Documentar (to document) conjugation

75 examples

Conjugation of documentar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I document
you document
he/she/it documents
we document
you all document
they document
Present perfect tense
he documentado
I have documented
has documentado
you have documented
ha documentado
he/she/it has documented
hemos documentado
we have documented
habéis documentado
you all have documented
han documentado
they have documented
Past preterite tense
I documented
you documented
he/she/it documented
we documented
you all documented
they documented
Future tense
I will document
you will document
he/she/it will document
we will document
you all will document
they will document
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would document
you would document
he/she/it would document
we would document
you all would document
they would document
Past imperfect tense
I used to document
you used to document
he/she/it used to document
we used to document
you all used to document
they used to document
Past perfect tense
había documentado
I had documented
habías documentado
you had documented
había documentado
he/she/it had documented
habíamos documentado
we had documented
habíais documentado
you all had documented
habían documentado
they had documented
Future perfect tense
habré documentado
I will have documented
habrás documentado
you will have documented
habrá documentado
he/she/it will have documented
habremos documentado
we will have documented
habréis documentado
you all will have documented
habrán documentado
they will have documented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I document
(if/so that) you document
(if/so that) he/she/it document
(if/so that) we document
(if/so that) you all document
(if/so that) they document
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya documentado
I have documented
hayas documentado
you have documented
haya documentado
he/she/it has documented
hayamos documentado
we have documented
hayáis documentado
you all have documented
hayan documentado
they have documented
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have documented
(if/so that) you have documented
(if/so that) he/she/it have documented
(if/so that) we have documented
(if/so that) you all have documented
(if/so that) they have documented
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have documented
(if/so that) you have documented
(if/so that) he/she/it have documented
(if/so that) we have documented
(if/so that) you all have documented
(if/so that) they have documented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera documentado
I had documented
hubieras documentado
you had documented
hubiera documentado
he/she/it had documented
hubiéramos documentado
we had documented
hubierais documentado
you all had documented
hubieran documentado
they had documented
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese documentado
I had documented
hubieses documentado
you had documented
hubiese documentado
he/she/it had documented
hubiésemos documentado
we had documented
hubieseis documentado
you all had documented
hubiesen documentado
they had documented
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have documented
(if/so that) you will have documented
(if/so that) he/she/it will have documented
(if/so that) we will have documented
(if/so that) you all will have documented
(if/so that) they will have documented
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere documentado
I will have documented
hubieres documentado
you will have documented
hubiere documentado
he/she/it will have documented
hubiéremos documentado
we will have documented
hubiereis documentado
you all will have documented
hubieren documentado
they will have documented
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's document!
Imperative negative mood
no documentes
do not document!
no documente
let him/her/it document!
no documentemos
let us not document!
no documentéis
do not document!
no documenten
do not document!

Examples of documentar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"400 turistas embobados levantaron 400 cámaras de teléfono en el aire para documentar el momento.Matt: "400 gawking tourists held 400 camera phones in the air to document the moment.
"Lectores de noticias" comenzaron a documentar este histórico episodio final, pero lo que en realidad encontramos puede sorprenderlos."Newsreaders" set out to document this historic final episode, but what we actually found may surprise you.
"Traté de documentar la Depresión pero terminó con... fotos de la vida cotidiana.""I tried to document the Depression but ended up with... "snapshots of life as usual."
"Un poco de geología, hay que documentar esta área Joe".Man 1: [On radio] Roger, Dave. Let's do a little geology. Man 2: [On radio] Going to document the area first here, Joe.
- Hay que documentar una serie entera.- We need to document a complete set.
! estoy entregando un documento a la oficina del canciller!I am delivering a document to the chancellor's office!
"Adjunta este documento"."Attach this document."
"Consentimiento", con C mayúscula, un documento judío de divorcio.A "get," capital g, a jewish divorce document.
"De su plenipotenciario, a las cláusulas de dicho documento al que más adelante nos referiremos como La Carta.""From your very own plenipotentiary, to the provisions of the said document... "hereinafter to be referred to as The Letter:
"Ellos también revisaron los derechos de propiedad en este particular documento diciendo que estos derechos no son absolutos.They also discussed property rights in this particular document. They say that property rights are not absolute.
Lo documentas todo.You document everything.
Sí, la ira y el resentimiento se acumulan, especialmente cuando ves y documentas la cantidad de corrupción, deshonestidad, actos ilegales, asesinatos y traiciones como las que yo he visto de gente que finge ser lo que no es.And uhm, yeah, anger and resentment do build up when you see and document as much corruption, as much dishonesty, as much illigality, as much murder, as much betrayal as I have from people who pretend to be otherwise.
""El arte malo es más trágicamente hermoso que el buen arte porque documenta el fracaso humano"".It's "Bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art... because it documents human failure."
"El arte malo es más trágicamente hermoso que el buen arte porque documenta el fracaso humano".It's "Bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art... because it documents human failure."
Afortunadamente esta dirección de Lenin documenta el hecho de que el proletariado internacional está siguiendo nuestra causa.This address of Lenin happily documents the fact that the international proletariat is following our cause.
Así que en vez de llamar a recursos humanos por mi, por que no vuelves a la oficina y empiezas el informe que documenta mis actos heroicos.So rather than calling human resources on me, why don't you go back to the office and hash out the report that documents my heroics.
Dave Masaharu Tatsuno y él fue el responsable de la película Topaz, que documenta la vida en un campo de internamiento durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.Dave Masaharu Tatsuno and he was responsible for the film Topaz, which documents life in an internment camp during World War II.
Confiscamos las drogas lo documentamos con una filmación y la reemplazamos con azúcar falsa.We seized the drugs, documented it on camera and replaced it with dummy tar.
Documentamos innumerables casos, casos donde las personas murieron, de hecho, creo que uno de los dos últimos casos que documentamos era sobre una mujer que estaba de parto y no le permitieron ir al hospital, ella y su bebé murieron.We've documented numerous cases, cases where people have died. In fact, I believe that one of the last cases we documented was a woman who was in labor, who was not allowed to get to the hospital, and she and the baby both died.
Estamos retrasados sobre la escena mientras documentamos para CPD.We're delayed on scene while we document for CPD.
Fue un gran momento para nosotros y muy malo para ellos porque demostraron tanta brutalidad enfrente de la gente, que lo documentamos.It was a big moment for us and a big mistake for them. Because they did so many brutal things in front of people and we could document that.
Intentamos establecer una relación, así que documentamos la Navidad pasada.We're trying to establish A relationship so we're documenting christmas last year.
Ahora en términos de sus inversiones estas proyecciones de 7 años documentan todo lo que hemos discutido.Now... in terms of your investments... these 7-year projections clearly document everything we've discussed so far.
Aquí están las declaraciones juradas que documentan cómo y cuándo fueron destruidos los reportes.These are sworn affidavits documenting how and when the incident reports were destroyed.
Así documentan su trabajo.Every witch would document their work.
Dejarmí Sólo Los documentan.Let me just document them.
Estas increíbles escrituras documentan el nacimiento y vida sobrenaturales del Buda Supremo, un líder espiritual, alrededor de cuyas enseñanzas se fundó la religión budista.These incredible writings document the supernatural birth and life of the Supreme Buddha, a spiritual leader upon whose teachings the Buddhist religion was founded.
Así que lo documenté en su registro médico.So I documented it in her med list.
Estamos en medio de una epidemia de cáncer, y no tengo ninguna duda, pues me documenté ampliamente, de que la industria es responsable en gran parte de esta agobiante epidemia de cáncer, en la que uno de cada dos hombres contrae cáncerWe are now in the midst of a major cancer epidemic and I have no doubt and I have documented the basis for this that industry is largely responsible for this overwhelming epidemic of cancer in which one in every two men get cancer in their lifetimes
Me confiscaron unos diarios en los que documenté en detalle mi relación con Ferrari.I had some journals confiscated where I meticulously documented my interactions with Ferrari
Temía que quizás no lo recordarais, y lo documenté todo.I was afraid you may not remember, so I documented everything.
Todo lo que documenté está ahí.Everything I documented is in there.
La cual documentaste en detalle después de leer mi diario.Which you documented in detail after reading my diary.
Supongo que documentaste su malversación.I assume you've documented his malfeasance.
Adebisi lo documentó como lo hace Ud.Adebisi, he documented the whole drama, like you're doing right here.
Al parecer documentó cada ataque.It looks like he documented every attack. The semantics in these two writings are markedly different.
Antes de que desapareciera, la inscripción se documentó y fotografió.Before it disappeared, the inscription was documented and photographed.
Bethel documentó su encuentro en Internet, y pronto, otros estaban escribiendo encuentros similares con los llamados niños de ojos negros.NARRATOR: Bethel documented his account on the Internet, and soon, others were posting similar encounters with the so-called black-eyed kids.
Creo que de alguna forma, esa historia, tanto como documentó Silk Road, creó Silk Road, también.I think in a way, that story, as much as it documented the Silk Road, it created the Silk Road, too.
- Sí, parece que documentaron todo.Yeah, it looks like they documented everything.
Desde que los antiguos babilonios documentaron por primera vez la observación de Venus, los humanos han especulado con que puedan existir mundos habitados más allá de la Tierra.Since the Ancient Babylonians first documented observations of Venus, humans have speculated that inhabited worlds may exist beyond Earth.
Entre 1840 y 1843, los misioneros documentaron una terrible enfermedad dentro de una tribu costera.Between 1840 and 1843, the missionaries documented a terrible illness inside a coastal tribe.
Los de Servicios Fúnebres dieron las coordenadas, documentaron el sitio al que debían volar.Mortuary Affairs gridded the area, documented site to flight.
Los técnicos de G.E. P documentaron los niveles tóxicos de cromo en varias ocasiones.PGE's own technicians documented toxic levels of hexavalent chromium in those wells on numerous occasions.
Los documentaré y determinaré si pertenecen a la víctima.I will document them, determine whether they belong to the victim.
Ella documentará a este club.She will document this club
Henry y yo documentaremos la zona de la explosión.Henry and I will document the detonation blast area.
Y cuando suceda, y nos volvamos a reunir lo documentaremos en los mismos pantalones.And when it happens, and we reunite we will document it on the pants themselves.
Si quiere denunciar al Sr. Crawford, tomaré su declaración... y luego iremos al hospital, donde la examinarán... documentarán sus lesiones y darán las pruebas de violación.If you'd like to file a complaint against Mr. Crawford, I'll take your statement and then we'll go down to the hospital, where they'll examine you and will document your injuries and get a rape kit.
Ah, y llévese a Buzz para que lo documente todo.And, uh, take Buzz along with you to document everything.
Asi que necesito que documente cada inquilino en el complejo para que podamos calcular que cantidad de energia usa cada propietario.So I need you to document every tenant in that complex so that we can calculate the ratio of power suckage to tenants on said properties.
Bueno, documente, ...las casa, nuestras tarjetas, mas un millón. No puedo darte mas que 10 millones. Quien eres.Well, I documented the house, out cards, plus one million can not give you a little more than 10,000,000 who you are sand million, I would like to do and how you would like to say, why we do these things idiot
Cualquier cosa que documente su estancia en el campamento, debe ser entregado.Anything documenting your stay at the camp is to be handed over to us.
Ese documente tiene nuestras cuentas bancarias, todos nuestros bienes, todo lo que pudimos conseguir, gracias a la venganza de Tommy,That document is our account numbers, it lists all our assets, everything that we've had to scramble around thanks to Tommy's mess.
Mientras lo documentes todo, está bien.As long as you document it, you're fine.
Necesitaré que documentes la participación de Robert Munson en la venta de armas.I'll need you to document Robert Munson's involvement in selling guns.
Quiere que vayas y documentes todo lo que encuentres para la televisión.He wants you to go in and document everything that I find for broadcast.
Segundo, he oído que no se puede confiar en que documentes tu código, y, tercero, necesito que documentes tu código.Number two, I hear you can't be trusted to document your code, and, number three, I need you to document your code.
Te pagamos para que lo atrapes, no para que lo documentes.We're paying you to catch him, not just document him.
, se supone que documentemos la verdad., it is supposed that we document the truth.
A menos que lo documentemos endiabladamente bien.unless we document the hell out of it.
Que documentemos todo y no toquemos nada.Make sure we document everything. Don't touch anything.
Vale, documentemos este momento.Okay, let's document this moment.
No documenten los detalles de su día.Do not document the details of your day.
¿Y tiene papeles que documenten esa teoría?And you have paperwork to document that theory?
"Los rumores dicen ahora... Publicista de Joaquín ...que el retiro de Joaquin Phoenix de la actuación y su nueva carrera como rapper es parte de un engaño elaborado que está siendo documentado por su cuñado, Casey Affleck"."The rumor mills are now buzzing that Joaquin Phoenix's retirement from acting and newfound career as a rapper is all part of an elaborate hoax that is being documented by his brother-in-law Casey Affleck.
"Todo esto está documentado."Everything I'm going to tell you is documented.
"he documentado mis asesinatos meticulosamente..."I have meticulously documented my killings...
"no hallé ningún método documentado"I have found no documented method
(Programa Investigación Aurora Activa Alta Frecuencia) ... geo-ingeniería, como ustedes mencionan, que està muy documentado en el proyecto de ley de Dennis Kucinich, que es la "Ley de Preservación del Espacio". ... que, por cierto, no creo, que pase por el Congreso.(H.A.A.R.P. = High Active Auroral Research Program) ... geo-engineering, as you guys mentioned, which is documented heavily in Dennis Kucinich´s bill, that is the "Space Preservation Act" which, by the way, I don´t think, got though Congress.
, yo estaba documentando la escena del crimen.I was documenting a crime scene.
- Lo estoy documentando.- I am documenting this.
- ¡Estoy documentando!Hud, get back inside. -But I'm documenting!
- ¿Estuviste documentando la escena?- So you been documenting the scene? - Yep.
Además, he estado documentando en mi blog todo lo nuevo que estoy probando.Oh, I also have been documenting all the new things I'm trying on my blog.

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