Recordar (to remember) conjugation

72 examples
This verb can also mean the following: recollect, remind, be reminiscent of

Conjugation of recordar

Present tense
I remember
you remember
he/she remembers
we remember
you all remember
they remember
Present perfect tense
he recordat
I have remembered
has recordat
you have remembered
ha recordat
he/she has remembered
hem recordat
we have remembered
heu recordat
you all have remembered
han recordat
they have remembered
Future tense
I will remember
you will remember
he/she will remember
we will remember
you all will remember
they will remember
Conditional mood
I would remember
you would remember
he/she would remember
we would remember
you all would remember
they would remember
Past perfect tense
havia recordat
I had remembered
havies recordat
you had remembered
havia recordat
he/she had remembered
havíem recordat
we had remembered
havíeu recordat
you all had remembered
havien recordat
they had remembered
Past impf. tense
I was remembering
you were remembering
he/she was remembering
we were remembering
you all were remembering
they were remembering
Imperative mood
let him/her remember!
let's remember!
let them remember!
Imperative negative mood
no recordis
don't remember!
no recordi
don't let him/her remember!
no recordem
let's not remember!
no recordeu
don't remember!
no recordin
don't let them remember!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria recordat
I would have remembered
hauries recordat
you would have remembered
hauria recordat
he/she would have remembered
hauríem recordat
we would have remembered
hauríeu recordat
you all would have remembered
haurien recordat
they would have remembered
Future perfect tense
hauré recordat
I will have remembered
hauràs recordat
you will have remembered
haurà recordat
he/she will have remembered
haurem recordat
we will have remembered
haureu recordat
you all will have remembered
hauren recordat
they will have remembered
Preterite past tense
I remembered
you remembered
he/she remembered
we remembered
you all remembered
they remembered
Past anterior tense
haguí recordat
I had remembered
hagueres recordat
you had remembered
hagué recordat
he/she had remembered
haguérem recordat
we had remembered
haguéreu recordat
you all had remembered
haguéren recordat
they had remembered
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) remember
(so that you) remember
(so that he/she) remembers
(so that we) remember
(so that you all) remember
(so that they) remember
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was remembering
(so that you) were remembering
(so that he/she) was remembering
(so that we) were remembering
(so that you all) were remembering
(so that they) were remembering
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi recordat
(so that I) have remembered
hagis recordat
(so that you) have remembered
hagi recordat
(so that he/she) has remembered
hàgim recordat
(so that we) have remembered
hàgiu recordat
(so that you all) have remembered
hagin recordat
(so that they) have remembered
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués recordat
(so that I) had remembered
haguessis recordat
(so that you) had remembered
hagués recordat
(so that he/she) had remembered
haguéssim recordat
(so that we) had remembered
haguéssiu recordat
(so that you all) had remembered
haguessin recordat
(so that they) had remembered
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi recordar
(so that I) remembered
vagis recordar
(so that you) remembered
vagi recordar
(so that he/she) remembered
vàgim recordar
(so that we) remembered
vàgiu recordar
(so that you all) remembered
vagin recordar
(so that they) remembered
Periphastic past tense
vaig recordar
I remembered
vas recordar
you remembered
va recordar
he/she remembered
vam recordar
we remembered
vau recordar
you all remembered
van recordar
they remembered
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver recordat
I had remembered
vas haver recordat
you had remembered
va haver recordat
he/she had remembered
vam haver recordat
we had remembered
vau haver recordat
you all had remembered
van haver recordat
they had remembered

Examples of recordar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Va recordar que hi havia colles de gent a la bomba.He remembered that there was company at the pump.
I va recordar que, encara que la bomba no era sinó cent cinquanta yardes enfora, Jim mai no tornava amb una galleda d'aigua sinó passada una hora; i, així i tot, algú, generalment, havia d'anar-lo a cercar. Tom digué:And he remembered that although the pump was only a hundred and fifty yards off, Jim never got back with a bucket of water under an hour--and even then somebody generally had to go after him.
Fa una pila d'anys que aixo va passar, i amb prou feines puc recordar-ne cap detall; pero em penso que fou en algun país estranger.It was a great many years ago, and I can scarcely remember anything about it, but I think it was in some foreign country.
Ningú podia recordar que l'esglesiola s'hagués vist mai tan plena.None could remember when the little church had been so full before.
Anant continuant el servei religiós, el clergue féu tals pintures de les gracies, les maneres captivadores i les promeses excepcionals dels minyons perduts, que tota anima present, creient que reconeixia aquestes imatges, sentí una punyida de dolor en recordar que persistentment havia estat sempre orba davant elles, i, persistentment, no havia vist sinó defectes i tares en els pobres minyons.As the service proceeded, the clergyman drew such pictures of the graces, the winning ways, and the rare promise of the lost lads that every soul there, thinking he recognized these pictures, felt a pang in remembering that he had persistently blinded himself to them always before, and had as persistently seen only faults and flaws in the poor boys.
Me'n recordo d'allo més bé.I remember, mighty well."
Sí que recordo la nostra casa, el jardí, el parc infantil, els amics, el pomer i el gall, que m'estimava molt.But I do remember our house, our garden, the playground, my friends, my apple tree, and the rooster which I loved so much.
Em ve al cap un moment de Ponç Pilat, si no recordo malament la Bíblia.It seems to me a Pontius Pilate moment, if I remember my Bible correctly.
@george_10g: Vaig començar a fer dibuixos en cafès el 2011 i n'he servit i decorat al voltant de 1000 tasses durant el 2012, però d'alguna manera encara recordo quan i què he dibuixat i a qui els hi servit.@george_10g: I started drawing on lattes in 2011 and I've drawn and served roughly about 1,000 cups by 2012 but somehow I still remember when and what I've drawn and who I served it for.
Normalment recordar les cares de la gent no és el meu fort, però una vegada fotografio algú, recordo on i què deien mentre feia la fotografia.Normally I am bad at remembering people's faces, but once I take photos of them, I can remember where it was and what they were talking about.
Tot i així, costa més veure com es destrueixen edificis que recordes, carrers pels que has caminat i paisatges que t'estimaves. És clar, les vides dels milers de persones mortes a la guerra del Iemen són més importants.Yet, when the places destroyed are buildings you remember, streets you walked down and sights you loved, the pill is harder to swallow...Of course, the lives of the thousands killed in Yemen's war are more important.
Te'n recordes?Do you remember?
Segur que te’n recordes, hi jugaves tot sovint.Of course you remember the game, you used to play it so often.
- Ja no t'hen recordes ...- Do you remember...
- Sí, te'n recordes d'ell?- Yes, you remember him?
Consistia en un peculiar caient ocellívol, una mena de líquid refilet, que hom produia per un contacte de la llengua amb el paladar, a breus intervals, en mig de la música. El lector probablement recorda com es fa, si mai ha estat noi.It consisted in a peculiar bird-like turn, a sort of liquid warble, produced by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth at short intervals in the midst of the music--the reader probably remembers how to do it, if he has ever been a boy.
Durant el mes d'agost, el Japó recorda els bombardeigs d'Hiroshima i Nagasaki els dies 6 i 9, i el final d'una llarga i extremadament cruenta Guerra del Pacífic el dia 15.During the month of August, Japan remembers the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and August 9, and the end of a long and ferociously bloody "Pacific War" on August 15.
I Massif recorda un dia en què Camila se sentia frustrada perquè no era capaç de recordar una paraula en anglès.And Massif remembers a day when Camila was frustrated because she couldn't remember a word in English.
Cada nit de lluna plena, quan es transforma... recorda qui és. Seria capaç de matar el seu millor amic.With each fuII moon... ...he no Ionger remembers who he is.
Siguis on siguis, recorda-ho sempre.He/she always remembers that.
Tots recordem els terribles actesterroristes de Nova York, Madrid o Londres.We all remember the dreadful terroristattacks on 11 September 2001 in the United States.
Potser recordem millor les coses quan fem el que ens apassiona.Maybe people remember things better when doing something they are passionate about.
L'activista Niara Oliveira es va preguntar al Twitter "Per què fins hui recordem el nom del xiquet arrossegat per un cotxe robat per bandits?Activist Niara Oliveira questioned this on Twitter: "Why is that today we remember the name of the boy that was dragged from a car robbed by criminals?
Tots ens en recordem.We all remember.
Però si hi hagués pèrdues, llavors recordem una frase... que segurament varen dir molts romans... quan lluitaven en terres llunyanes:But if losses there must be, then let us remember the Latin phrase... which must have come to the lips of many a Roman... when he stood embattled in a foreign land:
«Aquells nois del dimoni» s'estremiren de bell nou sota la inspiració d'aquesta nova, i pensaren si n'havia estat, de sortós, que s'haguessin recordat que era divendres i s'haguessin determinat a esperar un dia."Those infernal boys" quaked again under the inspiration of this remark, and thought how lucky it was that they had remembered it was Friday and concluded to wait a day.
El 24 de maig del 2015 serà recordat com un dia històric en la política espanyola: per primera vegada, el moviment polític dels indignats, el qual va ocupar els carrers de tot el país durant les protestes massives iniciades en 2011, han irromput en el poder.May 24, 2015, will be remembered as a historic day in Spanish politics: for the first time, the political movement know as indignados, which occupied the streets across the country in the mass protests that started back in 2011, entered the official realms of power.
Aleshores he recordat.Then I remembered.
Jo sóc Finn de Frísia... ...i el meu nom serà recordat per sempre!I'm Finn of Frisia and my name shall be remembered forever.
Això va ser fa cinc anys. Has recordat.That was five years ago; you remembered.
Us recordeu del que vaig escriure a la pissarra?Do you remember what I wrote on the slate?"
No us en recordeu?Don't you remember?
No us en recordeu, Huck?Don't you remember, Huck?
Tom es tragué quelcom de la butxaca. -Us recordeu d'aixo?- va dir.Tom took something out of his pocket. "Do you remember this?" said he.
No us recordeu que havíeu de vigilar-la aquella nit?Don't you remember you was to watch there that night?"
I als funerals, diu Kristinsson, els amics i la família moltes vegades recorden els seus éssers estimats cantant cançons en anglès.And at funerals, Kristinsson says, friends and family often remember their loved one with songs sung in English.
De fet, així com els mesos d'estiu al Japó són per a divertir-se als festivals i les platges, els espectacles pirotècnics solen celebrar-se durant i molt prop de l'Obon, un moment a mitjan agost en el qual moltes famílies nipones recorden als que ja no estan.Indeed, while the summer months in Japan are a time to have fun at festivals and at the beach, fireworks festivals in Japan are typically held during or quite close to O-Bon, a time when many Japanese families remember the dead in mid-August.
Tot i que la destrucció de la ciutat en 1945 s'ha recordat tradicionalment cada any, la commemoració del 2015 es va dur a terme mentre els ancians supervivents d'hibakusha que encara recorden aquell dia continuen morint, i amb ells el record de l'horror de la Guerra del Pacífic del Japó.Although the 1945 destruction of Nagasaki has been traditionally observed each year, the 2015 commemoration was held as the remaining ageing hibakusha survivors who remember the day continue to die, and with them the memory of the horror of Japan's Pacific War.
Senyors, recorden la detenció de l'espia Silvia Berkeley?Gentlemen, do you remember to the arrest of the spy Silvia Berkeley?
No recorden en Peter.(December) They don't remember Peter. (Observer) How could they?
Aquests sabors els recordaré tota la vida.I will remember every taste forever.
Ho recordaré fins el meu últim alè.Until my last breath I will remember.
El que recordaràs d'aquella nit, d'aquesta nit... va ser La Nit que vam començar la Banda de Mariatxis!What you will remember is that tonight, this night... was The Night We Started a Mariachi Band!
Serà un exemple viu per a la joventut de Bagdad, que recordarà com el petit lladre esdevingué el digne...He/it will be a vivid example for youth who will remember how the small thief became...
És un moment que el món sencer recordarà sempre.This is a moment the whole world will remember. Forever.
I encara que les branques sens dubte creixeran, perquè el cost de la llibertat és alt, aquest monument significa que no importa quan temps passi, no importa la dificultat de la vida, sempre recordarem.And though the branches will undoubtedly grow, because the cost of freedom is high, this memorial means that no matter how much time goes by, no matter how hard living gets, we will remember.
I recordarem a la meva amiga, Lee Tedeschi, i a tota la resta, i per què van lluitar... i per això ho fem.And we will remember my friend, Lee Tedeschi, and all the others and why they fought... ...and why we do.
I els nostres successors recordaran que temps enrere va existir el soldat romà, amb l'espasa romana i el cor romà!And then those who come after us will remember that there was such a thing... a Roman soldier with a Roman sword and a Roman heart!
Tot el que recordaran del meu és que estava boja i arruïni la teva felicitat.All anyone will remember of me is I was crazy and I ruined your happiness.
Crec que una noia d'Estany Donzella ho recordaria.I think a Maidenpool girl would remember that.
En Nazir va dir que recordaries això de fa dos anys.Nazir said that you would remember this from two years ago.
El ministre referí més d'un incident commovedor de les vides dels que ja no eren, que, tanmateix, il·lustraven llurs dolces i generoses natures, i la gent pogué veure amb prou facilitat, ara, si n'eren de nobles i de bells aquells episodis, i recordaren amb recança que quan s'esdevingueren els semblaren bretolades de marca, ben mereixedores del vit de bou.The minister related many a touching incident in the lives of the departed, too, which illustrated their sweet, generous natures, and the people could easily see, now, how noble and beautiful those episodes were, and remembered with grief that at the time they occurred they had seemed rank rascalities, well deserving of the cowhide.
Els manifestants recordaren també altres presoners polítics.The protesters remembered several other political prisoners too.
-No pas que jo recordi."Not as I remember."
Volem que l'AIEA recordi que la prefectura de Fukushima ja ha decidit renunciar a l'energia nuclear .We want IAEA to remember, Fukushima prefecture has already decided to renounce nuclear power .
Com pot ser que només un ancià de Kladanj se'n recordi?How come only an old man from Kladanj remembers it?
- i que recordi el que hi havia entre vosaltres.- and remember what you had together.
I recordi, aquesta trucada és només per entreteniment.And remember, this call is for entertainment purposes only.
No em puc creure que te'n recordis.I can't believe that you remember that.
Mentre recordis que no tindrà semblat algun amb el passat.As long as you remember it will bear no resemblance to the past. Good luck.
Ara me'n vaig, quan recordis el número, l'escrius, truques el timbre, i tornaré.And I'm going to leave this. and when you remember a number, write it in, press this buzzer, and I'll come back.
Cada cop que miris aquest cavaller, vull que recordis el teu pare.Whenever you look at this knight, I want you to remember your father.
Alguna probabilitat de que recordis on viu?any chance you remember where she lives?
Tot i que també és possible... que estiguin en un estat de consciència superior i que recordin tots els detalls.Yes, but it's also possible to be in a heightened state of awareness... where every details and sensations are remembered.
I recordin que la seva Majestat espera.And remember that her Majesty is watching you.
I recordin que odi les mentides.I want you to remember, I don't like liars.
Que recordin què passa quan marxen contra el sur.Let them remember what happens when they march on the south.
I desprès de 2 anys gastant el meu cul en aquesta oficina, Espero que tots vostès amb recordin.And after 2 years busting my butt in this office, i hope you all remember me.
Quan, al capdavall, pogué eixir, amb prou feines agraia l'haver-se salvat, tot recordant quant soliu restava, mancat de companyons i abandonat.When he got abroad at last he was hardly grateful that he had been spared, remembering how lonely was his estate, how companionless and forlorn he was.
¿Algú ha llegit un llibre sobre vampirs o només estem recordant les pel·lícules?Then who cares? Has anybody here read a real book about vampires... or are we just remembering what some movie said?
L'has de mantenir recordant, l'has de mantenir concentrada, això farà retardar la conversió.Keep her remembering. Keep her focused. That'll hold back the conversion.
William Hutton, recordant en aquest moment al seu estimat germà Fredrick, vota en contra de l'esmena.William Hutton, remembering at this moment his beloved brother Fredrick, votes against the amendment.

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