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Menonton (to watch) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menonton

Present tense
I watch
Past tense
sudah menonton
I watched
Present perfect tense
sudah menonton
I have watched
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menonton
I will have watched
Future recent tense
menonton nanti
I will watch
Future distant tense
menonton kelak
I am going to watch
Present continuous tense
sedang menonton
I watch
Past distant tense
dulu menonton
I (a long time ago) watched
Past recent tense
menonton tadi
I (recently) watched
Past very recent tense
baru saja menonton
I (just now) watched

Examples of menonton

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kau bisa menonton TV atau makan.You can watch TV or have some food.
Aku bermalas-malasan, menonton TV, menghisap ganja--I veg out, I watch TV, I smoke pot...
Well, anyway , saya mengatakan kepada Bapa sementara bagian belakang bahwa saya berhenti menonton pornografi , tapi itu kebohongan , Aku tidak berhenti sama sekali .Well, anyway, I told the Father a while back that I stopped watching pornography, but that was a lie, I didn't stop at all.
Oke, sekarang menonton ini, manusia.Okay, now watch this, man.
Saya akan membayar Anda £ 100 untuk menonton Kasabian.I will pay you £100 to watch Kasabian.

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