skies.
No distinguimos mucho necesariamente entre realidad virtual y la realidad verdadera.We don't necessarily distinguish very much between mediated reality and real reality.
Nosotros no distinguimos, como todos los otros creados antes que nosotros?We do not distinguish it, like all the others created before us?
"Alemania parece un mosaico en que las piezas individuales todavía se distinguen claramente"Germany resembles a mosaic in which the individual pieces are still clearly distinguishable.
Así es como los niños distinguen entre el bien y el mal.This is how children distinguish between good and evil.
Aunque pudiéramos, los sensores no distinguen... individuos.And the sensors don't distinguish individuals.
Bueno, entre todos los empleados incompetentes de este sitio hay tres que se distinguen sobre los demás para el vendedor con peores recomendaciones de la historiaWell, of all the incompetent employees in this backwater branch, you three have distinguished yourselves- with the lowest customer evaluation scores in recorded history.
Bueno, los golpes se distinguen mejor durante la descomposición, Solo mira si se nos pasó algo.Well, bruises get more distinguished as a body decomposes, so just see if there's anything we missed.
Anoche me distinguí en una misión peligrosa.I distinguished myself the other night on a dangerous mission.
Estoy seguro de que te distinguiste en batalla y honraste a tu padre.Well, l am certain you distinguished yourself in battle many times and did honor to your father.
Aristóteles una vez distinguió cuatro características del héroe trágico.Aristotle once distinguished four characteristics of the tragic hero.
Bernard, a lo largo de su vida se distinguió... por su gentilenza... y amabilidad con los demás.For Bernard conducted himself throughout his distinguished career with unfailing cheerfulness and with generosity of spirits and with charity.
Desde nuestra niñez... Io que nos distinguió fue el carácter.Since our childhood, the thing that distinguished us from each other was ethos.
Dijo que Billy se distinguió en la lucha.Said that Billy distinguished himself in the fighting.
El Regimiento Gale de Infantería al mando del General Charles Gale que tanto se distinguió en las últimas contiendas necesita hombres para ocupar las plazas de los veteranos que pasaron a la reserva con una pensión de un chelín diario.Gale's Regiment of Foot which has distinguished itself during the recent troubles wants several men to supply the places of those veterans who have deserved to be pensioned at one shilling a day.
sólo a mis mejores ayudantes. Soldados que se distinguieron por su valor.I choose only my must trusted aids... soldiers who have distinguished themselves in the field of battle...
Los efesianos harían bien en ahorcarse todos juntos,... y dejarles la ciudad a los niños. Ellos, quienes exiliaron... a mi amante Hermodore, el hombre más hermoso de todos,... diciendo: "No permitas que ningún hombre se distinga del resto,... y si alguno lo hace, déjalo vivir en cualquier otro lado, entre otras personas."The Ephesians would do well to hang themselves all at once, and abandon their city to the children, they who exiled my lover Hermodore, the most precious man of them all, saying: "Let no man among us distinguish himself from the rest,
Me atrevería a decir que no es de esperar que distinga entre el precio y el valor en su profesión, lnspector.l dare say you're not expected to distinguish between price and value in your profession, lnspector.
No hay nada que distinga las memorias "artificiales" de las "reales".There's nothing that distinguishes "artificial" memories from "experienced" memories.
Oh, no, Señor, si fuera tu voluntad, permite que me distinga.Oh, no, Lord, if it be thy will, let me distinguish myself.
Porque es de la mayor importancia que el título distinga al libro de otros libros de cocina en venta.Because it is of the utmost importance that the title distinguish this book from all the other cookbooks on the market.
Bueno, Joel, distingamos paradoja de contradicción.Well, Joel, let's distinguish paradox from contradiction.
Esperando a que los magos que son buenos de verdad se distingan de los mediocres.Waiting for the truly great magicians to distinguish themselves from the mediocre ones.
" Sr. Moco". Suena un tanto distinguido."Mr. Booger." It's kind of distinguished.
"A raíz de la prematura muerte de Su Excelencia... el gobernador de la isla Coventry... nos enteramos que el puesto se ofrecerá al distinguido veterano de Waterloo... el coronel Rawdon Crawley"."Following the premature death of His Excellency, the Governor of Coventry Island, "we hear the post is to be offered to the distinguished veteran of Waterloo, Colonel Rawdon Crawley."
"Buenas noches, distinguido invitado.Good evening, distinguished guest.
"Dooley, sargento de artillería, servicio distinguido."Dooley, Aviation Ordinance Man Second, distinguished service.
"EL sr. Bovary, un distinguido cirujano... ha curado el mal del pié...""M. Bovary, a distinguished practitioner... has cured the club foot..."
"Cecilia está teniendo problemas ahora distinguiendo qué es real y qué no.""Cecilia is now having trouble distinguishing between what is real and what is not. "
Owen descubrió que los jurados no son buenos distinguiendo las áreas grises en las intenciones criminales.Owen has found that jurors are not good at distinguishing the gray areas of criminal intent.
Trabajé sobre un algoritmo distinguiendo mentiras de verdades.I worked on an algorithm distinguishing lies from truths.
Truman no está distinguiendo las amenazas vitales de las periféricas y ligar el destino de todo el mundo a la seguridad de Estados Unidos era realizar una declaración trascendental.Stone: Truman in not distinguishing vital threats From peripheral ones and by linking the fate

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