要求? | Demands? |
要求? 彼は父親だぞ | What do I want from him? |
要求?彼は父親だぞ | Father told me. What do you want from him? |
おれと同じように思ってくれなんて 要求しない | I'm not gonna demand that you feel the same way. |
セレスティア校長 クリスタル学園を代表して... あなた達の反則負けを 要求します | Principal Celestia, on behalf of Crystal Prep I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games. |
貴方は決闘での裁判を 要求した | You demanded a trial by combat. |
高い戦闘能力と 艦の知識が 要求される | And as large boarding party would be detected, it is optimum for you take few members of crew as possible. |
見返りは 要求される | When I took it, I figured George was gonna ask me for something small, but now that Isaak's been arrested |
要求すれば 従う | You ask, she obeys. |
要求する | I demand it-- |
君に頼む... 要求する | I ask you now-- |
$50,000 要求する | I want $50,000, |
私は決闘での裁判を 要求する | I demand a trial by combat. |
決闘での裁判を 要求する | I demand a trial by combat. |