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Menawari (to offer) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menawari

Present tense
I offer
Past tense
sudah menawari
I offered
Present perfect tense
sudah menawari
I have offered
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menawari
I will have offered
Future recent tense
menawari nanti
I will offer
Future distant tense
menawari kelak
I am going to offer
Present continuous tense
sedang menawari
I offer
Past distant tense
dulu menawari
I (a long time ago) offered
Past recent tense
menawari tadi
I (recently) offered
Past very recent tense
baru saja menawari
I (just now) offered

Examples of menawari

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Seorang pria yang membuat pesta pora menawari saya uang yang baik...Some orgy planner offered me a great gig...
Mereka menawari saya pekerjaan di Paris .They offered me a job in Paris.
Dan kemudian setelah aku mau, ia akan menawari melunasi terapiku.And then when I turned that down, he flat out offered to pay for my treatment.
kau menawari kami dengan uang supaya kami tidak melakukan tugas.You"re offering to pay us money to not do our! ob.
Aku menawari anda kesempatan untuk membersihkan nama anda.I'm offering you a chance to extricate yourself.

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