Establir (to establish) conjugation

27 examples
This verb can also mean the following: ascertain

Conjugation of establir

Present tense
I establish
you establish
he/she establishes
we establish
you all establish
they establish
Present perfect tense
he establert
I have established
has establert
you have established
ha establert
he/she has established
hem establert
we have established
heu establert
you all have established
han establert
they have established
Future tense
I will establish
you will establish
he/she will establish
we will establish
you all will establish
they will establish
Conditional mood
I would establish
you would establish
he/she would establish
we would establish
you all would establish
they would establish
Past perfect tense
havia establert
I had established
havies establert
you had established
havia establert
he/she had established
havíem establert
we had established
havíeu establert
you all had established
havien establert
they had established
Past impf. tense
I was establishing
you were establishing
he/she was establishing
we were establishing
you all were establishing
they were establishing
Imperative mood
let him/her establish!
let's establish!
let them establish!
Imperative negative mood
no estableixis
don't establish!
no estableixi
don't let him/her establish!
no establim
let's not establish!
no establiu
don't establish!
no estableixin
don't let them establish!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria establert
I would have established
hauries establert
you would have established
hauria establert
he/she would have established
hauríem establert
we would have established
hauríeu establert
you all would have established
haurien establert
they would have established
Future perfect tense
hauré establert
I will have established
hauràs establert
you will have established
haurà establert
he/she will have established
haurem establert
we will have established
haureu establert
you all will have established
hauren establert
they will have established
Preterite past tense
I established
you established
he/she established
we established
you all established
they established
Past anterior tense
haguí establert
I had established
hagueres establert
you had established
hagué establert
he/she had established
haguérem establert
we had established
haguéreu establert
you all had established
haguéren establert
they had established
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) establish
(so that you) establish
(so that he/she) establishes
(so that we) establish
(so that you all) establish
(so that they) establish
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was establishing
(so that you) were establishing
(so that he/she) was establishing
(so that we) were establishing
(so that you all) were establishing
(so that they) were establishing
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi establert
(so that I) have established
hagis establert
(so that you) have established
hagi establert
(so that he/she) has established
hàgim establert
(so that we) have established
hàgiu establert
(so that you all) have established
hagin establert
(so that they) have established
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués establert
(so that I) had established
haguessis establert
(so that you) had established
hagués establert
(so that he/she) had established
haguéssim establert
(so that we) had established
haguéssiu establert
(so that you all) had established
haguessin establert
(so that they) had established
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi establir
(so that I) established
vagis establir
(so that you) established
vagi establir
(so that he/she) established
vàgim establir
(so that we) established
vàgiu establir
(so that you all) established
vagin establir
(so that they) established
Periphastic past tense
vaig establir
I established
vas establir
you established
va establir
he/she established
vam establir
we established
vau establir
you all established
van establir
they established
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver establert
I had established
vas haver establert
you had established
va haver establert
he/she had established
vam haver establert
we had established
vau haver establert
you all had established
van haver establert
they had established

Examples of establir

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Especialment per mitjà de l'Assemblea Paritària, la institució democràtica del Conveni ACP-UE, el qual posa en contacte la Unió amb 71 països d'Àfrica, el Carib i el Pacífic, el Parlament Europeu ha treballat per establir una col·laboració basada en el des envolupament econòmic i comercial, en la lluita contra la pobresa i en el respecte dels drets humans i els principis democràtics.Particularly through the Joint Assembly, the democratic institution of the ACP-EU Convention which unites the EU with 71 countries of the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions, the European Parliament has worked to establish a partnership based on trade and economic development, on the fight against poverty and on the respect for human rights and democratic principles.
L’Acta Única Europea, signada al febrer de 1986, ha permès a la Unió construirel seu mercat únic i establir, dins del territori de la Unió, la lliure circulació depersones, de béns i serveis i de capitals, dels quals es beneficien les empresesi els ciutadans europeus.The Single European Act, signed in February 1986, enabled the Union to createthe single market and establish on its territory freedom of movement for people,goods, services and capital, from which the business sector and the people of Europe now benefit.
El Parlament Europeu i el Consell de Ministres podran establir d’aquestamanera unes definicions i unes sancionscomunes per a una sèrie de delictesgreus i transnacionals, enumerats a la Constitució.The European Parliament and the Council can thus establish common definitionsand penaltiesin respect of a series of serious and crossborder offenceswhich are listed in the Constitution.
La Comissió Europea vol establir criterisi salvaguardes comuns per protegirels drets d’aquestes persones.The European Commission wants to establish common criteria and safeguards to protectthese people’s rights.
El Tractat de 1957 pel qual s’estableix la Comunitat Econòmica Europea va fer possible eliminar les duanes dins la Comunitat i establir un aranzel duaner comú que s’aplicaria als béns de països de fora de la CEE.Economic Community made it possible to abolish customs barriers within the Community and establish a common customs tariff to be applied to goods from nonEEC countries.
Separes les proves, estableixes una cronologia i el·labores una història, cada dia.Parcel evidence, establish a timeline, and build a story day after day.
Una Unió dels ciutadans La Constitució Europea estableix la Unió Europea com a Unió dels ciutadans ii dels Estatsdels Estats d’Europa.A Union of peoples The European Constitutionestablishes the European Union, a union of theand statespeoples and States of Europe.
La generalització de la codecisió que la Constitució estableix com a procedimentlegislatiu ordinari representa la millor imatge de la doble legitimitat dels Estats(Consell de Ministres) i dels pobles (Parlament Europeu), que caracteritza la Unió.En alguns casos, però, hi haurà lleis especials, adoptades únicament pel Consellde Ministres, o de manera menys freqüent, únicament pel Parlament Europeu.The generalisation of the codecision procedure which the Constitutionestablishes as an ordinary legislative procedure conveys the best image of thedual legitimacy of the States (Council) and peoples (European Parliament), whichis the hallmark of the Union.
El Tractat de Roma estableix un mercat únic e Eu rThe Treaty of Rome establishes a common market
El Tractat de Maastricht estableix la Unió EuropeaThe Treaty of Maastricht establishes the European Union
El TIL, aprovat a l'abril, estableix l'ensenyament en català, castellà i anglès a parts iguals, és a dir, el trilingüisme.The TIL, which was passed in April 2013, establishes a trilingual teaching model where Catalan, Spanish and English are employed equally. This modifies the Catalan Language Immersion model that has been used on the islands for the last three decades.
Aquest disseny es basava en un programa d’investigació molt ampli que ha establert la viabilitat pràctica d’ITER i ha implicat a la indústria en la construcció de prototips a escala real dels principals components del reactor.This design was underpinned by a large research programme that has established the practical feasibility of ITER and involved industry for the construction of full-scale prototypes of key ITER components.
El mandatdels 105 membres de la Convenció i de llurs substituts, sota lapresidència del Sr. Giscard d’Estaing, va ser establert pel Consell Europeu de Laeken.Mandate of the Convention: The mandateof the 105 member of the Convention and their alternates, under theto provide a response chairmanship of Mr Giscard d'Estaing, was established by the Laeken Europeanto various questions on Council.
S’han establert normes per determinar quin país de la UE és responsable d’examinar una petició d’asil(generalment el país d’entrada delsol·licitant).Rules have been established to determine which EU country is responsiblefor examining an asylum application –usually the one the asylum-seekerentered in the first place.
La UE ha establert uns procediments comuns per simplificar i agilitar la solució de les causes amb diversos països implicats en cas de reclamacions civils poc importants que no s’hagin impugnat, com ara fallides o reclamació de deutes.The EU has established common procedures to simplify and speed up the settlement of crossborder cases in small and uncontested civil claims like debt recovery and bankruptcy.
La UE ampliada ha establert una estructura d’associacions amb els seus veïns, alguns dels quals tenen perspectives a mitjà termini d’adherir-se a la UE.The enlarged EU has established a partnership structure with its neighbours, some of whom have medium-term prospects of joining the European Union.
Les grans empreses multinacionals no només atempten contra els interessos dels paisos en desenvolupament, la seva acció dominant i sense control existeix també en els paisos industrialitzats on s'estableixen.The large multinational corporations not only go against the interests of developing countries, their dominating and uncontrolled action exists also in the industrialised nations where they establish themselves.
la seva acció dominant i sense control existeix també en els paisos industrialitzats on s'estableixen.their dominating and uncontrolled action exists also in the industrialised nations where they establish themselves.
Una colla de quatre o cinc es llencen en terra salvatge i estableixen una base.Four or five man flown to the wilds and establishes a base that you're looking.
Ens hem assabentat que l'Agència Internacional de l'Energia Atòmica (AIEA) establirà dos centres d'investigació a la prefectura de Fukushima, com a part del "Centre de Creació Ambiental" de la prefectura.We have learned that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will establish two research centers in Fukushima Prefecture, as part of the Prefecture's ”Environmental Creation Center.”
Un acord sobre l’entitat última responsable i de finançament pel que fa a l’àmbit degovern: local, regional o nacional.En cas de responsabilitat compartida -amb organitzacions del sector privat,organitzacions voluntàries o d’immigrants- un acord sobre la responsabilitat i elpossible cofinançament.En cas de subcontractació, un acord sobre les especificacions de l’oferta i ambnormes de qualitat referents a la pràctica de la formació.Un pla per a l’avaluació i l’establiment de l’impacte que estableixi si els programeshan assolit els seus objectius i han tractat els problemes identificats, si els implicatshan complert el que s’havien compromès a fer i si la implementació s’ha gestionatde manera correcta.In the case of shared responsibility - with private sector organisations, immigrantand voluntary organisations - an agreement on accountability and (co-) funding In case of outsourcing, an agreement on tender specifications and quality normsconcerning the provision of trainings A plan for evaluation and impact assessment establishing whether the programmeshas achieved its objectives and has addressed the problems identified, whether thestakeholders have stuck to their commitment and whether implementation hasbeen adequately managed
Després de la sorprenent renuncia del govern de Boyko Borisov el 20 de febrer, just després que una protesta anterior es tornés violenta , activistes del moviment celebraren una trobada a la ciutat de Sliven, on es va aprovar una llista de reivindicacions: no suspendre l'activitat parlamentària; que el president reuneixi un govern d'experts, en comptes de crear un d'interí; impulsar un esborrany de Llei de Participació Civil que proporcioni a la població civil un 50% de quota de participació a totes les institucions; el retorn del 51% de les accions del sector energètic a mans de l'estat; tancar el Hòlding de l'Energia Búlgar, BEH, per esgotar el sector de l'energia; convocar una Assemblea Nacional Constituent, que estableixi un mecanisme per escollir els membres del Parlament.Following the surprise resignation of Boyko Borisov's government on February 20, which came after an earlier protest turned violent, activists of the protest movement held a meeting in the city of Sliven and agreed on a list of demands: not to adjourn the Parliament; the President should appoint experts to the new government, instead of making it a caretaker one; to draft a Civil Participation Bill providing a 50% civil quota in all institutions; to return 51% of the energy sector shares to the State; to close the Bulgarian Energy Holding, BEH, for draining the energy sector; to summon the Grand National Assembly, establishing a procedure to recall MPs.
La UE també està establint procediments comuns per simplificar i accelerar la resolució de conflictes transfronterers que impliquindemandes civils de menor importància i no impugnades, i ha elaboratnormes comunes mínimes per a l’advocacia d’ofici en els casos civilstransfronterers.The EU is also establishing common procedures to simplifyand speed up the settlement of crossborder disputes involving small andnon-contested civil claims, and it hasdrawn up minimum common rules onlegal aid for crossborder civil cases.
Estan formant funcionaris de policia locals, ajudant amantenir l’ordre públic i establint undiàleg amb les autoritats locals.They aretraining local police officers, helpingmaintain public order and establishinga dialogue with local authorities.
Per això, l'edició catalana està establint vincles amb mitjans com el Diari Ara, on publica el blog associat Veus Globals.For this reason, the Catalan edition is establishing links with media such as the Diari Ara , where its associated blog Veus Globals is published.
Just, una mica per sota d'aquí - a la costa de l'oceà -- Están establint una ciutat!Just slightly lower than that very place - on the ocean's shore - they're establishing a city!
La nostra gestió. El 1868, la Marianne Wharton, una prominent dona de societat de la Costa Est, primerenca sufragista, autora de diversos llibres famosos infantils... i, amb el temps, la Suprema regnant d'aquella època, va comprar aquestes instal·lacions mantenint el nom com a tapadera, establint un refugi segur on joves bruixes poguessin reunir-se per a aprendre.$n 1868' Marianne Wharton a prominent East Coast society matron early suffragette author of several popular children's books and, as it happened, the reigning Supreme of that time purchased this facility, retaining the name as a cover establishing a safe haven where young witches could gather to learn.

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