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Demandar (to demand) conjugation

80 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: file, to file suit, to claim, to implead

Conjugation of demandar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I demand
you demand
he/she/it demands
we demand
you all demand
they demand
Present perfect tense
he demandado
I have demanded
has demandado
you have demanded
ha demandado
he/she/it has demanded
hemos demandado
we have demanded
habéis demandado
you all have demanded
han demandado
they have demanded
Past preterite tense
I demanded
you demanded
he/she/it demanded
we demanded
you all demanded
they demanded
Future tense
I will demand
you will demand
he/she/it will demand
we will demand
you all will demand
they will demand
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would demand
you would demand
he/she/it would demand
we would demand
you all would demand
they would demand
Past imperfect tense
I used to demand
you used to demand
he/she/it used to demand
we used to demand
you all used to demand
they used to demand
Past perfect tense
había demandado
I had demanded
habías demandado
you had demanded
había demandado
he/she/it had demanded
habíamos demandado
we had demanded
habíais demandado
you all had demanded
habían demandado
they had demanded
Future perfect tense
habré demandado
I will have demanded
habrás demandado
you will have demanded
habrá demandado
he/she/it will have demanded
habremos demandado
we will have demanded
habréis demandado
you all will have demanded
habrán demandado
they will have demanded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I demand
(if/so that) you demand
(if/so that) he/she/it demand
(if/so that) we demand
(if/so that) you all demand
(if/so that) they demand
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya demandado
I have demanded
hayas demandado
you have demanded
haya demandado
he/she/it has demanded
hayamos demandado
we have demanded
hayáis demandado
you all have demanded
hayan demandado
they have demanded
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have demanded
(if/so that) you have demanded
(if/so that) he/she/it have demanded
(if/so that) we have demanded
(if/so that) you all have demanded
(if/so that) they have demanded
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have demanded
(if/so that) you have demanded
(if/so that) he/she/it have demanded
(if/so that) we have demanded
(if/so that) you all have demanded
(if/so that) they have demanded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera demandado
I had demanded
hubieras demandado
you had demanded
hubiera demandado
he/she/it had demanded
hubiéramos demandado
we had demanded
hubierais demandado
you all had demanded
hubieran demandado
they had demanded
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese demandado
I had demanded
hubieses demandado
you had demanded
hubiese demandado
he/she/it had demanded
hubiésemos demandado
we had demanded
hubieseis demandado
you all had demanded
hubiesen demandado
they had demanded
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have demanded
(if/so that) you will have demanded
(if/so that) he/she/it will have demanded
(if/so that) we will have demanded
(if/so that) you all will have demanded
(if/so that) they will have demanded
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere demandado
I will have demanded
hubieres demandado
you will have demanded
hubiere demandado
he/she/it will have demanded
hubiéremos demandado
we will have demanded
hubiereis demandado
you all will have demanded
hubieren demandado
they will have demanded
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's demand!
Imperative negative mood
no demandes
do not demand!
no demande
let him/her/it demand!
no demandemos
let us not demand!
no demandéis
do not demand!
no demanden
do not demand!

Examples of demandar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Aparentemente, el príncipe no era un príncipe cuando empezó a demandar servicios extras de la mucama.Apparently, the prince was no prince when it came to demanding extra services from the maid.
En Japón, ultra-nacionalistas se manifiestaron violentamente... para demandar la muerte de Medre.In Japan, ultra-nationalists are violently demonstrating to demand the death penalty.
Es su responsabilidad como ciudadanos de este país demandar las libertades que les han quitado.It's your responsibility as citizens of this country, to demand the freedoms that have been taken away from you.
Estos "estudios" tienen el claro propósito de suprimir la capacidad de las bailarinas a demandar unas mejores condiciones de trabajo.These "reviews" have the clear purpose of suppressing the ability of the dancers to demand better working conditions.
Habría utilizado la ley para demandar justicia.I'd have used the law to demand justice.
"Amo el hecho de ser una neurótica y demando el respeto del mundo sin tener que hacer nada para ganármelo."I love the fact that I'm a neurotic and that I demand the world's respect
(El Doctor se intenta mantener fuerte ante Cherub) Si voy a revelar algo de lo que sé, entonces demando respeto, señor.If I am to reveal something of what I know, then I demand consideration, sir.
- Entonces demando hablar con usted.- Then I demand to speak with you.
- No le puedo dar una orden. Steve, demando acceso al armario del amor de Patrick.Steve, i demand entry to the cupboard of Patrick's love.
- Y demando una disculpa de su parte!- And I demand an apology from him!
"Comunistas tendrán armas, Sukarno accede a sus demandas" "Sukarno ha cedido a las demandas del Partido Comunista..."Sukarno has yielded to the demands of Communist Party members...
"Cumplan con mis demandas o la rubia bonita muere". Pum, vuelan sesos."Meet our demands or the pretty blond gets it in the head. " Bam, splat.
"La demanda de carbón de China se incrementa ya que continúa urbanizándose e industrializándose, pero también se han incrementado sus demandas de energías solar y eólica"."China's demand for coal is increasing as it continues to urbanize and industrialize, but so has its demand for solar power and wind energy."
"Mataremos a Daniel Pearl en 24 horas si no cumplen nuestras demandas."We had informed the US if our demands were not met within 24 hours "we would kill Daniel Pearl.
"Mis demandas... Por Phil"."My demands, by Phil.
"Aunque el método Harvey ni espera ni demanda..."While the Harvey system neither demands nor expects...
"El dolor demanda sentirse"."Pain demands to be felt."
- Dios demanda, el arte demanda.God demands it, art demands it.
- El honor demanda...- Honor demands...
- El progreso demanda sacrificio y yo...- Progress demands sacrifice, and I...
A esta hora, Serge Khabako aún no se nos ha devuelto como demandamos.At this hour,serge khabako Still has not been returned to us as we demanded.
Ahora lo demandamos por la fuerza.Now we demand by force.
Congreso diciendo, "Nosotros, los banqueros de Wall Street, demandamos 700 billiones de dólares en rescates."Congress saying, "We, the Wall Street bankers, demand 700 billion dollars in bailouts."
Creo que esperamos, es más, demandamos que el futuro sea mejor que el pasado, pero me parece que no estamos preparados para pagarlo.I think we expect, in fact, we demand that the future is going to be better than the past, but it seems to me that we're not prepared to pay for it.
- Estas calles demandan tu vigilancia.These streets demand your vigilance.
Ahora, estos obreros despedidos demandan que Bank of America gasten parte de su rescate en ellos. Republic y BOA Paguen Victoria a los ObrerosNow these laid-off workers are demanding Bank of America spend some of its bailout money on them.
Ahora, operaciones prioritarias demandan mi atención.Now, operational priorities demand my attention.
Algunos demandan consumirnos por el remordimiento de nuestros supuestos pecados.Some demand that we consume ourselves with remorse for our supposed sin.
Aquí va lo que pienso... Padres devastados demandan justicia.Here's what I'm thinking, devastated parents demand justice.
Hice mi parte. Elevé la oferta a 20 y demandé una respuesta el mismo día.I did my part-- raised our offer to 20 and demanded answer within the day.
"hasta que demandaste tú 50%."until you demanded your 50%.
La demandaste a punta de espada.You demanded it at swordpoint.
Silver mencionó que demandaste dinero... - ... por cantar en el evento benéfico.Silver mentioned you demanded money to perform at the breast cancer benefit.
Verás, demandaste una respuesta inequívoca y te di una.Oh. You demanded an unequivocal answer and I gave you one.
te devuelvo tus dioses, y también te doy a ellos,como tú demandaste.I return your gods to you, and also give you to them, just as you have demanded.
- Juanita demandó helado de almuerzo.Juanita demanded ice cream for lunch.
A pesar de esto, Damien azotando a su equipo como a perros de trineo demandó que el trabajo continuara.Despite this, Damien whipping his crew onward like sled dogs demanded work continue.
Afirma que usted llamó para quejarse del ruido y demandó que enviaran a alguien a lidiar con eso.It states that you called to complain about the noise and demanded that someone be sent to deal with it.
Aparentemente, uno de los clientes de Christine demandó un reintegro y cuando ella se rehusó, le clavó un cuchillo entre las piernas.Apparently, one of christine's johns demanded a refund And when she objected, stuck a knife between her legs.
Ben vino a mi casa y me lo dijo, y mi papá fue a la casa de Ben y se lo dijo a Leo y le demandó que Ben se disculpara conmigo.Ben came over to my house last night and told me off, and then my dad went over to Ben's house and told Leo off and demanded that Ben apologize to me.
Lo demandaron.They demanded it,
Que cantaban un dulce Blues a Alcatraz, Que demandaron juicios de cordura acusando a la radio de hipnotismo y fueron abandonados con su locura y sus manos y un jurado indeciso...who sang sweet blues to Alcatraz, who demanded sanity trials accusing the radio of hypnotism and were left with their insanity and their hands and a hung jury
Cuando tu hijo regrese, demandaré la cabeza de este asesino.When your son returns, I will demand this murderer's head.
"Construir ese futuro demandará apartar las visiones partidistas y abandonar nuestra barricada ideológica" ."T o build this future will demand setting aside our partisan blinders and abandoning our ideological entrenchment. "
"Construir ese futuro demandará apartar las visiones partidistas y abandonar nuestra...""T o build this future will demand setting aside our partisan blinders and abandoning our ideological.... "
Construir ese futuro demandará apartar las visiones partidistas y abandonar nuestra barricada ideológica.To build this future will demand setting aside our partisan blinders and abandoning our ideological entrenchment.
El Galo Segovax demandará gastos.The gaul segovax will demand expense.
Estoy segura que el cuerpo de estudiantes demandará que se me devuelva mi trabajo.I'm sure the student body will demand I get my job back.
Si pasan esa puerta, ¡los demandaremos por robarle la inmortalidad a esa mujer!If you breach that door, Eternal Meadows will demand justice for the woman that you are robbing of immortality!
Ahora se regocijan por la caída de Baltar, pero pronto demandarán que comience el viaje a la Tierra.Now they rejoice in the fall of Baltar but soon they will demand that the journey to Earth begin.
Si no ponemos esa tierra en manos de indios individuales en cinco años... o menos... Ios colonos y rancheros la demandarán toda... por nada.If we don't put that land into the hands of individual Indians in five years-- less-- homesteaders and ranchers will demand it all... for nothing.
Si te hago gerente, incluso los peones demandarán este trabajo...If l make you a manager, even the peon's will demand this job...
- Bueno, cualquier mujer que ha sido "littvantada" repetidamente demandaría dominio exclusivo sobre mi cuerpo.- I mean, any woman who's been repeatedly Litt up would demand exclusive dominion over my body.
por supuesto, cualquier Dios sensible demandaría absoluta obediencia...Of course, any sensible god would demand absolute obedience in return for his favor.
La posición de David era demasiado complejo e integrador como para dejarlo "vacio" la semana o el mes que las "normas sociales" demandarían.David's position was far too integral to leave open for even a week or a month good decorum would demand.
"Es la opinión de este periódico que el presidente Carter le demande a Israel retirar a todos sus ciudadanos de la Franja de Gaza y Cisjordania.""It is the opinion of this newspaper "that President Carter demand Israel "withdraw all its citizens from the Gaza Strip and West Bank."
"Son naturalmente incapaces de codiciar y desarrollar una forma de vida que demande una honestidad rigurosa."they are naturally incapable of grasping and developing a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty.
* Capitaine, capitaine, voyage ton flag * * allons chez un autre voisin * * demande la charite * * pout les autres qui vennent nous rejoindre... *♪ Capitaine, capitaine, voyage ton flag ♪ ♪ allons chez un autre voisin ♪ ♪ demande la charite ♪
* Capitaine, capitaine, voyage ton flag * * allons chez un autre voisin * * demande la charite * * pout les autres qui viennent nous rejoindre * * ouais, au gombo ce soir... *♪ Capitaine, capitaine, voyage ton flag ♪ ♪ allons chez un autre voisin ♪ ♪ demande la charite ♪
Dios no es ninguna criatura pagana que demande sacrificios.God is not some pagan creature demanding sacrifice.
Cuánto más le demandes, cuánto más... presiones, peor será.The more you demand of him, the more you push, the worse it will get.
Porque mientras demandes justicia a tu propia manera perversa sin pensar en la ley, ¡nunca vas a echar raíces en ninguna parte!Because so long as you demand justice in your own perverse way without a thought for the law, you'll never put down roots anywhere!
Que volvamos al planeta y demandemos una explicación.That we return to the planet, demand an explanation.
Seamos realistas y demandemos lo imposible.Let's be realistic and demand the impossible.
Seguirá habiendo un tiroteo tras tiroteo y esto no va a parar hasta que demandemos un cambio.And there's gonna be another shooting and another shooting and it's not gonna let up... until we demand a change.
¡Es hora que nos unamos y demandemos un cambio!I say it's time we band together... and demand a change! - Yeah!
Chicos, tenéis que estar al tanto de lo que demanden.You guys had better keep up with that demand.
El punto es que cambiaste nuestros misiles en Turquía por los suyos en Cuba Nos van a forzar a intercambio tras intercambio, hasta que finalmente Dentro de un par de meses demanden algo que no queramos intercambiarThe point is you trade our missiles in Turkey for theirs in Cuba they're gonna force us into trade after trade, until finally a couple of months from now they demand something we won't trade like Berlin
Les diré que se contacten con Prensa Empírica y demanden que publiquemos el libro.I'm telling them to contact Empirical Press and demand that we publish the book.
Y cuando las cosas se tornen tan mal que la gente pierda confianza en sus líderes electos, y demanden un cambio, si no nos matamos unos a otros en el proceso o destruimos el medioambiente.And when things get so bad that people lose confidence in their elected leaders, they will demand change if we don't kill each other in the process or destroy the environment.
Donde estaban las municiones? Nuestra delegacion ha demandado otra y otra vez... que los Aliados nos den armas y lanzen una punta de lanza sobre Paris.Our delegation has demanded time and time again that the Allies give us arms and launch a spearhead on Paris.
El Rey Olaf ha demandado recompensa.King Olaf has demanded recompense.
El Rey Olaf ha demandado una recompensa y según las antiguas leyes de Camelot el asunto será resuelto por un torneo en tres etapas.King Olaf has demanded recompense and by the ancient laws of Camelot, the matter will be settled by a tourney in three stages.
El consulado japonés ha demandado nuestra acción.The Japanese Consulate has demanded action.
En este punto, Pinnacle pudo haber demandado asilo político.? Ban And demanded Political asylum.
'Las familias de las cinco chicas desaparecidas, MPs locales y los líderes de la comunidad están demandando hoy respuestas de la policia debido a que la investigacion parece haber alcanzado un punto muerto...' '...Families of the five missing girls, local MPs and community leaders are today demanding answers from the police as to why the investigation appears to have reached a dead end the disappearance of yet another teenage girl,
- Y si la situación se revirtiera ¿su madre no estaría demandando justicia?And if the tables were turned, wouldn't your mother be here demanding justice?
Además de los retos físicos, las condiciones les irán demandando más... entre la lluvia y el calor... si no se mantienen hidratados, no durarán mucho.Jeff: In addition to the challenges being physical, the conditions are going to be demanding as well. Between the heat and the rain, if you do not stay hydrated, you will not last long.
Ahora la bolsa vieja frenó el pago y está demandando algunas respuestas reales.Now the old bag's stopped payment and she's demanding some real answers.
Ahora, ya se lo que vas a decir --Hice un compromiso con Bernadette y tu familia y yo tengo un infierno de nervios viniendo y demandando que nosotros pospongamos esta cosaNow, I know what you're going to say- - I made a commitment to Bernadette and to your family and I've got a hell of a lot of nerve coming in here and demanding that we postpone this thing.

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