Però sóc aquí per tu si necessites algú en qui recolzar-te. | But I'm here for you if you need someone to lean on. |
Podria-ho considerar estar una mica mes per aquí a L.A.? Deixeu-me recolzar-me en la vostra experiència... ..fins que tinguem clar el que tenim entre mans. | Would you consider hanging out in L.A. a little while, let me lean on your expertise until we do figure out what we've got? |
Us he vist recolzar-vos en la seva experiència i sospesar les opcions que us han presentat. | I have seen you lean on their experience when your own was lacking and weigh the choices they put before you. |
Em recolzo contra la palissada de fusta i assaboreixo la vista. | I leaned against the wooden fenCe... And enjoyed the view... |
L'article es recolza fermament en cites d'Aoyama, evidentment una de les fonts clau de l'autora, així com també en entrevistes a joves japonesos, tant de nois com de noies i en estadístiques extretes d'entrevistes i altres estudis. | It leans heavily on quotes from Aoyama, evidently one of the author’s key informants, as well as interviews with young Japanese men and women and statistics gleaned from surveys and studies. |
I jo no volia ningú recolzant-se en mi d'aquella manera, especialment cap soldat. | And I didn't want nobody leaning on me like that... especially no soldier. Um... |