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Tappaa (to kill) conjugation

144 examples
This verb can also mean the following: slay kotus type 56/kaivaa, pp-p gradation

Conjugation of tappaa

Present tense
I kill
you kill
he/she kills
we kill
you all kill
they kill
is killed
Past tense
I killed
you killed
he/she killed
we killed
you all killed
they killed
was killed
Conditional mood
I would kill
you would kill
he/she would kill
we would kill
you all would kill
they would kill
would be killed
Imperative mood
let's kill!
be killed!
Potential tense
I probably kill
you probably kill
he/she probably kills
we probably kill
you all probably kill
they probably kill
probably is killed
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to kill
to kill
while killing
while killing
just about to kill
Passive infinitives
while not killing
not killing
Passive participles
not killed
not killed
Present negative tense
en tapa
I do not kill
et tapa
you do not kill
ei tapa
he/she do not kill
emme tapa
we do not kill
ette tapa
you all do not kill
eivät tapa
they do not kill
ei tapeta
is not killed
Past negative tense
en tappanut
I did not kill
et tappanut
you did not kill
ei tappanut
he/she did not kill
emme tappaneet
we did not kill
ette tappaneet
you all did not kill
eivät tappaneet
they did not kill
oli tapettu
had been killed
Conditional negative tense
en tappaisi
I would not kill
et tappaisi
you would not kill
ei tappaisi
he/she would not kill
emme tappaisi
we would not kill
ette tappaisi
you all would not kill
eivät tappaisi
they would not kill
Imperative negative mood
älä tapa
do not kill!
älköön tappako
let him/her/it not kill!
älkäämme tappako
let's not kill!
älkää tappako
do not kill!
älkööt tappako
do not kill!
Potential negative tense
en tappane
I probably do not kill
et tappane
you probably do not kill
ei tappane
he/she probably does not kill
emme tappane
we probably do not kill
ette tappane
you all probably do not kill
eivät tappane
they probably do not kill
Present perfect tense
olen tappanut
I have killed
olet tappanut
you have killed
on tappanut
he/she has killed
olemme tappaneet
we have killed
olette tappaneet
you all have killed
ovat tappaneet
they have killed
on tapettu
has been killed
Past perfect tense
olin tappanut
I had killed
olit tappanut
you had killed
oli tappanut
he/she had killed
olimme tappaneet
we had killed
olitte tappaneet
you all had killed
olivat tappaneet
they had killed
Conditional perfect tense
olisin tappanut
I would have killed
olisit tappanut
you would have killed
olisi tappanut
he/she would have killed
olisimme tappaneet
we would have killed
olisitte tappaneet
you all would have killed
olisivat tappaneet
they would have killed
olisi tapettu
would has been killed
Imperative perfect tense
ole tappanut
you have killed!
olkoon tappanut
he/she have killed!
olkaamme tappaneet
we have killed!
olkaa tappaneet
you all have killed!
olkoot tappaneet
they have killed!
olkoon tapettu
has been killed!
Potential perfect tense
lienen tappanut
I probably have killed
lienet tappanut
you probably have killed
lienee tappanut
he/she probably has killed
lienemme tappaneet
we probably have killed
lienette tappaneet
you all probably have killed
lienevät tappaneet
they probably have killed
lienee tapettu
probably has been killed
Present perfect negative tense
en ole tappanut
I have not killed
et ole tappanut
you have not killed
ei ole tappanut
he/she has not killed
emme ole tappaneet
we have not killed
ette ole tappaneet
you all have not killed
eivät ole tappaneet
they have not killed
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut tappanut
I had not killed
et ollut tappanut
you had not killed
ei ollut tappanut
he/she had not killed
emme olleet tappaneet
we had not killed
ette olleet tappaneet
you all had not killed
eivät olleet tappaneet
they had not killed
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi tappanut
I would not have killed
et olisi tappanut
you would not have killed
ei olisi tappanut
he/she would not have killed
emme olisi tappaneet
we would not have killed
ette olisi tappaneet
you all would not have killed
eivät olisi tappaneet
they would not have killed
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole tappanut
you have killed!
olkoon tappanut
he/she have killed!
olkaamme tappaneet
we have killed!
olkaa tappaneet
you all have killed!
olkoot tappaneet
they have killed!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene tappanut
I probably have not killed
et liene tappanut
you probably have not killed
ei liene tappanut
he/she probably has not killed
emme liene tappaneet
we probably have not killed
ette liene tappaneet
you all probably have not killed
eivät liene tappaneet
they probably have not killed

Examples of tappaa

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
" A," me pysymme täällä ja yritämme tappaa toisemme - ja sitten kukaan ei saa maksua ja jokunen saattaa kuolla - tai "B, " me menemme suolle, ja pikku matkan jälkeen keräämme rahamme."A," we stand here and try to kill each other- and then no one gets paid and someone gets dead- or "B," we get out of the swamp, make our drop and collect our dough.
" Hän uhkasi usein tappaa heidät. ""Several times he threatened to kill them."
""Aiotko tappaa minut?""Aren't you going to kill me ?"
"-tappaa itsensä pelastaakseen itsensä lapsena...""to rescue himself as a child so he can grow up to kill himself "to rescue himself as a child so he can..."
! Vastaa valkoihoinen ennen kuin tapan sinut!Answer, white man before I kill you!
"...vielä taloni seinillä, tapan sinut.""...on my walls again, in my house, I'll kill you."
"Haluan että mieheni kuolee." "Ja haluan että sinä tapat hänet.""I want my husband dead, and I want you to kill him. "
"Jos tapat minut, Jumala ei armahda sinua koskaan!""Billy, if you kill me, God will never forgive you!"
"Jos tapat, sinut tapetaan.""They killed and they shall be killed."
"Kramer, Kramer, tapat hänet!""Kramer, Kramer, you're killing him."
"Antakaa Black Hills ja metsästysmaanne meille" "tai emme enää ruoki teitä" "ja tapamme Istuvan Härän ja muut jotka sotivat.""Give the Black Hills and your old hunting lands to us or we will no longer feed you, and we will kill Sitting Bull and all those who continue to fight."
"Antakaa rahat tai tapamme hänen tyttärensä.""We got this guy's little girl. If you don't give him all your money, we're gonna kill her."
"Hait ovat maanvaivoja, kuollut hai on hyvä hai, - tapetaan ne kaikki." Mutta jos tapamme ne kaikki, - tuhoamme koko ravintoketjun meren ekosysteemissä, - ja suurin osa hapestamme tulee merestä, joten meidän pitäisi olla varovaisempia."Sharks are a nuisance, a dead shark is a good shark, let's kill 'em all." But if we kill 'em all, we destroy all food chains of an entire marine ecosystem and, well, the majority of our oxygen comes from the ocean, so we should be more careful.
"Joku tappaa meistä yhden, me tapamme kaksi?""Someone kills one of ours, we kill two of theirs?"
"Kun tapatte meidät, se ei ole muistettava taistelu -"It will not be a remembered fight when you kill us
- Anteeksi kuinka? - Miksi tapatte?Why do you kill?
- Etkö tiedä miksi tapatte toisianne?- I don't know. - You mean, you don't know why y'all killin' each other ?
- Että tapatte don Maronin apureineen.For you to help me kill Don Maroni and all of his lieutenants.
! Vanhempasi tappavat sinut!Your parents will kill you!
"He tappavat meidät kaikki!"They're going to kill us all!"
"He tappavat meitä huvikseen.""They kill us for their sport."
"He tappavat meitä huvikseen."They kill us for their sport."
"Kaikki tapetaan.""and all are killed."
-lhmiset tapetaan siellä heti.A world where humans are killed on sight.
23 000 delfiiniä tapetaan Japanissa joka vuosi ihmisten kulutukseen.23,000 dolphins are killed for human consumption each year in Japan.
Aikuisikään päästyään he eivät voi olla käyttämättä sitä pahoihin tarkoituksiin, - joten heidät tapetaan heti syntymän jälkeen.Once they reach manhood they can't resist using it for wicked ends. So they are killed at birth.
Brian otetaan kiinni ja kaikki muut tapetaan.Brian is captured and all the rest are killed.
"Ainoa ystäväni ja minä tapoin hänet, se on minun syytäni!""My only friend and I killed him, it's my fault!"
"Anteeksi, että tapoin hänet... "Like a baby? " I'm so sorry I killed the girl."
"Hän on kuollut, Denny on kuollut, tapoin hänet, se on minun syytäni.""He's dead, Denny's dead, I killed him, it's my fault."
"Kun hänen ruumiinsa nyt löydettiin, tapoin Jered Kikeman - joka vain todisti omaa rikostani."When his body was recently discovered, I killed Jered Kikema whose only crime was witnessing my own.
"Mitä ihmettä, tapoit lapseni!"What have you done? You killed my baby! You killed him!"
"Sinä tapoit isäni.""You killed my father."
"Sinä tapoit meidät.""You killed us."
"Sinä tapoit veljeni."[IN DEEP VOICE] "You killed my brother."
"Zoé, melkein tapoit minut!""Zoë, you almost killed me!"
"...ihminen tappoi niitä niiden lihan vuoksi.""he killed them for meat.
"A" tappoi äitini ja Monan.This "A" killed my mom - and Mona.
"A" tappoi äitini."A" killed my mother. Who could it be?
"A:ko" tappoi heidät molemmat?You think that "A" killed Bethany and Mrs. D?
"Siis se, kun tapoimme ehdonalaisvalvojamme!"'You know, the situation. We killed our probation worker! '
- Ajattele, että me melkein tapoimme sen.I can't believe we almost killed sweet, little Andrew.
- Anteeksi, että melkein tapoimme kaikki.I'm sorry we almost killed everyone with the boat.
- Ehkä me tapoimme jo kaikki.Maybe we killed all those nasty things.
"Vapauttaa meidät kaikki." Joten te tapoitte hänet.Set us all free. So you killed him.
- Ehkä tapoitte ne kaikki.Maybe you killed them all.
- Ei mitään tärkeää, vain että sinä ja tyyppi nimeltä Eric Fox - tapoitte Rupert Cranen ja olette aseistautuneita ja vaarallisia.- Oh, it's nothing important. Just that you and some guy named Eric Fox killed Rupert Crane and are armed and dangerous.
- Eräs amerikkalaisista. Hän oli huoneessa käytävän varrella, missä tapoitte hänet.He was in a room next to the corridor where you killed her.
- Hyvä Luoja, tapoitte hänet.Oh, my God, you killed her.
"He tappoivat minut."And the ghost in Melinda's dream said, "they killed me."
"He tappoivat osan veljistä,"They killed some of the brothers,
"Ja niin he polttivat tulella kaikki heidän kaupunkinsa - ja tappoivat Midianin kuninkaat, sekä ihmiset että pedot.""And so they burned with fire all the cities where they dwelt" "and killed the kings of Midian, both man and beast."
"Muut ryöstelijät tappoivat hänet."Oh, and hey, your son was killed by the other looters.
"Georgian sotilaat tapettiin ja Kinsigin sissit vangitsivat minut.""The Georgian soldiers with me were killed...
- 7 ihmistä tapettiin!7 people were killed.
- Heidät tapettiin. Haluamme tietää miksi.They were killed, Chuck, and we wanna know why.
- Heidät tapettiin. Nelijalkaiset demonit tekivät sen.They were killed by four-legged demons.
"Jos hän vapautuisi ja kohtaisin hänet kadulla - uskon, että tappaisin hänet itse."if he's freed, and i see him on the street i think i would kill him my self i want him to stay in prison forever
"Luulen että tappaisin sinut, jos sinulla olisi joku toinen.""I'm beginning to think there's someone else. "I think I would kill you, if I thought I was going to lose you.
- Että tekisin mitä, tappaisin hänet?That I would what, what I would kill him?
- Hänet jätettiin tänne, jotta tappaisin hänet. Mutta uusi ystäväni ei nähnyt minua niin selvästi kuin luuli.He was left here so I would kill him, but my new friend doesn't see me as clearly as he thinks.
- Sinäkö tappaisit Eurydikeen hänen aviomiehensä edessä?We have no choice. You would kill her, in front of her husband, who loves her more than anything?
-Ystäväni... Eikö elämässäsi ole mitään, minkä vuoksi tappaisit?My friend, have you nothing in your life you would kill for?
En usko, että tappaisit ihmistä, joka antoi sinulle, mitä tarvitsit.And... I don't think you would kill someone who gave you what you wanted for so long.
Että tappaisit minut?What? That you would kill me?
Joko Abel on kuollut ja haluat kostoa, - tai hän on elossa ja tappaisit löytääksesi hänet.Either Abel is dead, and you want revenge or he's alive, and you would kill to find him.
"Kuka täysjärkinen tappaisi elättäjänsä?"Who in their right mind would kill their meal ticket?
- Eikä pidäkään. Tiedätkö, kuinka moni tappaisi saadakseen tuollaisen vapauden?Do you know how many people would kill to have this kind of freedom?
Jos olisit vanhempi, - olisit vainaa. Koska tappaisimme sinut.See, if you were of voting age you'd be dead, because we would kill you.
- Te ja isäni tappaisitte meidät, jos jäisitte paitsi niistä.We knew you guys and my dad would kill us if you missed it.
Silti tappaisitte sadalla tavalla.And yet you would kill me 100 ways.
- Ehkä niin, - mutta vuosi Harveyn alaisena, ja he tappaisivat saadakseen sinut.But a year under Harvey Specter, they would kill to have you.
- He tappaisivat rakastaakseen minua.they would kill to love me. I'm not angry at you.
- Jotta he tappaisivat Gibsonin.So that they would kill Gibson.
- Muut noidat tappaisivat meidät.Even if we wanted to, our coven would kill us.
- Vanhempani tappaisivat minut jos minut erotettaisiin.- My parents would kill me if I got expelled.
Edellinen yhteyden saanut Liiton alus oli Potemkin kuusi vuotta sitten. Heitä varoitettiin, että kaikki pinnalle siirtimellä tulevat tapettaisiin.The last Federation vessel to make contact, six years ago, was warned that anyone transporting down to the colony would be killed.
Heidät tapettaisiin sänkyihinsä jos isoisänsä kuulisi heistä.Who would be killed in their sleep if their grandfather found out about them?
Hänet tapettaisiin ennen kuin hän ehtisi todistaa.Who gave you the tape? He would be killed before he even got to testify.
""Älä tapa poikaa", sanoi Urhea Benoit, mutta Dai vastasi "miksi en?""'Don't kill the boy,' Brave Benoit said, "but Dai replied, "'Why not?
"Aja, tai tapan sinut." "Tapa vain.""Drive it or I kill you". "Go on, kill me".
"Anna puoli milliä, niin emme tapa."You know, like "give us half a mil and we won't kill you"?
"Aseet eivät tapa, vaan apinat joilla on aseita.""Guns don't kill people. Apes with guns kill people".
"Ei ihmisiä tapa aseet, vaan manööverit.""it's not guns that kill people, it's maneuvers."
- Jos hän oli huolissaan siitä, tappakoon itse.If he was so worried about it, he should have killed it himself.
Hän tappakoon Taw Jacksonin.I want him to kill Taw Jackson.
Viimeinen luoti tappakoon viimeisen lainsuojattoman.One last bullet to kill one last outlaw.
- ...ja tappakaa molemmat.[ Deep voice ] And kill them both.
- Etsikää hänet ja tappakaa.Or in the car. Then find him and kill him.
- Etsikää ja tappakaa heidät!Then search for them! And you find them and kill them.
- Ja tappakaa hänet?- And kill him?
- Jos he eivät tule ulos, tappakaa heidät!If they don't come out, kill them! ...is like a dream
En jaksa enää, tappakoot vaikka tähän paikkaanI'm spent. Let them kill me.
Kuunnelkaa. Hän joka haluaa tappaa sedän, tappakoot minut ensinListen, all of you whoever wants to kill Uncle must kill me first
Vangitkoot meidät ja tappakoot roomalaiset.May they capture us and kill all the Romans.
Zodanga on voitolla sodassa, mutta punaiset tappakoot toisiaan, kunnes jäljellä on enää tharkeja.Zodanga's winning the war, but I say let red men kill red men until only Tharks remain.
"tappaakseen Kulkusirkkojen munat.""to kill the locust eggs."
- Ei hän vienyt junaa tappaakseen.I don't think he took the train because he wanted to kill anybody.
- Ei riittävästi tappaakseen.Enough to kill him? No.
- Hirviön taistelu selviytymisestä - ja elosta tappaakseen.A monster's fight to survive... and live to kill again.
"Ei ole tautia, on vain ihmisiä tappamassa ihmisiä" Hän on mielipuoli!"There is no infection. It's just people killing people." He's insane!
- Herra Medici on Napolissa. Toivottavasti tappamassa turkkilaisia.At present, Signor de' Medici is in Naples killing Turks, I hope.
- Hän oli tappamassa poikaa metalliterällä.He was killing a boy with a metal spike. Relax, relax, relax.
"'Tajunta' on tarkkaavaisuuden suuntautuneisuutta - joka estää tekemästä hassuja - kuten tappamasta, varastamasta tai vahingoittamasta eläimiä.""'Conscience' is your inner morality gauge... "you know, the thing that stops you from doing bad things... e.g., killing, stealing, harming helpless animals and whatnot."
"Täytyy estää gorillakäsiä tappamasta jälleen!""Must keep gorilla hands from killing again!"
- Dorothy, he yrittävät estää sinua tappamasta itseäsi.Dorothy, they're trying to keep you - from killing yourself.
- Estin miestä tappamasta vaimoaan, - mutta nyt vaimo on tappanut miehen.Well, I prevented a husband from killing the wife, but now the wife has killed the husband.
- Estit kapteenia tappamasta minua.- You stopped the Captain from killing me.
"Olimme työn touhussa, kun nuoria tuli tappamaan itsensä tontilleni.""There we were, minding our own business, doing some chores around the house, "when kids started killing themselves all over my property."
"Siihen asti kunnes alamme tappamaan rekkalastillisia lapsia, - voit lyödä ahterisi vetoa, että olemme hyviä jätkiä.""Until we start killing kids by the truckload you bet your ass we're the good guys."
- Aivan, miksei se mene kaupungille - tappamaan kaikkia tai jotain?Yeah, why not go tearing through town on some huge killing spree or something?
- Dogen lähetti sinut tänne tietäen, ettet pysty tappamaan minua.- Dogen, the man who sent you out here, knew that you had no chance of killing me.
- Ei, ei, ei! Hän alkaa tappamaan heitä.She's going to start killing us.
"...tappamalla uhrin, viemällä tämän sydämen ja syömällä sen."ready for this? -- "killing a victim, pulling out his heart, and eating it."
"Sankari joka pelasti vankkurikaravaanin" - "tappamalla yksitoista intiaania.""The intrepid hero who saved an entire wagon train... by killing 11 Indians. "
"Silti hän kiitti meitä kaikesta tappamalla itsensä.""But still, she repaid us for all we've done" "by killing herself."
- Hän kostaa tappamalla yksitellen.- to just jump to. - She's back from the dead, and she's getting revenge by killing us one at a time.
- Ainoastaan Valon sisar voi - poistaa dacran tappamatta häntä.Only a Sister of the Light can remove the Dacra without killing him.
- Ei näytä siltä, ilman tappamatta häntä.- Doesn't look like it, not without killing her.
- En tappamatta teitä samalla.- Not without killing you also.
Vaikuttaako Oton tappaman hoitajan kuolema - RICO:n katoamiseen?Otto killing that nurse, that will make RICO go away?
"Ihmisten täytyy lopettaa toisten ihmisten tappaminen.""Human beings must stop killing other human beings."
"Minun pitää perustella halvautuminen ja tappaminen, joten se oli oikein.""I have to justify being paralysed, I have to justify killing people, so I say it was OK."
- Aikaa pysäyttää tappaminen.- Time to stop the killing.
"Ette pakota meitä lopettamaan valaiden tappamista.""Well, you're not going to make us stop killing whales. "
"Jessen jengin elämä ei ollut vain ampumista ja tappamista."The life of the James gang wasn't all killing.
- Aina ja ikuisesti, tappaminen vain tuo lisää tappamista.Always and again, killing only brings more killing.
- Entä häntä tappava aivokasvain?What about his brain tumor that was supposed to be killing him?
Ehkä minulla oli jokin goa'uldit tappava keksintö sisälläni.Maybe I had some sort of... ..Goa'uld-killing invention inside of me.
Enkä löydä Buffya enkä Xanderia enkä Dawnia, ja... ulkona on ihmisiä tappava olio.And I can't find Buffy or Xander or Dawn and... there's this thing killing people.
Karmea, tappava pahoinvointi oli möyrinyt sisältäni muuttaen tappeluvimman pahoinvoinniksi ja olin varma, että kuolema tulee.The horrible killing sickness had whooshed up and turned the joy of battle into a feeling I was going to snuff it.
"En ole koskaan tappanut peuraa.""I never killed a deer in my life."
"En ole tappanut" kopioitui "älä tapa"."I have not killed" became "Thou shall not kill,"
"Jazz-tappaja on tappanut jo tarpeeksi."This jazz killer "has killed long enough.
"Kukaan ei tappanut häntä."Nobody killed him.
"Luulen että olen tappanut Barney Quillin."""I think I've killed Barney Quill.""
- Ensimmäinen raiskaajan tappama uhri.It's the first rape victim he's killed.
- Kahdesti Cleganen tappama.Second time I've been killed by a Clegane.
- Kuka se Steven tappama mies oli?Who was he? The man Steve killed.
- Wayne Osbornen tappama postimies. - Niin.- The mailman killed by Wayne Osborne.
- Ei. Herra Whitea ei tapettu toisen kelan aikana, vaan ensimmäisen.Mr. White was not killed during the second reel of that film.
- Miksei tätä ole tapettu? - Kielsin sen.- Why have you not killed this one?
Cahillin perhe on ilmoittanut, että Päällikköä ei tapettu IRA:n toimesta, - vaan siksi, että joku näki suuret rahasummat ja halusi vallata alan.Cahill's family has stated that the General - and I quote - "was not killed by the lRA, but because someone saw how much money he made and wanted to take over."
Ehkä Ray Miloa ei tapettu lakeijan työstään sinulle.Or a killer hired by a lover. Which could mean that Ray Milo was not killed because he was your lackey.

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