Aga ma arvan, et ma nikerdan valmis kalasabaseotise. | But I was thinking I could carve the dovetail joint. |
Kas sa veel nikerdad? | Do you still carve? |
Mis sa nikerdad siin? | What'd you carve here? |
Kujutlen tulevikus päeva, kui me puhastame universumi centauridest ja nikerdame nende kontidest väikesi vilepille narnide lastele. | I look forward to the day we've cleansed the universe of Centauri and carve their bones into little flutes for Narn children. |
Me hangime mahagonist karbid ja nikerdame kõigi nimed nendele, milledesse paneme kõigi isikliku õnnekivi. | We get mahogany boxes and carve everyone's names in them. Then inside is each person's individual birthstone. |
Kogemused, mis nikerdavad meie enda erilise koha? | Experiences that carve out our own special place? |
Ma istusin tule ääres ja nikerdasin. | I sit by the fire and carved. |
Ma nikerdasin isegi sinu nimetähed oma karvadesse. | I even carved your initials into my hair... |
Ma nikerdasin ühe neist, kui olin 16. | I carved one of those a day when I was 16. |
Koobas, kuhu oma pere nimed nikerdasid on kaetud sümbolitega. | The cave where you carved your family's names is covered in symbols, the story of your family... |
Andrew nikerdas need. | Andrew carved these. |
Jah, Cass nikerdas sulle ka sellise. | Yeah well, Cass carved you one too. |
Kes selle nikerdas? | Who carved it? |
Käsitsi nikerdasime kaela ja keha. uuristasime sooned, panime krihvritraadid sisse, iga aspekti, ja panime siis kokku. | Hand-carved the neck. , hand-carved the body. sawed the grooves, put the fret wire in, every aspect, and put it together. |
Käsitsi nikerdasime kaela ja keha. | Hand-carved the neck. , hand-carved the body. |
See nikerdati 1500 aastat enne Jumalapoja sündi. | It was carved 1,500 years before the Son of God was born. |
Aitäh. Aga oota. Uh, poleks sa eelistad mulle nikerdama? | But wait, uh, wouldn't you prefer for me to carve? |
Kas ma pean selle sinust välja nikerdama? | Do I have to carve it out of you? |
Ma ei hooli, kui pean nikerdama bambusest ora. See persevest... | I don't care ifl have to carve a spear out ofbamboo, this asshole's- |
Nad peaksid tegelikult puust asju nikerdama... Aga nad et luba mul nuga omada. | They really ought to be carved out of wood... but they won't let me have a knife. |
Aga müüd on minu kord nikerdada. | But now it's my turn to carve. |
Kas sa tahad nikerdada laternat? | You wanna carve a Jack-o' -Lantern? |
Ma ei tea ühtki printsi, kes oskaks niimoodi puitu nikerdada. | I don't know of a prince who could carve wood like this. |
Aastatuhandete jooksul on vihm ja jää nikerdanud kalju tornide ja kuristike maastikuks. | Over millennia, rain and ice carved the rock into a landscape of spires and canyons. |
Mees polnud iial midagi nikerdanud. | The guy had never carved a thing before in his life. |
Sest sa oled endale siin maailmas nikerdanud väikese ümbruskonna, kus sa võid olla rändur... . . .ja erak ja armuke, kuidas sul just tunne on. | You've carved yourself a part in the world as a voyeur. . . . . .a hermit, a lover when you feel like it. |