- Aina kannattaa imarrella. | - Yeah, flattery will get you everywhere. |
- Ei sinun tarvitse imarrella. | - You don't have to flatter me, dear. |
- Eipäs nyt imarrella itseämme. | -Let's not flatter ourselves. |
- En halua imarrella sinua. | I'm not interested in flattering you. |
- Osaattepa te imarrella. | And you are a flatterer, Colonel. |
Pelastunko jos imartelen? | Will flattery save my life? |
- Brutus, imartelet Cascaa. | Brutus, you'll turn Casca's head with your flattery. |
- Kunhan imartelet. | Oh, you're just trying to flatter me. |
- Nyt imartelet itseäsi. | Now you flatter yourself. |
- Sinä imartelet. | You flatter! |
-Sinä imartelet minua. | Oh, you do flatter me. |
- Auda imartelee minua. | -Auda flatters me. |
Hän imartelee Santeeta ja puhuu politiikasta. - Hän on samaa mieltä. | She flatters Santee, she speaks to his political convictions, he mostly agrees with her. |
Hän imartelee minua, koska luulee hyötyvänsä siitä | He flatters me because he thinks it will be to his benefit. |
Hän imartelee minua. | He flatters me. |
Hän sanoo, että se imartelee kauneuttani. | He says it flatters my beauty. |
- Aloitetaan Romeosta. Hän on viisastelija. Jos imartelemme häntä, hän voi höpötellä kaikenlaista. | He's one of those know-it-all types that if we flatter the wig off him, he'll chatter like a gooney bird at mating time. |
Siivoamme taloja, kasvatamme lapsia, imartelemme heitä tuskallamme. | Keep their houses... raise their children, flatter them with our pain. |
- Te imartelette. | Oh, you flatter me. |
Lars Quell, te imartelette minua. | Lars Quell, you're flatter me. |
Minusta imartelette itseänne. | I think you're flattering yourself. |
Te imartelette minua, teidän korkea-arvoisuutenne. | You flatter me, your eminence. |
Te imartelette minua. | Well Elssbett flatters me. And so do you. |
Jotka imartelevat runsaasti ja puhuvat varoen. | With their slavish flattery and cautious conversation. |
Kaikki ei-imartelevat tarinat minusta eivät ole valhetta. | Not all those unflattering legends about me are untrue. |
Kaikki miehet imartelevat kuningatarta. | All men flatter the Queen in hope of advancement. |
Kaikki ne ei imartelevat legendat minusta eivät ole perättömiä. | Not all those unflattering legends about me are untrue. |
Kapteeni ei koskaan tiedä, milloin ihmiset vain imartelevat. | But when you're a captain, you never know when people are just flattering you. |
Sukellat aina, kun sinua imarrellaan, koska itsetuntosi on huono. | Since you don't have much self esteem, whenever you are flattered, you dive. |
Ainoastaan imartelin huomioitanne naurullani. | I merely flattered yours with my laughter. |
Sinä imartelit minua. | I was flattered by what you said earlier. |
- Koska hän imarteli sinua. | Because he flattered you. |
Anteeksi, jos viestini on ollut epäselvä. Intosi imarteli minua. | I felt flattered by your attention, but this ... |
Huomiosi imarteli minua, mutta en ole... | I think I was just flattered by your attention but I'm not... |
Hän hymyili nöyristelevästi, imarteli minua jatkuvasti. | Yeah, she smiled obsequiousIy, flattered me constantly. |
Hän imarteli minua ja lankesin siihen. | Yeah, okay. He flattered me and I fell for it. |
Siksi oletan, että imartelitte. Tai pahempaa, olitte alentuva. | So I guess you flattered me or worse, was condescending. |
Guipure-pitsi on suosittua, ja mousseline de soie - imartelisi runsasta povea. | Guipure lace is very popular and the mousseline de soie would flatter an ample bosom. |
Tuo asu varmasti imartelisi takamustani, eikö vain? | I think those outfits would flatter my ass, don't you? |
- Elä imartele itseäsi. | Don't flatter yourself. |
- Jos muutat mieltäsi... Älä imartele itseäsi. Tämä asia on käsitelty. | If you ever change your mind... don't flatter yourself. |
- Min en imartele. | - Nay, do not think I flatter. |
- Odota. Tämä valo ei imartele häntä. | This light is really unflattering for his complexion. |
- Tuo ei imartele minua. | - That's not very flattering to me. |
- Kuvaus ei ollut imarteleva. | The description was not flattering. |
- Se on imarteleva. | - lt's flattering. |
-Kutsu on imarteleva, mutta... Lento lähtee iltapäivällä. | Your invitation is flattering, but... there's a flight this afternoon. |
Ei kovin imarteleva kuva. | It's not a very flattering portrait, I'm afraid. |
Ei kovin imarteleva. | Not altogether flattering. |
"Olette imarrellut minua monilla ja niin ihmeellisillä lahjoilla." | "You have flattered me with so many and such wondrous gifts. |
- Ei sillä, etten olisi imarreltu, - mutta kenellä on kaksi peukaloa ja on varattu? | Uh, nothat I'm not flattered, but who has two thumbs and is taken? |
Olen imarreltu ja minäkin tunsin sen - kipinöivän vetovoiman välillämme. | No, it's not like I'm not flattered. I am, and, hey, I felt it too-- that crackling chemistry between us. |
Olen kyllä imarreltu, ja voin tehdä juttuja... | Not that I'm not flattered. And not that I'm not willing to do things. |
Silti Gabrielle ei ollut imarreltu. | Still,gabrielle was not flattered. |
Älä luule, etten ole imarreltu. | Elmer, don't think I'm not flattered. |